Clinical Education (EDCE)

EDCE 410  Elementary Directed Teaching  (9-12 semester hours)  
Full-time supervised teaching in two culturally diverse public elementary schools; seminar sessions held throughout the semester, which include instruction in art, music, and physical education. Credit/No Credit only. Admission by special approval.
EDCE 412  Secondary Directed Teaching  (9-12 semester hours)  
Full-time supervised teaching in one culturally diverse public middle and/or high school; seminar sessions held throughout the semester support the student in successfully completing his or her teaching. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 456  Directed Teaching with Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities  (6 semester hours)  
Actual teaching experience with culturally and linguistically diverse students with mild/moderate disabilities. Must have completed prerequisite and professional coursework in Special Education and be approved by the Coordinator of Fieldwork the semester prior to enrolling. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 459  Student Teaching Seminar  (3 semester hours)  
Students take this course in conjunction with EDCE 456, Directed Teaching with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities. Corequisite: EDCE 456. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 461  Teaching Performance Assessment 1  (0 semester hours)  
Students enrolled in the course will complete Task 1 of the Teaching Performance Assessment. Fee required. Special approval required.
EDCE 462  Teaching Performance Assessment 2  (0 semester hours)  
Students enrolled in the course will complete Task 2 of the Teaching Performance Assessment. Fee required. Special approval required.
EDCE 463  Teaching Performance Assessment 3  (0 semester hours)  
Students enrolled in the course will complete Task 3 of the Teaching Performance Assessment. Prerequisites: EDCE 461 and 462. Corequisite: EDCE 410 or 412. Fee required.
EDCE 464  Teaching Performance Assessment 4  (0 semester hours)  
Students enrolled in the course will complete Task 4 of the Teaching Performance Assessment. Fee required. Prerequisites: EDCE 461 and 462. Concurrent enrollment with EDCE 410 or 412 required.
EDCE 498  Special Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
EDCE 499  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
EDCE 5950  Teaching Performance Assessment Task 1, Subject Specific Pedagogy  (0 semester hours)  
Students enrolled in this course will complete Task 1 of the Teaching Performance Assessment. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required. Fee required.
EDCE 5951  Teaching Performance Assessment Task 2, Subject Designing Instruction  (0 semester hours)  
Students enrolled in this course will complete Task 2 of the Teaching Performance Assessment. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required. Fee required.
EDCE 5952  Teaching Performance Assessment Task 3, Assessing Learning  (0 semester hours)  
Students enrolled in this course will complete Task 3 of the Teaching Performance Assessment. Prerequisites: EDCE 5950 and EDCE 5951. Fee required. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5953  Teaching Performance Assessment Task 4, Culminating Teaching Experience  (0 semester hours)  
Students enrolled in this course will complete Task 4 of the Teaching Performance Assessment. Prerequisites: EDCE 5950, EDCE 5951, and EDCE 5952. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required. Fee required.
EDCE 5961  Early Childhood Fieldwork 1  (1 semester hour)  
EDCE 5962  Early Childhood Fieldwork 2  (1 semester hour)  
EDCE 5963  Early Childhood Fieldwork 3  (1 semester hour)  
EDCE 5970  Fieldwork 1  (1 semester hour)  
This course is designed to enhance the field experiences of teacher practitioners/interns through reflective experiences, supervised teaching, and collaboration between the candidates, university personnel, and the mentor teacher. The course is designed around the needs of the candidates. Interns and Teacher Practitioners only. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5971  Fieldwork 2  (1 semester hour)  
This course is a continuation of Fieldwork 1. Prerequisite: EDCE 5970. Interns and Teacher Practitioners only. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5972  Fieldwork 3  (1 semester hour)  
This course is a continuation of Fieldwork 2. Prerequisites: EDCE 5970 and EDCE 5971. Interns and Teacher Practitioners only. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5973  Fieldwork 4  (1 semester hour)  
This course is a continuation of Fieldwork 3. Prerequisites: EDCE 5970, EDCE 5971, and EDCE 5972. Interns and Teacher Practitioners only. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5974  Fieldwork Support  (1-3 semester hours)  
This course is offered as additional fieldwork support. Prerequisite: EDCE 5970 or EDCE 5971 or EDCE 5972 or EDCE 5973. Intern and Teacher Practitioners only. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5976  Elementary Directed Teaching  (6-9 semester hours)  
Full-time supervised teaching in two culturally diverse public elementary schools. Supervision by master teacher and university supervisor while working with individuals, small groups, and the entire class. Development of classroom management and teaching strategies that foster academic achievement in all content areas for all students. Attendance at weekly seminar is required. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5977  Secondary Directed Teaching  (6-9 semester hours)  
Full-time supervised teaching in one culturally diverse public middle or high school. Supervision by master teacher and university supervisor while working with individuals, small groups, and the entire class. Development of classroom management and teaching strategies that foster academic achievement in all content areas for all students. Attendance at weekly seminar is required. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5978  Directed Teaching with Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities  (6 semester hours)  
Teaching experience with culturally and linguistically diverse students with Mild/Moderate disabilities. Seminar required. Credit/No Credit only. Lab fee required. Special approval required.
