EDSP 427 Creating Effective Classrooms in Diverse Settings (3 semester hours)
EDSP 436 Creating Collaborative Partnerships (3 semester hours)
EDSP 440 Introduction to the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Student with Exceptional Needs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 443 Informal Assessment & Individual Education Program Development for Students w/ Exceptional Needs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 444 Observation and Participation in General and Special Education Programs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 445 Special Education: Advocacy and the Law (3 semester hours)
EDSP 452 Psychological and Educational Assessment (3 semester hours)
EDSP 453 Introduction to the Study of Disability and Special Education (3 semester hours)
EDSP 454 Major Issues and Foundations of Special Education (2 semester hours)
EDSP 455 Development of IEPs for Students with Exceptional Needs (1 semester hour)
EDSP 475 Teaching and Assessing Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilties (3 semester hours)
EDSP 476 Policies and Issues in Education for Diverse Learners with Disabilities (3 semester hours)
EDSP 492 Behavior and Classroom Management Techniques for Teachers (3 semester hours)
EDSP 498 Special Studies (3 semester hours)
EDSP 499 Independent Studies (1-3 semester hours)
EDSP 5002 Survey of Second Language Acquisition Theories (2 semester hours)
EDSP 5300 Introduction to Teaching and Learning in General and Special Education (2 semester hours)
EDSP 5301 Managing Learning Environments (2 semester hours)
EDSP 5303 Foundations in Child Welfare and Attendance (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5304 School Attendance Improvement and Truancy Remediation: Prevention and Intervention (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5305 CWA Supervision in Community Partnerships and Fieldwork Hours (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5500 Concepts and Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5501 Behavior Assessment and Measurement (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5502 Behavior Change I: Reinforcement, Stimulus Control, Teaching New Behaviors and Supervision (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5503 Behavior Change II: Verbal Behavior, Preventing and Reducing Unwanted Behaviors, and Supervision (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5504 Experimental Design and Data Interpretation (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5505 Ethical Compliance and Professionalism (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5600 Philosophical Assumptions of Applied Behavior Analysis (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5998 Special Studies (3 semester hours)
EDSP 5999 Independent Studies (1-3 semester hours)
EDSP 6001 Teaching Culturally/Linguistically Diverse Students with Exceptional Needs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6101 Psychology and Education of Culturally/Linguistically Diverse Students with Exceptional Needs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6104 Leadership for Instruction, Learning, and Achievement (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6106 Human Development and Learning (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6251 Secondary School Curriculum and Methods for Math and Science (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6300 Creating Effective Classrooms (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6301 Creating Collaborative Partnerships (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6302 Assessment of Students with Exceptional Needs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6303 Teaching and Assessing Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6304 Policies and Issues in Education for Diverse Learners with Disabilities (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6310 Professional Induction Planning Seminar (0 semester hours)
EDSP 6311 Advanced Issues in Assessment and Instruction of Students with Special Needs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6312 Consultation and Collaboration for Students with Special Needs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6313 Supportive Environments for Students with Behavioral and Emotional Needs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6314 Professional Educator Evaluation Seminar (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6317 Research and Leadership in Special Education (2 semester hours)
EDSP 6318 Supporting Behavior and Social Skills for Students with Exceptional Needs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6319 Literacy Instruction for Special Needs Students in Single Subject Classrooms (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6320 Development of IEPs for Students with Exceptional Needs (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6325 Foundation of Special Education (2 semester hours)
EDSP 6362 Counseling Theories and Techniques (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6365 Research Methodology and Statistics (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6366 Principles, Organization, and Administration of Pupil Personnel and Human Services (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6368 Career Counseling and Educational Planning (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6372 Consultation and Collaboration in Schools (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6376 Crisis and Trauma Counseling (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6377 Multicultural Counseling (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6378 Group Counseling (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6379 Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Functioning (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6382 Ethical and Legal Issues (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6384 Practicum in School Psychology (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6386 Culturally Responsive Counseling with Individuals (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6390 Lifespan Development (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6391 Foundations of Counseling (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6392 Psychopharmacology (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6393 Assessment, Appraisal, and Diagnosis (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6394 Helping Skills (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6395 