Academic Programs and Services

University Honors Program

Created in 1958, the University Honors Program at Loyola Marymount University seeks to offer an intellectually creative and rigorous academic community for outstanding students. Because the program serves students from all undergraduate majors, across colleges and schools, it is housed outside of individual colleges and schools and instead is overseen through the Office of the Provost. The University Honors Program offers interdisciplinary Core courses and extra-curricular activities designed to create life-long love of learning and the intellectual habits required to serve others. Although academic excellence is the hallmark of the program, the University Honors Program is equally committed to the education of the whole person, the service of faith, and the promotion of justice.

Students in the University Honors Program take the Honors Core instead of the general LMU core. Our seminar-style courses are taught by talented faculty members from across the University. Our faculty use innovative teaching strategies to create engaging and academically rigorous learning environments.

The University Honors Program also offers co-curricular and extracurricular activities and events that create intellectually stimulating experiences beyond the classroom. A signature of our program is that all Honors students complete independent research or scholarship under a faculty member’s mentorship. Some students’ projects are funded through competitive grants, through the Honors Program. These grant opportunities allow our students to conduct their research in locations around the world. And almost all of our students present their work, either at LMU’s Undergraduate Research Symposium or at national and international conferences.

The University Honors Program is open to students from any school or college of Loyola Marymount University, regardless of major. The Program is administered by the Honors Director, the Honors Associate Director, and the Honors Program Coordinator with the assistance of the Honors Advisory Council. Faculty members of all disciplines are encouraged to be involved with the University Honors Program.

Students in the University Honors Program must maintain a 3.50 cumulative GPA and attend a majority of Honors-sponsored events in order to continue in the program. Graduating students receive an Honors medallion to be worn with their academic regalia at Commencement.

Admission to the University Honors Program is open to all incoming and current first year students. The program is interested in students who display a sense of academic adventure, high motivation, academic rigor, personal responsibility, social awareness, and the constant pursuit of excellence. Incoming first year students must complete a special University Honors Program application (in addition to their application for admission to Loyola Marymount). Current first year students must schedule an interview with the Honors Director, presenting a writing sample from a class taken at Loyola Marymount and a letter of recommendation from a faculty member. Only a limited number of students who apply will be invited to join the University Honors Program. Application materials are available at

Further details on requirements are continued under “University Honors Program” in the University Bulletin.

Academy of Catholic Thought and Imagination

The Academy of Catholic Thought and Imagination at Loyola Marymount University is a community of scholars who work in dialogue with the Catholic intellectual tradition by developing, critically examining, communicating, or otherwise engaging the rich resources of Catholic thought and imagination, especially as it is informed by Jesuit and Ignatian vision. The Academy serves as a hub for scholarship, interdisciplinary research, innovative pedagogy, and creative outreach across LMU’s campus, in the southwest United States and beyond.

ACTI supports a diverse array of activities:

  • Producing scholarship
  • Collaborating with other Jesuit and Catholic institutions
  • Nourishing LMU’s intellectual vitality
  • Collaborating and facilitating interaction with and between existing LMU centers and institutes whose missions overlap that of the Academy
  • Contributing to the development of curricula across schools and departments
  • Engaging wider local, national, and global communities through lectures, symposia, workshops and collaborative events.

ACTI is located on the fourth floor of University Hall, in Suite 4404. For additional information on ACTI services, please call 310.338.7759 or visit the website at

Academic Resource Center

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) at Loyola Marymount University provides academic support for all degree-seeking LMU students. It is the mission of the ARC to promote engaged academic citizenship and to provide opportunities for students to become more fully integrated into the rich and diverse culture of the university. Services include tutoring, university advising, the First To Go Program, and the LMU Common Book Program.

The ARC offers content tutoring for gateway courses in subjects such as chemistry, psychology, and the modern languages, while the undergraduate and graduate tutors in the Writing Center provide one-on-one support for writing assignments in any course.

Students who need assistance locating, understanding, and utilizing their academic planning tools may meet with an ARC University Advisor. University Advisors act as supplemental advisors to LMU faculty and college advisors.

For first-generation college students,the ARC provides special programs, events, and travel opportunities through the First To Go Program. Through the LMU Common Book, in collaboration with the Hannon Library, the ARC conductseventsand provides free copies of the Common Book to students in Rhetorical Arts courses.

The ARC is located on the second floor of Daum Hall, and all services are included in the cost of tuition. For additional information on ARC services, please call 310.338.2847 or visit

Air Force ROTC

Air Force ROTC at Loyola Marymount University provides an opportunity for students to become commissioned officers in the United States Air Force. The program is typically completed in four years, but there is some flexibility for students to finish the requirements on an accelerated timeline. The program seeks to better develop students in the areas of character, leadership, physical fitness, and academic performance. In addition, AFROTC provides opportunities for scholarships and other financial aid. More information can be found under the “Aerospace Studies” section of this University Bulletin.

