Film & Television Studies (FTVS)

FTVS 198  Special Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
FTVS 315  History of the Documentary  (3 semester hours)  
A critical and historical survey of the documentary film and video. Screenings, lectures, and discussions. Lab fee required.
FTVS 419  Special Topics: Theory  (3 semester hours)  
The examination and application of specific theoretical topics (e.g., feminism, post-modernism, modernism, race and ethnic studies, post-colonial studies, etc.) to film and TV texts. Screenings, readings, lectures/discussion. Lab fee required.
FTVS 498  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
FTVS 511  Television History  (3 semester hours)  
This seminar traces the history of television from the last days of radio, through the Golden Age of TV, to today's cable and Internet. Graduate SFTV majors only.
FTVS 512  Seminar in Television Genres  (3 semester hours)  
The role of television as a popular art is explored through theoretical understandings of television genres including drama, situation comedy, news talk shows, sports, children's shows, daytime serials, one-hour dramas, etc. Lab fee required.
FTVS 513  Seminar in American Film  (3 semester hours)  
An examination of the history and development of American film from the silent era to the present. Screenings, lectures, and discussions. Lab fee required.
FTVS 514  Seminar in International Film  (3 semester hours)  
An examination of the history and development of international film from the silent era to the present. Screenings, lectures, and discussions. Lab fee required.
FTVS 515  Seminar on the Documentary  (3 semester hours)  
Advanced critical and analytical study of the evolution of documentary film/television. Screenings, lectures, and discussions. Lab fee required.
FTVS 517  Seminar in TV Programming  (3 semester hours)  
Advanced critical and analytical study of broadcast programming in the United States and abroad. Screenings, lectures, and discussions. Lab fee required.
FTVS 518  Analysis of Video Games  (3 semester hours)  
An examination of the history, development, aesthetics, and power of video games, including their relationship to other media texts, including movies and television. Screenings, lectures, and discussions. Lab fee required.
FTVS 598  Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
FTVS 599  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
FTVS 610  Film/TV Topical Seminar  (3 semester hours)  
Seminar in current issues in cinema and television; focus changes per offering. Lab fee required.
FTVS 611  Seminar in Film Genre  (3 semester hours)  
Advanced study in a film genre. Screenings, film, and lectures. Lab fee required.
FTVS 612  Seminar in Film Authors  (3 semester hours)  
Advanced study of films of specific filmmakers. Screenings, lectures, and discussions. Lab fee required.
FTVS 613  Seminar in National Film  (3 semester hours)  
Advanced study of films of a specific nationality. Screenings, lectures, and discussion. Lab fee required.
FTVS 614  Seminar in Television and Video  (3 semester hours)  
Topical seminar focusing on critical analysis of topical media genres. Screenings, lectures, and discussions. Lab fee required.
FTVS 698  Special Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
FTVS 699  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
FTVS 1010  Art of Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
An introduction to the elements that compromise film language and aesthetics and to the basic strategies of film analysis. It also provides an introduction to film as a cultural and historical text. Lab fee required.
FTVS 1020  Art of Screen Media  (4 semester hours)  
A historical and aesthetic introduction to how television, video games and content developed for the web use and transform the elements of film language to shape and reflect cultural values and attitudes, especially as they have to do with representations of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, class, faith and religion, and disabilities. Lab fee required.
FTVS 1898  Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
Lab fee required.
FTVS 2100  World Cinema 1 (1895-1955)  (4 semester hours)  
A critical and historical survey of the major developments, trends, movements, personalities, and aesthetic innovations in World Cinema from the beginning of film to 1955. Lab fee required.
FTVS 2117  World Cinema 2 (1955-1990)  (4 semester hours)  
A critical and historical survey of the major developments, trends, movements, personalities, and aesthetic innovations in World Cinema from 1955 to 1990. Lab fee required.
FTVS 2120  TV Studies  (4 semester hours)  
A critical and historical introduction to the major developments and innovations in television history. It may be offered as a historical survey, focus on a specific historical time-frame, or it may offer a historical overview of a particular topic. Refer to the specific semester's description. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 2127  Global TV Studies  (4 semester hours)  
See description for FTVS 2120 but applied in a Non-Western/Transnational context. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 2130  Documentary Film/Media  (4 semester hours)  
This course offers a critical introduction to Documentary film, video, or other digital media. It may focus only on film or on video/digital media or both. It may be offered as a historical survey, focus on a specific historical time-frame, or it may offer a historical overview of a particular topic. Refer to the specific semester's description. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 2137  Global Documentary Film/Media  (4 semester hours)  
See description for FTVS 2130 but applied in a Non-Western/Transnational context. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 2898  Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
Lab fee required.
