International Business Systems (MBAG)

MBAG 620  Global Marketing Strategy  (3 semester hours)  
Concepts, principles, processes, and implications relevant to gaining competitive advantage in the global marketplace are examined. Topics include analysis of the company environment, identification of the company's competitive strategy, assessment of segments and identifying target markets, entry and expansion into the global marketplace, development of global positioning and marketing strategies, and standardization and adaptation strategies. Also listed under MBAG 620. Prerequisites: MBAA 6040 and MBAA 6100.
MBAG 630  Emerging Markets  (3 semester hours)  
Knowledge and applied skills in international business venture creation in emerging markets are developed. Structured around the business venture start-up process, key international business transactions, country business environment, and business applications in cross-cultural settings in emerging markets are addressed through student feasibility studies of international business venture start-up in emerging markets. Prerequisite: MBAA 6100.
MBAG 637  International Management of Human Resources  (3 semester hours)  
This course examines key issues and problems involved in managing human resources on a global scale. In addition to comparative analysis of traditional HRM areas such as staffing, training, performance appraisal, and compensation, special topics include expatriate preparation, repatriation, and managing an international and culturally diverse workforce. Also listed as MBAB 637 and MBAE 637. Prerequisites: MBAA 6010 and MBAA 6100.
MBAG 640  Global Strategy  (3 semester hours)  
The formulation and implementation of business and corporate strategies for worldwide operations in the increasing global economy, as opposed to those of purely domestic firms or firms marginally involved in international activities, is examined. The most recently developed approaches and concepts are discussed and applied through the use of extensive international case studies and current readings. Also listed as MBAB 640. Prerequisites: MBAA 6010 and MBAA 6100.
MBAG 641  International Management  (3 semester hours)  
Differences in political, economic and socio-cultural environments around the world challenge managers with opportunities and risks. The primary objective of the course is to help the students achieve understanding of the international business environment and evaluate the agenda facing managers operating in international business contexts. Also listed as MBAB 641. Prerequisites: MBAA 6010 and MBAA 6100.
MBAG 646  International Entrepreneurship  (3 semester hours)  
The course focuses on international small business venture initiation process and seeks to develop students' knowledge in three components of international entrepreneurship: initiating entrepreneurial venture, managing complex international business transactions, and dealing in multicultural business environments. The course consists of lectures, case discussions, and an international entrepreneurial business project. Also listed as MBAH 646. Prerequisites: MBAA 6010, MBAA 6040, MBAA 6070, and MBAA 6100.
MBAG 647  International Marketing  (3 semester hours)  
This course will examine marketing management and planning factors and techniques required for success in a global environment. Students will develop an appreciation for the external forces which shape the international marketer's decisions and will study strategic decision-making used by international firms as they enter and adapt to new cultures and nations. Also listed as MBAC 647. Prerequisites: MBAA 6040 and MBAA 6100.
MBAG 648  International Finance  (3 semester hours)  
This course integrates investment, financing, and dividend policies and practices for multinational corporations. Topics include measuring and managing foreign exchange risk, foreign investment decisions, capital budgeting and cost of capital in an international perspective, political risk, working capital management, and international financial markets. Also listed as MBAF 648. Prerequisites: MBAA 6070 and MBAA 6100.
MBAG 698  Special Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
Prerequisite: As designated by the MBA and MS Programs Office.
MBAG 699  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
Prerequisites: MBAA 601 and MBAA 603.