Executive MBA Program (MBAP)

MBAP 6110  Financial Accounting  (2 semester hours)  
This course introduces the role of accounting in business and society, the basic concepts and techniques of financial accounting, and use of financial statements for decision-making purposes.
MBAP 6120  Managerial Accounting  (2 semester hours)  
This course presents the nature, techniques, and uses of accounting from a manager's perspective. Topics include interpreting quality of earnings, alternative accounting measurement techniques, and operational decision making.
MBAP 6210  Fundamentals of Finance  (2 semester hours)  
This course establishes the fundamentals of financial analysis, including analyzing financial statements and financial ratios, time value of money and present value, valuing financial securities, risk and return, and long-term capital budgeting.
MBAP 6220  Corporate Finance and Capital Markets  (2 semester hours)  
This course reviews and builds on the finance materials covered in MBAP 608 Fundamentals of Finance, including applying capital budgeting techniques to capital investment decisions, exploring capital structure and distribution policies, examining the structure of, and participants in, financial markets, and discussing the raising of capital in those markets.
MBAP 6230  Financing Expansion and Resolving Growth Issues  (1.5 semester hours)  
This course builds upon the material introduced in MBAP 609 Corporate Finance and Capital Markets. This course integrates with the international expansion project and covers topics such as mergers and acquisitions, planning and forecasting for corporate growth and expansion, executive compensation, and real options.
MBAP 6310  Business Insights  (2 semester hours)  
This course is designed to facilitate students in becoming judicious users of data in strategic management. The course integrates cases and a simulation aimed at developing competencies critical to data-based managerial decisions. Students will learn to identify information needs--what information, data, and analyses would be needed--in order to ensure more effectual decisions. Special emphasis will be placed on improving students' skills in interpreting research findings and other data, and deploying such information to craft recommendations and decisions.
MBAP 6320  Big Data, Analytics, and Organizational Decision-Making  (1 semester hour)  
This course builds on the MBAP 603 Business Analytics course. It examines how companies can utilize regular data and Big Data with Business Analytics to support organizational decision-making. Students learn about the role of Big Data in organizational decision-making, examine the types of traditional and Big Data architecture needed to create analytics-ready data that can be used for decision-making process; and learn how to apply analytics to inform better decisions.
MBAP 6330  Applied Business Economics  (1 semester hour)  
This course applies economic concepts and tools to solve contemporary, real-world business problems. Includes economic terminology, issues and methods, determinants of supply and demand, elasticity concepts, understanding the economics of the firm, and characteristics of alternative market structures.
MBAP 6340  Applied Macro Economics  (1 semester hour)  
Explores how aggregate production and spending interact within free markets in the context of the global economy, including understanding how government policies, including monetary, fiscal, and regulatory policies, help shape the environment in which companies compete.
MBAP 6410  Marketing Management  (2.5 semester hours)  
This course is to introduce students to a basic understanding of marketing's role in accomplishing an organization's mission. Students will learn the basic concepts of marketing, including segmentation, targeting, differentiation, positioning, buyer behavior, and the elements of the marketing mix--product, pricing, placement, and promotion (4Ps).
MBAP 6420  Strategic Marketing  (3 semester hours)  
This course builds upon the marketing concepts and processes explored in MBAP 634 Marketing Management and further introduces the philosophy and practices of strategic marketing. Students will learn a variety of marketing tools available to the firm and how to utilize individual marketing tools to create and implement sustainable marketing strategies and marketing activities.
MBAP 6510  Executive Communications I  (1 semester hour)  
This course includes basic elements of corporate communication strategy with an emphasis on writing, presenting, and listening.
MBAP 6520  Executive Communications II  (1 semester hour)  
Emphasizes developing and delivering effective presentations.
MBAP 6530  Negotiations  (1 semester hour)  
In this course students learn how to negotiate effectively in cross-cultural contexts that impact business. Students are exposed to negotiation processes and will have opportunities of applying theoretical knowledge in negotiation simulations.
MBAP 6610  Human Capital Management  (2.5 semester hours)  
Introduces students to key human capital management concepts and tools for managing individual and organizational performance. Includes human capital and organizational performance; HR strategy development and planning; HR "best practices"; establishing, evaluating, and rewarding performance; high performance management practices; recruitment/retention of superior staff; knowledge management; and work design.
MBAP 6650  Management and the Technological Future  (1 semester hour)  
Making decisions within a rapidly-changing environment of uncertainty is critical to business leadership. This course examines the creation, diffusion and disruption of innovative technologies across several industries including (but not limited to) AI, Healthcare, Transportation, Food and Nutrition, Fitness, Finance and Real Estate, Videoconferencing. The course will include several “Living Case Studies” that will feature top executives from an industry sharing the most difficult leadership decision they have ever faced. Students will learn several strategic frameworks for making decisions while considering complexities in leadership and issues related to managing key constituents and stakeholders within dynamic environments.
MBAP 6670  Strategic Management  (2.5 semester hours)  
This course addresses macro-level issues and how they impact the long-term direction of the firm. External forces (globalization, economic trends, technology trends, political and legal environment, and market trends) are analyzed and evaluated to determine strategies that will lead to and sustain a competitive advantage for the firm.
