Modern Greek (MDGK)

MDGK 1101  Elementary Modern Greek I  (4 semester hours)  
An introductory course for students with little or no knowledge of the language. Based on a communicative approach, it covers the fundamentals of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary and emphasizes listening, reading, writing, and conversation skills.
MDGK 1102  Elementary Modern Greek II  (4 semester hours)  
A continuation of MDGK 1101, the course expands on the grammar, syntax, listening, reading, and conversation skills taught in MDGK 1101. Emphasis is on listening, reading, writing, and conversation skills. Cultural notes expand the understanding of Modern Greek life and culture.
MDGK 1180  Growing Up American  (4 semester hours)  
The course examines the intersections of ethnicity, race, gender, and socio-economic class in the context of contemporary American identity politics. Attention is paid to immigrant identities as well as the Greek-American identity. University Core fulfilled: Foundations: Studies in American Diversity.
MDGK 1998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
MDGK 1999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
MDGK 2203  Intermediate Modern Greek I  (4 semester hours)  
The course builds on the curriculum taught in MDGK 1102. Students engage in the finer points of Greek grammar and syntax and enrich their vocabulary further. Emphasis is given to listening, reading, writing, and conversational skills. Additional multimedia materials develop the students' proficiency skills in all areas and expand their understanding of Modern Greek language and culture. Longer writing assignments and class presentations allow students to practice further their acquired skills.
MDGK 2204  Intermediate Modern Greek II  (4 semester hours)  
The course builds on the curriculum taught in MDGK 2203 and aims at furthering proficiency through listening, reading, writing, and discussion of a variety of written sources and multimedia materials. Students refine their understanding of grammar and syntax. The reading and discussion of short literary elections and texts written for native speakers enrich vocabulary and give students the opportunity to practice their comprehension and speaking skills.
MDGK 2998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
MDGK 2999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
MDGK 3321  Advanced Modern Greek I  (4 semester hours)  
The course aims at refining the students' knowledge of grammar and syntax and developing further their vocabulary and comprehension skills. Multimedia materials and longer literary selections, help students develop their listening, reading, and writing skills as emphasis is now on more complex assignments. The class is taught in Greek. A reasonable command of Modern Greek is a prerequisite.
MDGK 3325  Advanced Modern Greek II  (4 semester hours)  
A variety of texts (literary and non-literary) and multimedia sources serve as the basis for advanced discussion and composition. Formal presentations are required. Students familiarize themselves with additional aspects of Greek culture, life, politics, and history. The class is taught in Greek. A reasonable command of Modern Greek is a prerequisite.
MDGK 3341  Introduction to Modern Greek Literature (in Translation)  (4 semester hours)  
An examination of the connections between literature and the formation of a Modern Greek national and cultural identiry against the background of Greek history and myth. This course may be repeated for credit.
MDGK 3342  Ancient Landscapes: Modern Voices  (4 semester hours)  
While fully immersed in a 4-week study abroad program in Greece, students study contemporary Greek society: the position and role of Greece in a European/global political and historical context, globalization and modernization, the connection between past heritage and contemporary culture, diverse forms of cultural and artistic expression, etc. The class discussions are complemented by visits to museums, sites, performances and other relevant field trips. This course is offered only in the summer. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections. University Core fulfilled: Flag: Engaged Learning.
MDGK 3343  Angels and Demons: Women and Literary Stereotypes  (4 semester hours)  
The course examines the social issues relevant to women's position and representation in modern society (late 19th century to the present) through the interdisciplinary lenses of Greek and World literature and Women's Studies. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections; Flag: Engaged Learning.
MDGK 3344  Cities of the Dead: English and Modern Greek Modernism  (4 semester hours)  
A comparative study of Modern Greek and English Modernism and their use of classical myths. Texts from Eliot, Joyce, Seferis, Elytis, Kazantzakis, and others will be used for study and discussion.
MDGK 3346  Women, Madness, and the Cutlural Imagination  (4 semester hours)  
A cross-cultural interdisciplinary exploration of social, cultural, and literary representations of female madness from antiquity to the present. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections; Flag: Engaged Learning.
MDGK 3348  Modern Greek Theater: Influences and Performance  (4 semester hours)  
A multi-disciplinary exploration of Modern Greek theater from its ancient origins to its contemporary reincarnations. Through a series of lectures and workshops with artists, students will engage with topics like the evolution of Greek theater as well as the creative process of writing, staging, and performing theater today. University Core Fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience.
MDGK 3350  Greek Orthodox Tradition  (4 semester hours)  
The course approaches the study of the Greek Orthodox Church and its traditions from the theological, historical, cultural, literary, and artistic perspectives. Following an interdisciplinary approach, students examine the historical, social, and cultural forces operative on issues of faith. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Faith and Reason.
MDGK 3352  Orthodox Christian Spirituality  (4 semester hours)  
The course introduces students to the rich spiritual tradition of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Following an interdisciplinary approach, the course explores the interrelationship of theological and spiritual concepts and how they relate to the sociological and psychological development of individuals and communities. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Faith and Reason.
MDGK 3354  Greek Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
A historical and critical survey of contemporary Greek cinema as an alternative narrative discourse that comments on contemporary political, social, and cultural circumstances. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
MDGK 3998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
MDGK 3999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
MDGK 4450  Modern Greek History and Society  (4 semester hours)  
The course is an introduction to the history, society, and culture of Modern Greece in the context of European and world history. Through an interdisciplinary approach (history, anthropology, political science, film, and literature), students examine the crises and challenges that have shaped modern Greek society, the transformations that have taken place, and the culture it has produced. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
MDGK 4452  Greece and the Modern World: Greece, Refugees, and the Making of Modern Europe  (4 semester hours)  
The course examines how the Middle East/North Africa refugee waves of the 20th-21st. c have impacted Greek and European economies, demographics, and politics. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
MDGK 4998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
MDGK 4999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)