Dance (DANC)

DANC 100  Orientation to Dance  (1 semester hour)  
An introduction to the discipline of Dance for dance major. Course topics include health and wellness, student life at LMU and important programs offered throughout the campus as they relate to the dance artist and their career goals in performance, choreography, and teaching. The course will also provide alum connections, an introduction to the L.A. dance community, and other important aspects of both the Dance major and the larger field of dance. Majors only. May be repeated for degree credit up to 2 times. Offered Fall Semester.
DANC 102  Modern/Contemporary Dance I  (0-2 semester hours)  
Fundamental movement techniques in the idiom of modern, post-modern, and contemporary forms. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 120  Ballet I  (0-2 semester hours)  
Barre and center work for alignment, strength, flexibility, and coordination. Introduction to ballet terminology, aesthetics, and study of fundamentals of style and history. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 142  Jazz Dance I  (0-2 semester hours)  
An introduction to the art of jazz dance. Emphasis on fundamental alignment and rhythmic skills as well as styling. Study of the aesthetics of entertainment. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 144  Tap Dance I  (0-2 semester hours)  
An introduction to tap dance and its history. Focus on specific skills in tap dance involving vocabulary, keeping time, music theory, and rhythm. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 160  Fundamentals of Dance Composition I: The Chroeographic Process  (3 semester hours)  
Principles of the choreographic process in relation to movement invention, choreographic devices, choreographic craft, presentation, feedback, and reflection. Groundwork in aesthetics and compositional theory. Dance majors and minors only. Offered Fall Semester. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience.
DANC 161  Fundamentals of Dance Composition II: Dance Improvisation  (3 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 160 with an emphasis on dance improvisation as a choreographic practice and in performance. Dance majors and minors only. Offered Spring semester.
DANC 163  Introduction to Choreography  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to dance composition for the non-major. Exploration of space, time, and energy through movement, sound, and text. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience.
DANC 174  Introduction to Yoga  (1 semester hour)  
An introduction to the theory and practice of yoga through exercise, meditation, and selected readings.
DANC 183  Stagecraft for Dancers  (1 semester hour)  
Introduction to basic principles of lighting, costuming, and production management. Offered Spring semester.
DANC 198  Special Studies  (0-2 semester hours)  
DANC 199  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
DANC 202  Modern/Contemporary Dance II  (0-2 semester hours)  
Increased emphasis on energy, range, and expression. Complex rhythmic patterns and movement designs are explored. Introduction to performance technique and study of historical context and aesthetic principles. Corequisite: DANC 253. May be repeated once for degree credit. Audition: First class meeting. Lab fee required.
DANC 220  Ballet II  (0-2 semester hours)  
Learning to execute the vocabulary of ballet movement with technical accuracy. Beginning combinations across the floor. Continuation of study of history and aesthetics of the ballet style. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 222  Fundamentals of Ballet Technique  (0-2 semester hours)  
The study of the dynamics, line, skillful execution, and expressive performance of Ballet for students with beginning to intermediate experience with the form. Majors/minors only. May be repeated once for degree credit. Lab fee required.
DANC 242  Jazz Dance II  (0-2 semester hours)  
Study of the fundamental stylistic qualities and tenets of jazz dance. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 244  Tap Dance II  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 144. Increased focus on musicality. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 248  Musical Theatre Dance I  (0-2 semester hours)  
Study of the fundamental dance and performance skills associated with musical theater dance.
DANC 253  Pilates for First Year  (0-1 semester hours)  
Supplemental training for first year students with goals of improving technique and performance while limiting risk of injury. Laboratory course. Corequisite: DANC 202 Modern/Contemporary II. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 260  Laban Movement Analysis: Applications for Dance Making  (3 semester hours)  
Study of Rudolf Laban's method of systematic description of qualitative change in movement. Application in choreography, in teaching and in learning movement. Prerequisites: DANC 160 and either DANC 161 or DANC 163. Dance majors and Dance minors only. University Core fulfilled: Flag: Quantitative Reasoning. Offered Fall Semester.
DANC 262  Dance Styles and Forms  (3 semester hours)  
Exploration of dance composition based on styles of noted choreographers. Study of dance compositional forms. Theory and practice as modes of study. Prerequisites: DANC 160 or DANC 163; DANC 161 and DANC 260. Offered Spring Semester.
DANC 281  History of Dance Theatre  (3 semester hours)  
An interrogation of the social, gendered, anthropological, sexual, technical, and historical constructions around and within Western European dance with emphasis on new narratives of inclusion. For DANC majors and minors only or by permission of instructor. Offered Spring semester.
DANC 282  I Am, Therefore I Dance: Dance, Culture, and Society  (3 semester hours)  
A study of dance as a cultural, political and socio-economic phenomena. Dance forms and practices from diverse communities and groups in the United States, including their historical and cultural origins and current contexts, will form the focus of study. Majors/minors only or by permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Foundations: Studies in American Diversity. Lab fee required.
