MBA Residential and Workshops (MBAW)

MBAW 6307  Management Leadership Workshop: Planning Your Future  (0 semester hours)  
Focuses on strategies and tactics that students can leverage now and throughout their professional career. Topics include resume and LinkedIn profile development, interview skills, networking, employer engagement, and other related topics. Key outcomes include ensuring individuals better understand how to define and communicate their individual professional identity and value to employers across diverse fields and industries that represent a best career fit, and to take actions to maximize their chances at career success. Credit/No Credit only.
MBAW 6400  MBA Orientation  (2 semester hours)  
Two-day introduction to the MBA Program. Credit/No Credit only.
MBAW 6402  The Elements of Becoming A Strategic Leader  (0-1 semester hours)  
The main emphasis is on the skills the enable leaders to improve their ability to achieve pre-set goals through others, be it subordinates, and/or other team members. First and foremost is the honing of the ability to perform Critical Analysis of problem situations that lead to creative approaches to solving them. Leadership is the centerpiece of the session, and its key elements, including styles and approaches, self-assessment of personal strengths, and the spiritual elements that contribute to achieving organizational effectiveness and ultimate success. Credit/No Credit only.