LMU Extension


Robert A. Hurteau
Interim Senior Director
Director, Center for Religion and Spirituality

Diana Luna
Associate Director, Continuing Education Programs

Michael McNaught
Assistant Director, Center for Religion and Spirituality

Elsy Arévalo
Assistant Director, Center for Religion and Spirituality

Mission of LMU Extension

As the continuing education arm of Loyola Marymount University, LMU Extension offers degree programs, professional certificate programs, coursework, and customized learning opportunities that further the academic and professional goals of adult learners and non-traditional students. Programs are offered on campus, at various locations in the community, and online.

Organization of LMU Extension

LMU Extension offers degree programs, certificate programs, professional development, and enrichment. LMU Extension is comprised of two units: Continuing Education and the Center for Religion and Spirituality.

LMU Extension degree program courses are developed especially for adult students admitted to such a program. Students admitted to an LMU Extension degree program may only take courses offered by LMU Extension; they may not take courses offered by other LMU Schools or Colleges. LMU Extension degree program courses are for LMU Extension students only.

While Loyola Marymount undergraduate students enrolled in other Schools and Colleges cannot enroll in LMU Extension degree program courses, they may enroll in LMU Extension non-degree courses with permission of their Dean, at the fees quoted for such courses, above and beyond regular full-time tuition. Enrollment in other LMU Extension enrichment offerings is unrestricted unless otherwise specified, also at the fees quoted.

Continuing Education

Utilizing both in-class and online platforms, Continuing Education offers transformative learning opportunities by means of professional certificate programs; coursework; and special events in business and nonprofit development, counseling, education, the arts and humanities, and other fields of study that support the academic and professional goals of nontraditional students and lifelong learners.

Continuing Education offers certificates, courses, programs, institutes, conferences, and lectures which provide a variety of educational experiences to members of the community. There are three types of classifications of such offerings.

  1. Professional Development courses in a certificate or professional development program with identifiable subject areas or in particular disciplines, e.g., teacher education. These are offered under a departmental rubric and carry University semester hours of continuing education/professional development credit.
  2. Courses with academic content falling outside the normal undergraduate or graduate offerings. Such courses and programs are offered under the rubric CNTX. Credit is recorded in semester hours; 1.0 semester hour represents 10 continuing education contact hours.
  3. Personal enrichment programs covering a variety of activities that might include dance, martial arts, or yoga, to name but a few.

Continuing Education is located in University Hall, Suite 1863. For more information, please call 310.338.1971 or visit the website at http://academics.lmu.edu/extension.

Center for Religion and Spirituality

Established as the Center for Pastoral Studies in 1977, the Center for Religion and Spirituality is one of Loyola Marymount’s interdisciplinary centers, and an embodiment of the University’s commitment to serve the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, neighboring dioceses, and religious communities throughout Southern California.

The purpose of the Center is to provide educational opportunities for adult learners that strengthen their religious and spiritual formation as ministers, educators, and leaders who are committed to service and the pursuit of justice in their own communities.

In collaboration with University faculty, the local Church, and religious leaders, the Center carries out this purpose in three ways: degree programs and continuing education in theology, religion, and spirituality with an emphasis on pastoral leadership; theological research that is interdisciplinary, intercultural, and interreligious; and outreach to individual parishes, religious institutions, and faith-based organizations.

The Center offers degree and certificate programs.

The Center for Religion and Spirituality is located in University Hall, Suite 1863. For more information, please call 310.338.2799 or visit the website at http://extension.lmu.edu/crs.

Degrees, Programs, and Courses

Theological Studies Degree Completion Program

LMU Extension Online Catalog