DANC 291  Equitable Commercial Dance: Learning Community  (0-1 semester hours)  
An embodied study of commercial dance through the lens of inclusivity and that prioritizes equitable practices. Classes will be taught by guest teachers from the L.A. commercial dance industry and will include dance technique and career advising Audition: First Class Meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit. Lab fee required.
DANC 298  Special Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
DANC 299  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
DANC 302  Modern/Contemporary Dance III  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 202. More complex rhythmic patterns and movement design. Concentrated work on performance and projection techniques. Dance films and study of current research on dance criticism. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit. Lab fee required.
DANC 320  Ballet III  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 220 and/or DANC 222. Variations from the repertory of classic ballet. Familiarity with the music, scenarios, and staging of several traditional ballets. Dance films and study of current research on dance criticism. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit. Lab fee required.
DANC 323  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 220, 222, and 320. Augmented work in ballet technique and performance. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated 3 times for degree credit. Lab fee required.
DANC 342  Jazz Dance III  (0-2 semester hours)  
Focus on styling and performance. Theoretical study of selected jazz dance artists and the impact of film and video on jazz dance. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 344  Tap Dance III  (0-2 semester hours)  
A continuation of DANC 244. Focus on developing better skills, exploring rhythms, and mastering ability to keep time and phrase rhythms. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 345  Jazz Dance IV  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 342. Emphasis on study of jazz dance, hip hop, funk, and other dance styles used in commercial/media dance. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 347  Hip Hop: Collective Rhythms  (0-2 semester hours)  
Study of hip hop as a cultural dance form. May be repeated up to seven times. Students may only earn up to 8 credit hours across all instances of the course.
DANC 348  Musical Theatre Dance II  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 248. Practice of the dance technique and performance skills associated with musical theatre. Study of music, costuming, and acting dimensions of musical theatre dance. Audition: First class meeting. Majors/minors only.
DANC 353  Dance Conditioning  (0-2 semester hours)  
Laboratory courses using specialized training modalities selected from Pilates. Pilates Lab is a laboratory course using the Pilates Reformer as the primary instructional apparatus. Pilates Mat is a laboratory course based on the Pilates mat exercise method of training. May be repeated up to seven times. Students may only earn up to 8 credit hours across all instances of the course.
DANC 363  Multiples Ways of Knowing and Showing: Music and Dance  (3 semester hours)  
This course will introduce students to fundamental principles and concepts in Music and Dance. Students will study the elements of Music and Dance and engage in creative expression. They will investigate each art form as a discrete discipline, and they will investigate how these art forms integrate with each other as well as with other subjects in the pre K-12 curriculum (e.g., reading, mathematics, sciences, and social studies). The course emphasizes learning using multiple intelligences (Musical Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Existential Intelligence, and Social-Interpersonal/Intrapersonal Intelligences, along with Verbal-Linguistic, Mathematical, and Visual-Spatial Intelligence). Students will focus on these intelligences as discrete and diverse ways of knowing and expressing facts, concepts, and feelings. They will also practice integration of these intelligences experiencing the possibilities of the potential synergy when these intelligences work in concert with each other. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors only. Meets Liberal Studies Credential requirement. Lab fee required. Offered Spring semester.
DANC 364  Multiples Ways of Knowing and Showing: Laboratory  (1 semester hour)  
Practicum for DANC 363. Offered Spring semester.
DANC 371  Martial Arts  (0-2 semester hours)  
Study of Tae kwan do, Hap Ki Do, Kuk Sool, or other selected martial arts styles. May be repeated once for degree credit. Lab fee required.
DANC 374  Yoga I  (0-2 semester hours)  
Theory and practice of yoga through exercise, meditation, and selected readings.
DANC 375  Yoga II  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of yogo practice begun in Yoga I. Prerequisite: DANC 374.
DANC 376  Yoga for Dancers  (0-2 semester hours)  
Yoga practice particularly designed for those pursuing in-depth dance technique training. Majors only.
DANC 377  Dance Production  (0-1 semester hours)  
Serving as crew member for 30 hours of Dance Production work in the areas of lighting, publicity, costuming, staging, and/or related fields.
DANC 378  Service Project  (1 semester hour)  
Completion of a service project on campus or in the community.
DANC 379  Dance Tour Group: Teaching and Performance in the Field  (0-3 semester hours)  
Performance groups who choreograph, produce, perform, and teach on campus and select K-12 schools, dance studios, community centers, and other venues off campus. May be repeated for degree credit up to 4 times.
DANC 380  Introduction to Music  (3 semester hours)  
Study of the elements of music theory and history which are common to dance and music. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors only. Majors/minors only.
DANC 382  Djembe Drumming  (2 semester hours)  
An introduction to the techniques and rhythms of West African djembe drumming
DANC 385  Movement Arts for Children  (3 semester hours)  
Movement Arts experience ("new games," dance, sport) and study of the child's physical and motor development. Designed as pre-service Elementary School teacher training. Meets Liberal Studies Credential requirements. Offered Fall semester.
