CMST 1600 Nature of Theory (4 semester hours)
CMST 1700 Nature of Inquiry (4 semester hours)
CMST 2100 Relational Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 2200 Intercultural Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 2300 Organizational Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 2400 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (4 semester hours)
CMST 2500 Media Studies (4 semester hours)
CMST 2700 Interrogating Tourism (4 semester hours)
CMST 2720 The Power of Quantitative Reasoning (4 semester hours)
CMST 2800 Advanced Public Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 2900 Communication Approaches to PR (4 semester hours)
CMST 2998 Special Studies (1-4 semester hours)
CMST 2999 Independent Studies (1-4 semester hours)
CMST 3110 Gender Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3120 Family Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3130 Prosocial Behavior and Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3150 Persuasion (4 semester hours)
CMST 3180 Leadership and Interpersonal Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3190 Advanced Topics in Relational Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3191 Relationships in Context (4 semester hours)
CMST 3192 Global Intimacies (4 semester hours)
CMST 3193 Family Communication in an Unequal World (4 semester hours)
CMST 3210 Power and Culture (4 semester hours)
CMST 3220 Race, Culture and Sport (4 semester hours)
CMST 3230 Critical Pedagogies in Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3240 Kaleidoscope of Culture & Identity (4 semester hours)
CMST 3245 Media and Intercultural Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3250 Locating Culture on Monsters & Monstrosity (4 semester hours)
CMST 3290 Advanced Topics in Intercultural Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3310 Media and Marketing Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3320 Sexualities and Organizational Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3325 Communication and Healthcare (4 semester hours)
CMST 3330 Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility (4 semester hours)
CMST 3335 Sport and Public Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3350 Nonprofit Communication Campaigns (4 semester hours)
CMST 3370 Gender and the Workplace (4 semester hours)
CMST 3380 Communication Consulting (4 semester hours)
CMST 3390 Advanced Topics in Organizational Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3410 Political Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3420 Rhetoric of Women (4 semester hours)
CMST 3425 Rhetoric and Race (4 semester hours)
CMST 3430 Culture, Crime, and Punishment (4 semester hours)
CMST 3450 Rhetoric of Social Movements (4 semester hours)
CMST 3451 Disability Justice (4 semester hours)
CMST 3453 Snarling Citizens, Media & Dissent (4 semester hours)
CMST 3455 Public Advocacy and Activism (4 semester hours)
CMST 3460 Gender, Sexuality, and the Media (4 semester hours)
CMST 3470 Primetime Crime (4 semester hours)
CMST 3480 Visual Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3490 Advanced Topics in Rhetoric (4 semester hours)
CMST 3510 Wires and Empires (4 semester hours)
CMST 3520 Digital Self (4 semester hours)
CMST 3525 Social Media Management (4 semester hours)
CMST 3530 Digital Rhetoric (4 semester hours)
CMST 3540 Environmental Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3545 Immersed in Urban Oil: Documenting Los Angeles Petrocultures (4 semester hours)
CMST 3550 Documentary in the Digital Age (4 semester hours)
CMST 3555 Sound Studies: The Art of Podcast (4 semester hours)
CMST 3557 Project Citizen: Digital Storytelling (4 semester hours)
CMST 3560 Mass Communication Law & Regulation (4 semester hours)
CMST 3565 Business of Media (4 semester hours)
CMST 3566 Media Entrepreneurship (4 semester hours)
CMST 3570 Critical Issues in Journalism (4 semester hours)
CMST 3571 The Rise of Cable News: From CNN to YouTube (4 semester hours)
CMST 3575 Citizen Media (4 semester hours)
CMST 3580 Communicating Space and Place (4 semester hours)
CMST 3585 Media Ethnography (4 semester hours)
CMST 3590 Advanced Topics in Media Studies (4 semester hours)
CMST 3630 For the Love of the Game (4 semester hours)
CMST 3640 Popular Culture and the Law (4 semester hours)
CMST 3650 Performance, Culture, and Sexualities (4 semester hours)
CMST 3660 Making Social Worlds (4 semester hours)
CMST 3670 Communication Theory and Popular Culture (4 semester hours)
CMST 3671 Comix and the Graphic Novel (4 semester hours)
CMST 3710 Community Based Learning (4 semester hours)
CMST 3810 Advanced Forensics (4 semester hours)
CMST 3820 Communication Practicum (4 semester hours)
CMST 3830 Communication and Legal Practice (4 semester hours)
CMST 3840 Mediation and Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3855 Media Sport Culture Ethics (4 semester hours)
CMST 3860 Entertainment Management and Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3900 Principles of Public Relations (3 semester hours)
CMST 3910 Writing for Public Relations (3 semester hours)
CMST 3920 Public Relations Strategies (3 semester hours)
CMST 3930 Business and Professional Communication (4 semester hours)
CMST 3980 Internship for CMST Minor Programs (1 semester hour)
CMST 3998 Special Studies (1-4 semester hours)
CMST 3999 Independent Studies (1-4 semester hours)
CMST 4150 Relational Communication Capstone (4 semester hours)
CMST 4250 Intercultural Communication Capstone (4 semester hours)
CMST 4350 Organizational Communication Capstone (4 semester hours)
CMST 4450 Rhetoric Capstone (4 semester hours)
CMST 4500 Media Studies Capstone (4 semester hours)
CMST 4999 Independent Studies (1-4 semester hours)