EDCE 5981  Special Education Clinical Supervision I  (2-3 semester hours)  
This course, offered in a seminar format, is designed to enhance the field experiences of teacher practitioners/interns through reflective discussions that revolve around events in content classes and field experiences, supervised teaching, and collaboration between the candidates, University personnel, and the mentor teacher. This course is designed around the needs of the candidates and meets on a monthly basis. Interns and Teacher Practitioners only. Candidate may request lower unit count (2 semester hours) only if candidate has a prior earned and valid teaching credential. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5982  Special Education Clinical Supervision II  (2-3 semester hours)  
Candidate may request lower unit count (2 semester hours) only if candidate has a prior earned and valid teaching credential. This is a continuation of EDCE 5981. Prerequisite: EDCE 5981. Interns and Teacher Practitioners only. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5983  Special Education Fieldwork and Seminar 3  (1 semester hour)  
Candidate may request lower unit count (2 semester hours) only if candidate has a prior earned and valid teaching credential. This is a continuation of EDCE 5982. Prerequisites: EDCE 5981 and EDCE 5982. Interns and Teacher Practitioners only. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5984  Special Education Fieldwork and Seminar 4  (2 semester hours)  
Candidate may request lower unit count (2 semester hours) only if candidate has a prior earned and valid teaching credential. This is a continuation of EDCE 5983, offered in a seminar format, and is designed to enhance the field experiences of teacher practitioners/interns through reflective discussions that evolve around events in content classes and field experiences, supervised teaching, and collaboration between the candidates, University personnel, and the mentor teacher. This course is designed around the needs of the candidates and meets on a weekly basis. Prerequisites: EDCE 5981, EDCE 5982, and EDCE 5983. Interns and Teacher Practitioners only. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 5998  Special Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
EDCE 5999  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
EDCE 6955  Master's Thesis I  (1 semester hour)  
This course is intended for students working on a master's thesis. The committee chair provides ongoing support for the master's thesis. Credit/No Credit only.
EDCE 6956  Master's Thesis II  (1 semester hour)  
A continuation of Master's Thesis I for students who have not completed their master's thesis. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required.
EDCE 6957  Master's Thesis III  (1 semester hour)  
A continuation of Master's Thesis II for students who have not completed their master's thesis. Credit/No Credit. grading. Special approval required.
EDCE 6965  Action Research Fieldwork Support Course I  (1 semester hour)  
This is a field experience course that supports a group of Professional 2042 Clear candidates within the following framework: the candidate will meet weekly with a University Support Provider who will guide the candidate through the individual induction plan process. This process includes individual assessment, observations, conversations, portfolio development and support in the areas designated by the individual induction plan. A small group will meet four times during the semester with the University Support Provider. These meetings are in addition to any feedback sessions that are held between the University Support Provider and candidate. The fifth year University Support Providers will be in contact with the professors who teach the integrated advanced course work to support the collaboration model. Candidates are required to demonstrate competency in the area of the California Standards for the Teacher Profession (CSTP) related to the integrated courses they are currently attending. In order for candidates to receive credit in this course, they must demonstrate competency in the CSTPs and Professional 2042 Clear standards through a portfolio presentation. Credit/No Credit only.
EDCE 6966  Action Research Fieldwork Support II  (1 semester hour)  
This is the continuation of EDCE 6965, a course that supports a group of Professional 2042 Clear candidates within the following framework: the candidate will meet weekly with a University Support Provider who will guide the candidate through the individual induction plan process. This process includes individual assessment, observations, conversations, portfolio development and support in the areas designated by the individual induction plan. A small group will meet four times during the semester with the University Support Provider. These meetings are in addition to any feedback sessions that are held between the University Support Provider and candidate. The fifth year University Support Providers will be in contact with the professors who teach the integrated advanced course work to support the collaboration model. Candidates are required to demonstrate competency in the area of the California Standards for the Teacher Profession (CSTP) related to the integrated courses they are currently attending. In order for candidates to receive credit in this course, they must demonstrate competency in the CSTPs and Professional 2042 Clear standards through a portfolio presentation. Prerequisite: EDCE 6965. Credit/No Credit only.
EDCE 6995  Comprehensive Examination  (0 semester hours)  
The Comprehensive Examination is usually taken during, or immediately following, the last semester of coursework completion. It may be a written and/or oral examination. Candidates should register for the specific section required for their program. Credit/No Credit only. Special approval required. Fee required.
EDCE 6998  Special Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
EDCE 6999  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)