Basil P. Caloyeras Center for Modern Greek Studies

The Caloyeras Center for Modern Greek Studies provides students with an opportunity to study the culture of contemporary Greece. Courses are offered in Modern Greek history, the Greek Orthodox tradition and spirituality, Modern Greek literature, language and culture, theater, and film. Every summer the Center organizes the Odyssey Program, a four-week travel and study program in Greece. The program is open to all LMU students.

The Center has the following goals:

  • To offer courses in modern Greek language, post-classical and modern literature and history, the Greek Orthodox tradition, theatre, cinema, dance, music, and the fine arts
  • To encourage students to pursue a minor in Modern Greek Studies
  • To sponsor lectures on subjects pertaining to Greece which are of interest to the academic community and to the public at large
  • To encourage students and faculty to pursue studies and research projects in Greece.

The Center supports the courses that lead to a minor in Modern Greek. (See “Classics and Archaeology” in this Bulletin.)

The Center also sponsors and organizes lectures, readings, film screenings, concerts, symposia, and exhibitions on topics of interest to the university and the community at large.

The Caloyeras Center for Modern Greek Studies is located in University Hall. For more information, call 310.338.4463 or visit the website at

LMU Extension

Continuing Education

LMU Extension is the continuing education unit of Loyola Marymount University. Utilizing both in-class and online platforms, LMU Extension offers transformative learning opportunities by means of professional certificate programs, coursework and special events in business and nonprofit development, counseling, education, ministry, the arts and humanities, and other fields of study that support the academic and professional goals of nontraditional students and lifelong learners.

LMU Extension offers certificates, courses, programs, institutes, conferences, and lectures which provide a variety of educational experiences to members of the community. There are three types of classifications of such offerings.

The first of these is Professional Development courses in a certificate or professional development program with identifiable subject areas or in particular disciplines, e.g., teacher education. These are offered under a departmental rubric and carry University semester hours of continuing education/professional development credit. The second type are those courses with academic content falling outside the normal undergraduate or graduate offerings. Such courses and programs are offered under the rubric CNTX. Credit is recorded in semester hours; 1.0 semester hour represents 10 continuing education contact hours. The third type is personal enrichment programs covering a variety of activities that might include dance, martial arts, or yoga, to name but a few.

Regular Loyola Marymount undergraduate students may enroll in “For Credit” LMU Extension courses with permission of their College or School Dean, at the fees quoted for such courses, above and beyond regular full-time tuition. Enrollment in other LMU Extension offerings is unrestricted unless otherwise specified, also at the fees quoted.

LMU Extension is located in University Hall, Suite 1863. For more information, please call 310.338.1971 or visit the website at

Disability Support Services

The Disability Support Services (DSS) Office provides specialized assistance and resources that enable students with documented physical, perceptual, learning, ADD/ADHD, psychiatric disabilities and students on the autism spectrum to achieve maximum independence while pursuing their educational goals. Services are offered to students who have established documented disabilities under federal and state law. Staff specialists constantly interact with all areas of the University to eliminate physical and attitudinal barriers. Please visit our website for more details: or contact us at 310.338.4216. Please note that all information is confidential.

Individualized Study Program

The Individualized Study Program involves a select number of creative and highly motivated students within all colleges and schools of the University whose educational needs and goals cannot fully be met by individual departments or majors. The program is thus designed to offer each participant greater responsibility in determining the content of his or her major program, based upon the goals to which that major is directed. Students may wish to construct their programs or areas of concentration from interdisciplinary, independent study, field work alternatives, or a combination thereof.

The program is open to first-year and sophomores who have completed at least one semester in the participating colleges or school. Once accepted into the program by the Dean of the student’s college or school, the student selects a counselor who assists in designing the specific content of the major in line with the student’s objectives.

The student’s program is then formalized into a contract signed by the student, advisor, and Dean. Upon completion of the contracted course of studies, the student is issued a degree in Individualized Studies.


