Human Resources Mgmt (MBAE)

MBAE 601  The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business  (3 semester hours)  
The factors present in the external environments of business relative to business law and political entities that must be dealt with by business managers. Interrelated ethical considerations will be explored along with such topics as agency, contracts, business organizations, property, the court system, and business interfaces with local, state and federal governments. This course satisfies the Business and Society requirement.
MBAE 613  Performance Management  (3 semester hours)  
Key principles, methods and techniques are presented for enhancing employee productivity through performance problem analysis, work design, coaching, training and skill development, performance appraisal system design and implementation, employee correction and discipline, interpersonal communications skills, team development and management, empowerment and other formal and informal performance management systems. Includes Human Resource performance management issues and methods appropriate for the small- and medium-sized enterprise. Critical legal aspects of performance management are also covered. Also listed as MBAB 613 and MBAH 613. Prerequisite: MBAA 6010.
MBAE 630  Strategic Human Resource Management  (3 semester hours)  
This course examines important HRM topics that are closely involved in the successful formulation and implementation of strategy within organizations for achieving competitive advantage, including strategic human resource planning and staffing, organizational culture and leadership, communication, compensation and reward systems, managing organization change and development, and building learning organizations. Prerequisite: MBAA 6010.
MBAE 636  Managing Organizational Change and Development  (3 semester hours)  
This course will focus on an investigation of the emerging field of Organization Development (OD), including its major theories, basic concepts and primary intervention/change strategies. This course will focus on assessing the health/effectiveness of an organizational system and how planning an intervention/change strategy will increase the effectiveness of the organization. Also listed as MBAB 636. Prerequisite: MBAA 6010.
MBAE 637  International Management of Human Resources  (3 semester hours)  
This course examines key issues and problems involved in managing human resources on a global scale. In addition to comparative analysis of traditional HRM areas such as staffing, training, performance appraisal, and compensation, special topics include expatriate preparation, repatriation, and managing an international and culturally diverse workforce. Also listed as MBAB 637 and MBAG 637. Prerequisite: MBAA 6010.
MBAE 650  Environmental Strategy  (3 semester hours)  
This course sensitizes students to the broad range of environmental issues affecting business and society today. It examines how society's increasing concern for the natural environment is having a major impact on business firms as well as how business is affecting the environment. Theoretical frameworks and case studies are used. A strategic approach is emphasized. This course satisfies the Business and Society requirement. Prerequisite: MBAA 6010.
MBAE 651  Ethical Issues in Business  (3 semester hours)  
This course will identify and examine critical business ethics issues for the 21st century enterprise, studied through the frameworks of (a) applied organizational ethics and, (b) sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Special emphasis will be placed on ethical leadership, ethical reasoning and decision-making, the skills of ethical leadership, and the imperative of sustainable development as a lens for examining business as a force for good. This course satisfies the Business and Society requirement. Prerequisite: MBAA 6010.
MBAE 685  Power, Politics, and Negotiation in Organizations  (3 semester hours)  
A study of organizational politics and power applications within the organization. The focus is a positive practical understanding and application of power within organizations. Inter- and intra-organizational negotiation techniques are also explored from theoretical and practical standpoints. Also listed as MBAB 637. Prerequisite: MBAA 6010.
MBAE 698  Special Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
Prerequisite: As designated by the MBA and MS Programs Office.
MBAE 699  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
Prerequisites: MBAA 601 and MBAA 603; or MBAA 6010MBAA 6020MBAA 6030MBAA 6040MBAA 6050MBAA 6060MBAA 6070MBAA 6080, and MBAA 6090.