Business Law (BLAW)

BLAW 3210  Legal Tools for Business Professionals  (4 semester hours)  
This is an exciting course that will explore and give important tools to students to better navigate areas of business law. The course is perfect for students who are interested in law school and related legal professions, careers in banking, careers in accounting, and careers in business or governmental compliance. This course is a survey course of a number of different areas in the law that directly impact business. The course will go into more depth and expand on concepts learned in BCOR 2210 (such as contracts and business entities), and introduce new, relevant, more complex areas of business law such as federal securities regulation and corporate governance, creditor's rights, agency law, the legal protections surrounding real and personal property and the role or impact of having professional standards. Prerequisite: BCOR 2210.
BLAW 3270  Marketing Law  (4 semester hours)  
An upper-level elective focused on the legal and regulatory environment surrounding the activities and relationships between business and consumers. Some topics and laws addressed by the course include product safety, design and warnings, antitrust behaviors in distribution and pricing, deception and fairness standards for advertising, sales, and promotions. The course also includes a creative component and writing flag where students apply certain laws to particular marketing practices. (See MRKT 3570.) Prerequisites: BCOR 2210 and BCOR 3510.
BLAW 4210  Entertainment Law  (4 semester hours)  
The course provides students with practical and general business and legal knowledge that they will need if they work in film, television, and new media entities or if they operate their own entertainment business. Course will consist of a broad overview of the business of entertainment and entertainment law, including: understanding various business entities; knowledge of key legal terms in entertainment agreements; and understanding and preparation for business and legal issues found in entertainment. Prerequisite: BCOR 2210.
BLAW 4220  Employee Rights and Employer Responsibilities  (4 semester hours)  
This course provides a broad overview of federal and state employment laws, administrative agency regulations, and judicial decisions that govern the management of human resources. It provides a framework for the analysis and implementation of procedures that impact the employer-employee relationship in the workplace. The course is highly interactive and surveys key legal terms and concepts critical for the employee to protect his/her rights and to understand the employer's legal/ethical responsibilities. The course will also explore the regulations and legal/ethical duties of human resources professionals and allow for active interaction with a variety of human resource professionals. Key topics covered will include the rules for proper advertising, screening, interviewing, and hiring of applicants; an analysis of the procedures that shape the training, promotion, discipline, and termination of employees; grievance handling, anti-discrimination laws, employee rights, health and safety regulations leaves of absence, harassment prevention, regulatory compliance, and administrative adjudication of claims. Prerequisite: BCOR 2210.
BLAW 4230  Sports Law  (4 semester hours)  
Sports Law is a practical course that focuses on the nature, formation, and application of traditional legal concepts in relation to sports as a business and social entity. This upper division elective provides a comprehensive introduction to the different dimensions of the legal environment and their influence on the business of sports. Prerequisite: BCOR 2210.
BLAW 4240  Real Estate Law  (4 semester hours)  
A study of the legal aspects involved in real estate ventures. This course will explore the nature of property and land transactions, management based on current law code, and existing case law. This course provides an excellent legal foundation for students with an interest in future property ownership. Prerequisite: BCOR 2210.
BLAW 4250  International Business Law  (4 semester hours)  
This course provides an excellent legal foundation for the international operation of businesses. Students will address balancing the legal interests of domestic and international parties and will explore the applicable legal guidelines and case history. Prerequisites: BCOR 2210 and BCOR 3860.
BLAW 4260  Law for the Entrepreneur  (4 semester hours)  
This course addresses the legal aspects of entrepreneurship and creating new ventures. Entrepreneurs face many challenges as they purpose a new business idea and may not have the funding or resources to immediately seek legal counsel. With the right legal tools, they can learn to identify potential legal issues and take steps that provide significant legal protections and avoid future liability. Students will learn to recognize potential legal issues through case studies and when to hire attorneys and how to effectively work with attorneys to resolve these issues. In addition to discussing applicable legal rules, the course will focus on practical steps entrepreneurs can take to build and protect a new venture or small business. The goal of the course will be for students to have a better understanding of practical ways they can protect a new venture or small business and spot potential issues from a business-legal perspective. The course is designed for entrepreneurs and any student interested in learning about the legal aspects of entrepreneurship. Prerequisite: BCOR 2210.
BLAW 4270  Integration of Law, Ethics, and Spirituality  (4 semester hours)  
An upper division survey course dealing with many current legal issues connected to ethics and spirituality. In effect, the goal is to develop a deeper appreciation regarding the effective interrelationship between law, ethics, and spirituality when dealing with complex issues. In order to develop one's ability to apply the tools of ethics, law, and spirituality, specific cases and situations in the employment law venue will be utilized. Moreover, an interfaith gloss on ethics and spirituality will be provided by hearing a few key scholars from some of the following religious traditions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Catholicism, Judaism, and Protestantism. This interfaith gloss will allow for additional important concepts to enter into our classroom discussions. Simply put, this is a highly creative, interactive, and exciting offering. Prerequisite: BCOR 2210.
BLAW 4298  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
BLAW 4299  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)