DANC 387  Dance as Social Action  (0-3 semester hours)  
Theoretical, practical, and artistic exploration of Dance as a cultural phenomenon and its role in social change. Prerequisites: DANC 102 or DANC 202, and DANC 281 or DANC 282. Majors/minors only or by permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Flag: Engaged Learning (when taken for 3 semester hours).
DANC 388  Careers in Dance  (1 semester hour)  
Practical and theoretical study of dance-related careers. Junior and Senior Dance majors only. Lab Fee required.
DANC 397  Dance in Its Cultural Context  (0-2 semester hours)  
A study of a selected dance form as it is contextualized in its original time, place, social, and/or religious origin. Fulfills the World Dance requirement for Majors and Minors May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 398  Special Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
DANC 399  Independent Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
DANC 402  Modern/Contemporary Dance IV  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 302. Study focuses on subtlety in energy, range, and expression, along with concentration of style, rhythmic patterns, and movement design. Dance films and study of current research on dance criticism. May be repeated once for degree credit. Audition: First class meeting. Lab fee required.
DANC 403  Friday Dance Workshop  (0-1 semester hours)  
In-depth exploration of dance or performance technique and partnering. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated for degree credit up to 7 times.
DANC 404  Modern/Contemporary Dance V  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 402. Study focuses on increasing subtlety in energy, range, and expression, along with concentration on style, rhythmic patterns, and movement designs. Focus on style and professional work. Prerequisites: DANC 102 or DANC 202, and DANC 302 and DANC 402. May be repeated once for degree credit. Lab fee required.
DANC 421  Pointe and Variations  (0-2 semester hours)  
Study of pointe work in ballet and reconstruction of variations from ballets of different periods. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 423  Ballet V  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 420. Prerequisite: DANC 320 or DANC 323 or DANC 420. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit. Lab fee required.
DANC 444  Tap Dance IV  (0-2 semester hours)  
A continuation of DANC 344. Focus on developing better skills, exploring rhythms, and mastering ability to keep time and phrase rhythms. Audition: First class meeting. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 445  Jazz Dance V  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 345. Emphasis on study of jazz dance, hip hop, funk, and other dance styles used in commercial/media dance. By audition only. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 446  Jazz Dance VI  (0-2 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 445. Pre-professional emphasis including auditioning and career planning. Prerequisites: DANC 242 or DANC 342, and DANC 345 and DANC 445. Senior standing required. By audition only. May be repeated once for degree credit. Lab fee required.
DANC 460  Dance Theory and Criticism  (3 semester hours)  
Formal seminar in philosophy of dance and aesthetic criticism. Prerequisites: DANC 281 and DANC 282. Senior standing required. Majors only.
DANC 461  Senior Thesis: Project  (3 semester hours)  
An investigation of the creative process in relation to dance specific artistry. Preparation and development of senior thesis. Majors only.
DANC 462  Mentorship: Senior Thesis  (0-1 semester hours)  
One-on-one guidance on the development and presentation of the Senior Thesis Project. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 479  Rehearsal and Performance  (0-3 semester hours)  
Format varies by semester. Auditioning, rehearsing, performing, and/or producing in the Dance Department main stage productions. Majors and minors only. May be repeated for degree credit up to 8 times, for a total of 12 semester hours. University Core fulfilled: Flag: Engaged Learning.
DANC 480  Kinesiology for Dancers I  (3 semester hours)  
Fundamentals of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of movement. Applied to the teaching and performance of dance and to the care of the dancer. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Nature of Science, Technology, and Mathematics. Offered in the Fall semester.
DANC 481  Kinesiology for Dancers II  (3 semester hours)  
Continuation of DANC 480. Discusses the integration of the science of movement with the art of dance. Explores anatomy and biomechanics of the major joints of the human body. Prerequisite: DANC 480 or HHSC 1550 or permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections. Offered in the Spring semester.
DANC 484  Principles of Teaching Dance  (3 semester hours)  
Theory and practice of effective dance instruction, including methods, lesson plans, and practice teaching of high school students and adults. Prerequisites: DANC 102 and DANC 202, or DANC 202 and DANC 302, and DANC 160 or DANC 163. Majors/minors only.
DANC 485  Internships  (1-3 semester hours)  
Work experience in teaching, health care, or business. May be repeated once for degree credit.
DANC 487  Dance Media and Technology  (3 semester hours)  
Use of computer technology and other media in the making and performance of dance. Lab fee required. Alternate semesters.
DANC 489  Performance Techniques Workshop  (0-1 semester hours)  
An in-depth exploration of performance techniques in ballet, modern dance, jazz dance, and other selected dance genre. May be repeated for degree credit up to 4 times (maximum 4 semester hours). Lab fee required. Offered Fall semester.
DANC 498  Special Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
DANC 499  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)