Film and Television Production (PROD)

PROD 101  Production Bootcamp: The Film Crew at Work  (3 semester hours)  
This is an intensive introductory course that provides an overview of the film production process and the basics of digital film production. The focus of the course is on the process of collaborative content creation and will consist of lectures, practical labs, and production.
PROD 180  Pre-Production  (3 semester hours)  
This course is intended to expose students to the complete process of pre-production through a basic understanding of all departments and their roles. The students will learn procedures of Production regarding equipment, safety, and production rules and regulations. The course provides an overview of location scouting, production design, and pre-visualization. Majors only.
PROD 198  Special Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
PROD 199  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
PROD 200  Introduction to Film Production: Making the Short FiIm  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the aesthetic and practical problems of communicating visually through motion pictures. Each student is required to produce several movies. Prerequisites: FTVS 1010 and PROD 101. Corequisite: PROD 201. Majors only. A grade of B- or better is required. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 201  Introduction to Film Production Lab  (0 semester hours)  
Training in the technical aspects of beginning film production: camera, sound, and lighting. Corequisite: PROD 200.
PROD 210  Introduction to Documentary Production  (3 semester hours)  
This is an intensive introductory course that provides an overview of the film production process and the basics of digital film production. The focus of the course is on the process of collaborative content creation and will consist of lectures, practical labs, and production.
PROD 225  Film for the Web  (3 semester hours)  
Students will use film production techniques and visual storytelling processes to create short digital film projects for the web and mobile devices. They will develop their own blog and post their short movies exploring issues of faith, justice, race, gender, sexuality and culture. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience.
PROD 231  Introduction to Creative Producing  (3 semester hours)  
This course explores the art of creative producing, familiarizing students with the various aspects of the producing process from idea to large or small screen. Prerequisites: FTVS 1010 Art of Cinema, PROD 101 Production Bootcamp.
PROD 240  Images of Faith and Justice  (3 semester hours)  
This course offers students the opportunity to explore faith and justice issues. The course includes a component of Community-Based Learning (CBL).
PROD 250  Introduction to Studio Television Production  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the aesthetic and practical problems of communications in the multi-camera television studio. Prerequisites: FTVS 1010 and PROD 101. Lecture and Laboratory, 6 hours. Majors only. A grade of B- or higher is required. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 298  Special Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
PROD 299  Independent Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
PROD 322  Documentary Production for Non-majors  (3 semester hours)  
Focuses on the production of a digital video documentary project. These documentaries should have a social justice component. It is also to be used as a reflection for students about social issues they have experienced in society. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience. University Core fulfilled: Flag: Engaged Learning.
PROD 325  Documentaries for Social Justice  (3 semester hours)  
This course will connect creative expression with relevant Catholic themes and documents for Social Justice. Students will create their own short documentaries and write a research paper that will address any of themes of social justice. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
PROD 326  Intermediate Pre-Production: Producing the Documentary Short  (3 semester hours)  
This course surveys the theory and practice of writing for the documentary and other forms of non-fiction media in television and film. Prerequisites: PROD 200 and SCWR 120. Majors only.
PROD 328  International Documentary Pre-Production  (3 semester hours)  
This course surveys the theory and practice of writing for the international documentary and other forms of non-fiction media in television and film. International Documentary Production minors only.
PROD 330  Media Innovation: Small Format Video and the Web  (3 semester hours)  
Media Innovation is a creative, technical, and critical exploration of the practice of using small-form capture devices (cell phone, digital still camera, etc.) to create media for display on the web and other evolutionary viewing platforms. Each student is required to produce and edit a series of videos for posting on their own videoblog. University Core fulfilled: Flag: Engaged Learning.
PROD 340  Introduction to Cinematography Non-Fiction  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to digital cameras, film stock, lighting, and grip equipment. Location and studio procedures for both sync and non-sync situations. A grade of C (2.0) or higher is required. International Documentary Production minors only. Lecture and lab, 5 hours. Lab fee required. Insurance fee required.
PROD 341  Cinematography I  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to 16 mm motion picture cameras, film stocks, lighting, and grip equipment. Location and studio procedures for both sync and non-sync situations. Prerequisite: PROD 200. Lecture and lab, 5 hours. Majors only. A grade of C (2.0) or higher is required. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 342  Cinematography II  (3 semester hours)  
Focused on developing an intermediate level knowledge of a cinematographer's skill sets and knowledge base, Cinematography II will include a greater emphasis on the development of a visual Goal or Look, lighting, gripology, and the practice of various technical aspects of Cinematography. Prerequisite: PROD 341. Lecture and lab, 5 hours. Majors only. A grade of C (2.0) or higher is required. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 355  International Documentary Production  (3 semester hours)  
Planning, producing, and editing a documentary or experimental video production on actual international locations. International Documentary Production minors only. Lecture and lab, 4 hours. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 366  Post-Production I  (3 semester hours)  
Post-production theory and practice as applied to film. Prerequisite: PROD 200. Majors only. A grade of C (2.0) or higher is required. Lab fee required. A one-time substantial fee for editing supplies to be used in this and subsequent film production courses is required. An additional lab fee for this class is also required. Insurance fee required.
