Irish Studies (IRST)

IRST 1998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
IRST 1999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
IRST 2998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
IRST 2999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
IRST 3300  Modern Irish Literature  (4 semester hours)  
A study of Irish literature from 1900 to World War II.
IRST 3302  (Un)/Civil (W)rites: Contemporary African American, Northern Irish, and Native American Literature  (4 semester hours)  
A comparative study of three different bodies of literature produced in response to the Civil Rights Movement and its aftermath.
IRST 3303  Contemporary Irish Literature  (4 semester hours)  
A study of Irish literature from the end of World War II to the present.
IRST 3304  The Irish Renaissance  (4 semester hours)  
A study of the period from the 1890s through the 1920s in Ireland focusing on the effort of Irish writers and others to preserve the rich legacy of Irish culture and carry it forward into the modern age.
IRST 3305  Irish Short Story  (4 semester hours)  
In this course we will examine the rich and varied achievements in the genre of the short story by a wide range of modern and contemporary Irish writers.
IRST 3309  Ireland in Fiction and Film  (4 semester hours)  
An examination of the diverse images of Ireland offered by various writers and directors. Usually taught in Dublin, Ireland.
IRST 3310  Modern Ireland  (4 semester hours)  
(See HIST 4255.)
IRST 3312  Modern Britain and the British Empire  (4 semester hours)  
(See HIST 4250.)
IRST 3330  Irish Drama  (4 semester hours)  
A study of Irish drama from Yeats to Beckett and beyond. Usually taught in Dublin, Ireland.
IRST 3350  World Dance: Ireland  (2 semester hours)  
(See DANC 397.)
IRST 3998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
IRST 3999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
IRST 4435  Irish Cinema  (3 semester hours)  
(See FTVS 4420.)
IRST 4448  Irish Women Writers  (4 semester hours)  
(See ENGL 5548.)
IRST 4449  The Dark Stuff: Horror in Irish Literature  (4 semester hours)  
(See ENGL 5549.)
IRST 4998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
IRST 4999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)