FRSCSE Internships (ICSE)

ICSE 2100  FRSCSE Internships  (0-1 semester hours)  
Students in this course will complete an internship while reflecting on how it relates to their Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering coursework, professional skills, and career goals. This is a virtual course that includes assignments designed to expand your professional network, while developing strategies for the full-time job search. Students considering this course are strongly encouraged to work with Career and Professional Development (CPD) in the term preceding their internship. To successfully identify and apply to opportunities, please schedule an appointment with a career coach via Handshake, or stop by CPD to meet with a Peer Advisor. Credit/No Credit only.
ICSE 6100  FRCSE Graduate Internship  (0-1 semester hours)  
Students in this course will complete an internship while reflecting on how it relates to their Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering coursework, professional skills, and career goals. This is a virtual course for graduate students that includes assignments designed to expand your professional network, while developing strategies for the full-time job search. Students considering this course are strongly encouraged to work with Career and Professional Development (CPD) in the term preceding their internship. To successfully identify and apply to opportunities, please schedule an appointment with a career coach via Handshake, or stop by CPD to meet with a Peer Advisor. Credit/No Credit only.