Research & Creative Arts (ORCA)

ORCA 1000  Research Learning Community  (0 semester hours)  
The Research Learning Community (RLC) in the Office of Research & Creative Arts (ORCA) seeks primarily to teach research as a practice so that participants are prepared to complete projects and pursue opportunities for conference presentations and/or publication. This voluntary seminar ultimately aims to enhance students' abilities as researchers. Students learn research search strategies and writing techniques, from reading/prewriting strategies to practicing the requisite skills for writing a cohesive and logically coherent literature review. The RLC has several research themes and can be adapted to specialized learning communities, such as the McNair Scholars Program and the STEM Research Learning Community. The RLC is for C/NC and requires instructor consent to register.
ORCA 2000  Adv Research Learning Cmty  (0 semester hours)  
The Advanced Research Learning Community (RLC) in the Office of Research & Creative Arts (ORCA) builds upon the skills learned in the foundational Research Learning Community. In this seminar, students develop their own research question, literature review, and begin to create a research student of their own. The Advanced RLC has several research themes and can be adapted to specialized learning communities, such as the McNair Scholars Program. Prerequisite: ORCA 1000. Credit/No Credit Only. Permission of instructor required.
ORCA 3000  McNair Junior Practicum  (0 semester hours)  
The McNair Junior Practice provides McNair Scholars with the tools to further their professional and graduate school goals through direct mentorship on the process of applying to summer research opportunities and internships outside of the university. In this 12-week practicum, students focus on the application pieces required for applications to specific research opportunities and internships, walk step by step through the application process, and complete drafts of three applications to submit Credit/No Credit Only. Permission of instructor required.
ORCA 4000  McNair Senior Practicum  (0 semester hours)  
The McNair Senior Practicum provides McNair Scholars with the tools to further their professional and graduate school goals through direct mentorship on the graduate school process. In this 12-week practicum, we will focus on the application pieces required for graduate school applications, walk step by step through the application process, and complete drafts of graduate school applications to submit. Credit/No Credit Only. Permission of instructor required.