FTVS 3200  Motion Picture Colloquium  (4 semester hours)  
Engages critical perspectives and discussions of current movies joined, whenever possible, by class encounters with the filmmakers themselves. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3210  Visual and Textual Analysis  (4 semester hours)  
In-depth analysis of a wide variety of film and/or television texts with an eye toward deconstructing the storytelling and visual techniques that any particular text employs in order to create story structure and thematic meaning. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3220  Analysis of Video Games  (4 semester hours)  
An examination of the history, development, and aesthetics of video games, their relationship to Film and TV, and their status as cultural artifacts. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3230  Technology/Aesthetics  (4 semester hours)  
Focuses on a particular aspect of the history of a given film or media technology: editing, Technicolor, digital cinema, production design, mise-en-scene, animation, etc. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3300  Women in Film  (4 semester hours)  
Provides a critical and historical survey of representations of women in film as well as an examination of works of women directors in an international context. This course is repeatable for degree credit up to two times, provided new course material is covered and a new subtitle has been designated. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3310  Film/Media and Social Justice  (4 semester hours)  
Offers students an understanding of how certain movements, aesthetics, directors, and/or genres in film and media engage issues of social justice. This course may also address the intersection of spirituality, faith, religion and social justice issues. Refer to specific semester description. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3320  Introduction to Film/Media Theory  (4 semester hours)  
An introduction to the theoretical paradigms that underpin film and/or media studies. The course may be offered as a historical survey or focus on a minimum of two distinct theoretical traditions and the historical developments within them (e.g., psychoanalysis/theories of representation and ontological/realist film theory). Alternately, it may focus on introducing the work of a minimum of four dominant film theorists from different decades. Refer to the specific semester description. Prerequisite: FTVS 1010, FTVS 1020, and FTVS 2100. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3700  Special Topics  (4 semester hours)  
A survey/introductory-style course with a historical and/or theoretical focus that covers any aspect of film, television, media, technology, or practice (e.g., history of editing, star studies, media theory, etc.). Refer to the specific semester's description. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3707  Global Special Topics  (4 semester hours)  
See description for FTVS 3700 but applied in a Non-Western/Transnational context. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3800  Restricted Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
See description for FTVS 3700. May include a practicum/fieldwork component. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 3898  Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
Lab fee required.
FTVS 3999  Independent Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
FTVS 4410  American Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
A critical introduction to American Cinema. It may be offered as a historical survey; it may focus on a specific historical timeframe; or, it may offer a historical overview of a particular topic. Refer to the specific semester descriptions, as multiple sections/topics may be offered. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4420  European Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
A critical introduction to European Cinema. It may be offered as a historical survey; focus on a specific historical timeframe; or, offer a historical overview of a particular topic, national, or regional cinema. Note: Includes Central Asia (Eastern Europe). Refer to the specific semester descriptions, as multiple sections/topics may be offered. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4437  Asian Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
A critical introduction to cinemas from East Asia and The Pacific. It may be offered as a historical survey; focus on a specific historical timeframe; or, offer a historical overview of a particular topic, national, or regional cinema. Note: Includes China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Refer to the specific semester descriptions, as multiple sections/topics may be offered. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4447  African/Middle Eastern Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
A critical introduction to cinemas of Africa. It may be offered as a historical survey; focus on a specific historical timeframe; or, offer a historical overview of a particular topic, national, or regional cinema. Refer to the specific semester descriptions, as multiple sections/topics may be offered. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4457  Latin American Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
A critical introduction to cinemas from Latin America. It may be offered as a historical survey; focus on a specific historical timeframe; or, offer a historical overview of a particular topic, national, or regional cinema. Note: Includes the Caribbean. Refer to the specific semester descriptions, as multiple sections/topics may be offered. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4467  South Asian Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
A critical introduction to cinemas from South Asia. It may be offered as a historical survey; focus on a specific historical timeframe; or, offer a historical overview of a particular topic, national, or regional cinema. Note: Includes India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, etc. Refer to the specific semester descriptions, as multiple sections/topics may be offered. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4500  Film Authors  (4 semester hours)  
An in-depth critical and theoretical study of films by a given author, or a comparative set of authors (this is not limited to directors). Refer to the specific semester's description. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4507  Global Film Authors  (4 semester hours)  
See description for FTVS 4500 but applied in a Non-Western/Transnational context. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4510  TV Authors  (4 semester hours)  
An in-depth critical and theoretical study of films by a given author, or a comparative set of authors. This may be interpreted broadly to include television and/or media authors, specific video-game developers, or animation companies. Refer to the specific semester's description. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4517  Global TV Authors  (4 semester hours)  
See description for FTVS 4510 but applied in a Non-Western/Transnational context. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4600  Film Genre  (4 semester hours)  
A critical and historical survey of a specific genre. For example: The Western, Melodrama, Horror, Film Noir, etc. Refer to the specific semester description. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4607  Global Film Genre  (4 semester hours)  
See description for FTVS 4600 but applied in a Non-Western/Transnational context. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4610  TV Genre  (4 semester hours)  
A critical, historical, and/or theoretical survey of a specific TV genre or set of genres. Refer to the specific semester description. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4617  Global TV Genre  (4 semester hours)  
See description for FTVS 4610 but applied in a Non-Western/Transnational context. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4700  Special Topics Theory/History  (4 semester hours)  
This course provides an in-depth study of a particular theoretical paradigm or historical investigation in the context of film, media, and/or TV. Refer to the specific semester description. Prerequisite: FTVS 1010 or FTVS 1020. Juniors and seniors only. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4707  Global Topics Theory/History  (4 semester hours)  
This course provides an in-depth study of the theoretical and/or historical paradigms that underpin the study of film in a global/transnational context. This course will deal with films produced in at least two distinct world regions (e.g., Latin America and Asia, etc.). Refer to the specific semester description. May be repeated for credit once as long as topic is different. Lab fee required.
FTVS 4898  Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
Lab fee required.
FTVS 4999  Independent Studies  (0-4 semester hours)