The First-Year Orientation Program welcomes new students to the Loyola Marymount community. During Orientation, students are introduced to the academic and co-curricular programs of the University, meet with faculty for individual academic advisement, and are assisted in registering for courses. Students also become familiar with all of the services, activities, and resources available to them. Throughout the Orientation Program, students interact in small groups, led by current LMU students. Since Orientation provides a useful introduction to the people, programs, and opportunities LMU offers. All incoming first-year students are required to participate in the program. For additional information, please contact the Orientation office at 310.338.7429 or

The Transfer Orientation Program is the best way to acclimate to life at LMU. Orientation helps students become familiar with their new campus, learn about student life, and introduce them to current and other new students as well as helpful and friendly faculty and staff. Some of the activities that take place at orientation include: opportunities to meet faculty and discuss questions about the University; introductions to LMU’s wide-ranging events, clubs, and organizations; discussions with current students about various involvement opportunities on campus; and a chance to speak with representatives from all administration areas (Registrar, One Card, Financial Aid, etc.). For additional information regarding Transfer Orientation, please contact Transfer Admission at

Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program

The Loyola Marymount University Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program is for those who received a bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year institution in an unrelated field, and have completed less than four of the prerequisite courses for admission to medical or dental school. A minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.2 is required to qualify for the program. The ideal candidate will have had sufficient experience in the medical field, either through volunteer work or previous employment, to serve as a basis for an informed, mature, and committed decision to enter the field of medicine or dentistry.

The program is designed to prepare students for the challenges of medical and dental school by offering intensive, full-time study in the classroom and in the community over a 13-month period. The program enrollment is set at 14-16 students to give individual attention, support, advising, and resources that meet students’ needs.

LMU offers a structured and comprehensive curriculum that gives students the opportunity to prepare for the MCAT or DAT in five terms.

To remain in the program, students will need to successfully complete a full-time load (minimum 12 semester hours Fall and Spring semesters, and 6 semester hours in two 6-week Summer sessions) and maintain a minimum of 3.2 term GPA.

Individuals interested in applying to this program should check the program website for application materials and timeline:

For questions about the program, please send an email to

Preparation for a Career in Law

The University offers several curricula that are appropriate for students who plan to enter law school upon the completion of their undergraduate degree. The prelaw student should select a course of study that insures the development of the skills essential to the successful study of law:

  1. the ability to use language and communicate effectively and
  2. the ability to think critically and creatively.

In addition, the prelaw curriculum must provide a broad understanding of basic human institutions and values.

To insure they follow an appropriate course of study, prelaw students are advised to select their classes in consultation with the University Prelaw Advisor. The Prelaw Advisor also serves as a resource person for students during the law school application process.

Preparation for the Health Professions

The Health Professions Information Program provides the student with regular informational meetings. The Director of the Program serves as a resource person and is available for individual consultation. The Director’s Office distributes relevant materials to prospective applicants and maintains their files for the Health Professions Advisory Committee. The Committee assists students in completing the application process to health professional schools.

The University offers pre-health professional curricula for those students who plan to apply for admission to the following programs: Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, Pediatric Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Medical Technology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Public Health. These curricula are not degree programs, and students who wish to complete the requirements for a Bachelor’s degree before admission to a professional school should select a major within the University. Students usually select a biology, biochemistry, or other science major. Students in other majors should consult with the director early in their college career about blending pre-health profession courses with their chosen major. In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the chosen major, specific requirements of the professional programs should be satisfied. The following lower division courses are usually required:

Code Title Semester Hours
BIOL 101General Biology I3
BIOL 102General Biology II3
BIOL 111General Biology I Lab2
BIOL 112General Biology II Lab2
BIOL 201Cell Function3
BIOL 202Genetics3
CHEM 110General Chemistry I3
CHEM 111General Chemistry I Lab1
CHEM 112General Chemistry II3
CHEM 113General Chemistry II Lab1
CHEM 220Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM 221Organic Chemistry I Lab1
CHEM 222Organic Chemistry II3
CHEM 223Organic Chemistry II Lab1
MATH 122Calculus for the Life Sciences I3
MATH 123Calculus for the Life Sciences II3
PHYS 2500General Physics I4
PHYS 2550General Physics II4
PSYC 1000General Psychology4

In addition, other specified upper division biology, biochemistry, and statistics courses and electives from Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, and the Sciences may be required.

Students should be aware that many health professional schools do not recognize some AP credits and that alternative coursework may need to be completed to meet admission requirements. Please discuss with the Director.

Study Abroad

LMU’s mission inspires the university’s strong commitment to global education. As part of Global-Local Initiatives and an expansive network of institutional partnerships, LMU offers study abroad programming in over 60 locations worldwide, including several U.S.-based options. These semester and summer academic programs, which also include LMU faculty-led cohorts, are administered by LMU Study Abroad and often feature internships, service-learning, and research. LMU Study Abroad provides students with exceptional opportunities to learn from other cultures, earn credits towards graduation, and develop a more global perspective.

To participate, students must first apply with LMU Study Abroad and be in good standing with the university. Students are expected to fully abide by LMU’s Student Codes and Policies, as well as those of the program or host institution, and laws of the host country. Students receive academic credit for successful participation in LMU’s approved programs. Courses can fulfill major/minor/core requirements with approval from the Office of the Registrar. Most program courses are taught in English with language study available. Planning in advance is always recommended to maximize program options.