Counseling for Addictions and Substance Use Disorders (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6396 Human Sexuality and Gender Identity (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6397 Trauma Counseling: Theories and Interventions (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6400 Community Psychology: Theories and Practice (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6500 Foundations of Ethical, Professional, and Legal Practice in School Psychology (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6501 Introduction to Ethics and School Psychology Practice (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6502 Determinants of Child and Adolescent Learning and Development (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6504 Statistics, Research Methods, and Program Evaluation (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6505 Advocacy, Leadership and Professional Practice I (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6506 Seminar in Counseling and Interpersonal Relations (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6507 Advocacy, Leadership and Professional Practice II (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6508 Student Diversity and Exceptionalities (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6510 Seminar in Instruction and Learning (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6512 Group Counseling and Intervention with Children and Adolescents (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6513 Advanced Counseling Seminar I (2 semester hours)
EDSP 6514 Family, School, and Community Collaboration (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6515 Advanced Couseling Seminar II (2 semester hours)
EDSP 6516 Seminar in Motivation and Achievement (2 semester hours)
EDSP 6518 Assessment and Intervention for Cognitive and Learning Problems I (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6520 Prevention, Intervention, and Consultation (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6522 Assessment and Intervention for Cognitive and Learning Problems II (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6524 Practicum in School Psychology I (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6525 Practicum in School Psychology II (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6526 Social Responsibility, Violence Prevention, and Crisis Intervention in Schools (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6528 Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6530 Treatment of Emotional and Behavorial Disorders in Children and Adolescents (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6532 Seminiar in School Systems and Psychological Services (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6534 Advanced Assessment and Positive Behavioral Intervention (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6535 Seminar in Ethical Leadership and Social Justice I (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6536 Special Issues and Best Practices in School Psychological Services (2 semester hours)
EDSP 6537 Seminar in Ethical Leadership and Social Justice II (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6538 Supervised Internship in School Psychology I (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6540 Supervised Internship in School Psychology II (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6600 Evidence-Based Assessment Practices to Promote Student Learning (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6601 Language and Literacy in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K-8 Environments (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6602 Language and Literacy in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Secondary Settings (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6603 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments in Support of Student Learning (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6604 Elementary Instructional Design/Methods (Math, STEM, Social Studies) (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6605 Secondary Instructional Design/Methods (Math, STEM, Social Studies) (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6606 Developing Collaborative Partnerships for Inclusive Schooling (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6607 Developing as a Professional Educator (2 semester hours)
EDSP 6608 Research Methods in Special Education (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6609 Advanced Inclusionary Practices for Students with High Incidence Disabilities (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6610 Special Topics in Special Education (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6611 Master's Professional Project (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6612 Master's Thesis (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6820 Education of Students with Exceptional Needs in Catholic Schools (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6821 Informal Assessment and Program Development in Catholic Schools (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6822 Creating Successful Inclusion Programs (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6823 Advanced Practicum in Catholic Inclusive Education (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6940 Fieldwork in Mental Health Counseling I (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6942 Fieldwork in Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling I (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6945 Fieldwork in Mental Health Counseling II (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6947 Fieldwork in Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling II (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6955 Master's Thesis I (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6956 Master's Thesis II (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6957 Master's Thesis III (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6970 Fieldwork in School Counseling I (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6972 Fieldwork in Guidance Counseling (1-2 semester hours)
EDSP 6980 Fieldwork in School Counseling II (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6984 Internship Fieldwork Supervision (1 semester hour)
EDSP 6990 Fieldwork in School Counseling III (3 semester hours)
EDSP 6995 Comprehensive Examination (0 semester hours)
EDSP 6998 Special Studies (1-3 semester hours)
EDSP 6999 Independent Studies (1-3 semester hours)