MBAP 6710  Strategic Opportunity Assessment  (0.25-1.25 semester hours)  
This skill application project involves the identification and evaluation of an international business opportunity. A major report and presentation integrate module concepts into a supportable recommendation for board-level decision.
MBAP 6720  Strategic Opportunity Implementation  (3 semester hours)  
This skill application project is a comprehensive implementation plan for the business opportunity identified and evaluated in the Module 3 skill application project.
MBAP 6730  International Negotiations  (0.5 semester hours)  
In this course students learn how to negotiate effectively in cross-cultural contexts that impact business. Students are exposed to negotiation processes and will have opportunities of applying theoretical knowledge in negotiation simulations.
MBAP 6750  Business in the International Environment I  (2 semester hours)  
This course helps students understand the intricacy of the global political economy by understanding the issues involving international trade and investment for multinational corporations
MBAP 6760  Business in the International Environment II  (1.5 semester hours)  
This course supplements MBAP 614 Strategic Opportunity Implementation. Students draw on the international field trip's lectures, site visits, presentations, and cultural experiences to gain insights and key "lessons learned" regarding the unique issues, challenges, and potential benefits of conducting business in an international setting. The course includes identifying and assessing major trends (e.g., economic, political, cultural) impacting a U.S. firm seeking to conduct business in a foreign setting and applying the insights gained from their international field trip experience to their own respective individual work environments.
MBAP 6810  Introduction to Executive Leadership  (2.5 semester hours)  
The program begins with a four-day residential retreat where students set learning goals, form study teams, and engage in a variety of workshops and team-building exercises. A workshop specifically designed for students and their spouses/significant others addresses the importance of achieving balance between family, work, and school, and introduces the Spouse/Partner Support Program.
MBAP 6820  Leadership Foundations  (2 semester hours)  
Addresses what it means to be a leader in the 21st century. Focuses on three areas related to leadership: the key framework that defines a leader; the key issues a leader encounters in daily work, such as managing people, professional growth planning, and providing feedback and coaching; and the context within which the leader operates, including organizational change, climate and culture, and organizational power and politics.
MBAP 6830  Executive Leadership  (1.5 semester hours)  
This course provides the perspective of senior managers and what they must do to successfully lead a firm in the 21st century. The course work emphasizes alignment of strategy into action, change management, ethical decisions, and the role of the CEO as figurehead of the firm. Leadership concepts are compared across different industry and organizational settings. A major objective of the course is to "tie together" the leadership threads in the program by integrating leadership concepts learned with one's own personal leadership development experiences.
MBAP 6840  Professional Development  (0.5-1.5 semester hours)  
Provides the tools, guidance, and professional support for developing a well thought-out plan for professional growth. It effectively lets students apply the tools of analysis used in business to develop a professional growth plan.
MBAP 6850  Ethics and Spirituality in the Workplace  (0.5 semester hours)  
Effective business leadership requires a commitment to personal leadership development and formation in order to fully realize one's personal goals and maximize the value of the organization and the contribution it makes to stakeholders and society at large. This approach defines valuation in its broadest sense and links one's development as a principle-based leader to how an organization identifies and implements core values within the enterprise. Credit/No Credit only.
MBAP 6880  Leadership Practicum  (1 semester hour)  
This course provides a forum for applying and strengthening leadership and team building skills. Through classroom and experiential learning activities, students will gain insight into their own leadership style and use it more effectively.
MBAP 6910  Managing Innovation  (3 semester hours)  
This course introduces students to the innovation process within organizations. It examines the leadership, management, organizational, and cultural factors that either facilitate or inhibit innovation in organizations, whether it be in systems for new product development, services, operations, management, or administration. Students will research leading companies to identify and understand factors critical for their ability to sustain innovation. Upon completion of the course, students will gain an understanding of how innovation can contribute to a firm's strategy for sustaining competitive advantage.
MBAP 6920  Field Study: Innovation in Practice  (2 semester hours)  
This course supplements the Managing Innovation course (MBAP 629). The main component of the course is a domestic field trip to leading companies to study how their leadership, management, organizational, and cultural factors contribute to sustaining innovation in their respective organizations.
MBAP 6950  New Venture Start Up  (3 semester hours)  
This course introduces entrepreneurship as an integral part of our economy at the local, regional, national and global levels. Students will gain knowledge and skills that will enable successful entrepreneurial careers in both small and large organizations, and students will learn the application steps in starting a new venture and preparing a business plan for this venture.
MBAP 6970  Field Consulting Project  (1.5 semester hours)  
In this course, student teams conduct an in-depth study of an actual business, usually a small disadvantaged or non-profit enterprise. Acting as consultants to the enterprise, students apply concepts learned in the classroom to actual business situations, and their recommendations and solutions carry real consequences. Students gain a framework for managing a consulting project and practice the art of quickly turning complex information into effective oral and written presentations.
MBAP 6998  Special Studies  (0.5-4 semester hours)  
MBAP 6999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)