While participating in LMU’s semester-term programs, students maintain their full-time LMU enrollment and take a full-time course load. For most semester programs, students pay LMU tuition plus program fee and retain applicable financial aid. LMU’s faculty-led summer and short-term programs abroad have separate fees, deadlines, and billing policies.

Earning credit for LMU’s approved study abroad programs

For LMU’s programs that offer transfer credit, students submit a completed Transfer Course Review (TCR) form with the office of the Registrar as part of the study abroad application process. The TCR form should list all courses a student is intending to take along with several alternates. The Office of the Registrar and Associate Deans’ Offices evaluate courses for transferability to LMU, as well as fulfilment of major, minor, or core requirements, and determine the eligibility of each course for LMU degree credit.

  • Study abroad coursework completed through an LMU-approved sponsoring institution must be documented on an official transcript from a U.S. institution accredited by one of the six regional associations of the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities.
  • Study abroad coursework completed at an approved partner institution must be documented on an official academic record from an institution recognized by the Ministry or Department of Education of that country.
  • Up to 18 units earned as transfer work through LMU-approved study abroad can be applied towards LMU’s residency requirement but cannot exceed the transfer policy of 60 units of lower-division or 90 units of upper-division unit for a total maximum of 90 transfer units.

For semester and summer programs that provide LMU credit, students register for their study abroad courses directly through PROWL. A TCR form is not needed.
All students are encouraged to develop a four-year plan that includes studying abroad and consult with their Academic Advisor early on to discuss what required courses in their major or minor may need to be taken on campus at LMU, and what requirements can be accomplished through coursework abroad.

For more information regarding LMU’s Study Abroad opportunities and a complete list of available programs, please consult 

Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles

The Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles is one of the leading undergraduate research centers in the nation. It is a respected leader in public opinion surveys, exit polling, and leadership and community studies.

Founded in 1996, the Center conducts groundbreaking research through its LA Votes exit poll project, LA Riots Anniversary Studies, and LA Region Public Opinion and Leaders Surveys. It provides rigorous, mentored research experiences for undergraduate students with an emphasis on hands-on field research.

The Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles is located in University Hall, Suite 4119. For more information, please call 310.338.4565 or visit the website at

University Library

The William H. Hannon Library serves as the cultural and intellectual heart of the LMU Campus. The librarians at the Hannon Library support the academic success of each student and faculty member by providing outstanding information resources, expert research assistance, and access to advanced technology in a beautiful and comfortable setting. Housed in a modern LEED Gold certified building located centrally on campus overlooking the bluff and the city of Los Angeles, LMU librarians offer services and collections both physical and digital to support the learning and research needs of the LMU community 24 hours a day.

Information literacy-the ability to identify information needs, locate and access relevant information, and critically evaluate a diverse array of sources-is a key skill embedded throughout all four years of the LMU Core Curriculum. LMU Librarians collaborate closely with faculty to offer expert, customized information literacy instruction to help students develop and hone their research and critical thinking skills in every discipline. In addition to research instruction integrated into the classroom, expert help is available from a librarian in-person at the Information Desk and 24/7 in a variety of formats including chat, email, and phone.

Hannon Library’s collections include more than 600,000 ebooks, 598,000+ in print, 53,000+ online journals, and approximately 350 online research databases. The Department of Archives and Special Collections houses rare books, manuscripts, art, and the University Archives. Notable holdings include original works by St. Thomas More, Oliver Goldsmith, and other rare English and American first editions. Other important collections include the papers of the motion picture producer Arthur P. Jacobs, best known for the Planet of the Apes series, and the Werner Von Boltenstern postcard collection, which contains over a million cards. The library also houses the Research Collection of the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles which collects research materials relating to local public officials, post-World War II developers, late twentieth-century reformers, and prominent Catholic families.

The Digital Library Program leads and facilitates digital scholarship and digital humanities on campus. LMU Digital Collections showcases digitized materials from the Department of Archives and Special Collections, contain materials in various formats, and cover a variety of subject areas including the history of Southern California, Catholicism in Los Angeles, and Loyola Marymount University; postcards from around the world; medieval manuscripts and more. Digital Commons at Loyola Marymount University and Loyola Law School, an initiative of the William H. Hannon Library and the William M. Rains Library, serves faculty and institutional interests by collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating faculty and student scholarship and creative works in a digital, open-access environment. It also serves as the platform for the publication of the university’s law and other academic journals.

The library also contributes to the education of the whole person through a robust and diverse lineup of cultural and intellectual programming and exhibitions. By partnering with a wide range of campus units throughout the academic year, the library offers entertaining and educational author talks, discussions, receptions, installations, and performances designed to highlight library collections and the research and creative works of our LMU students and faculty.