PROD 367  Editing for Non-Majors  (3 semester hours)  
Post-production theory and practice as applied to film. Non-majors only. Lab fee required. A one-time substantial fee for editing supplied to be used in this and subsequent film production courses is required. An additional lab fee for this class is also required. Insurance fee.
PROD 368  Production Planning  (3 semester hours)  
Pre-production theory and practice as applied to film/television. Special emphasis on the latest production facilities and their use. Prerequisite: PROD 200. Majors only. A grade of C (2.0) or higher is required.
PROD 379  Directing I: From Script to Stage  (3 semester hours)  
Survey of pre-production preparation for directors, including script analysis, casting, visualization, and working with actors. Prerequisite: PROD 200. Majors only. A grade of C (2.0) or higher is required. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 380  Music Video Production  (3 semester hours)  
This course investigates the relationship between the contemporary music video, non-narrative visual representation, and current social issues. With both theoretical and production components, students develop and produce a music video that addresses the needs of an outside client/artist. Prerequisite: PROD 390 or PROD 392.
PROD 381  Production Design  (3 semester hours)  
This course requires students to serve as production designer on an intermediate or advanced SFTV student film produced during the same semester, with the course's instructor guiding the production designer and director of the project to establish an effective and unique look and vision for the film. Prerequisite: PROD 390 or PROD 392.
PROD 390  Intermediate Production: Producing and Directing the Fiction Short  (3 semester hours)  
Practicum in the production of films from initial concept through post-production. Lectures on professional production procedures are linked to personal experience on an actual film project. Project maximum length, 8 minutes. Prerequisites: PROD 200, PROD 341, and PROD 379; RECA 250; SCWR 327. Corequisites: PROD 366 and RECA 367. Majors only. A grade of B- or higher is required. Lab fee required. Insurance fee required.
PROD 392  Intermediate Production: Producing and Directing the Documentary Short  (3 semester hours)  
Planning, producing, and editing a documentary or experimental video production on actual locations. Prerequisites: PROD 200, PROD 326, PROD 341, and PROD 379; RECA 250. Corequisites: PROD 366 and RECA 367. Majors only. A grade of B- or higher is required. Lecture and Laboratory, 4 hours. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 398  Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
PROD 399  Independent Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
PROD 410  Film/TV Topical Seminar  (3 semester hours)  
PROD 431  Web Series Development  (3 semester hours)  
Students will learn how to develop a digital series, culminating in pitching an original project to a branded web agency. Students will discover how digital content can be a gateway into traditional TV or film and how it has created a new frontier for storytelling through new media. Prerequisite: PROD 200 or PROD 250.
PROD 433  Developing, Selling, and Monetizing Digital Content  (3 semester hours)  
This course teaches students how to develop, sell, and monetize digital content. The course explores the various types of digital content and deconstruct their audience and structure, as well as the changing world of television through the development of digital distribution, branded entertainment, and web series. Prerequisite: PROD 200 or PROD 250.
PROD 435  Film and Television Development  (3 semester hours)  
This course is designed to enhance students' understanding of the feature film and TV development process while exploring critical concepts and common business practices. This course will educate and inform the student about how best to analyze and then create concepts for TV and film. Prerequisite: PROD 231 or PROD 298 Intro to Creative Producing.
PROD 439  Producing Master Class  (3 semester hours)  
This course explores the art of creative producing, familiarizing students with the various aspects of the producing process from idea to getting a project sold. Prerequisite: PROD 231 or PROD 298 Intro to Creative Producing
PROD 440  Cinematography III: Practicum for Cinematographers  (3 semester hours)  
Further studies in the techniques of camera and lighting for film and video. Prerequisites: PROD 390 or PROD 392; RECA 367. Seniors only. Majors only. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 460  Capstone Experience: Advanced Practicum  (3 semester hours)  
This class will fulfill your thesis requirement in lieu of PROD 490 or 492. The course is an intensive investigation in one or more areas of production based upon a mentorship, interviews, practical experience in production, and a final research paper and presentation. It is an alternative form for the student to gain in-depth knowledge of the professional practices within the entertainment industry. The student must provide a professional copy of all senior thesis-level projects to the School of Film and Television in partial fulfillment of degree requirements. Prerequisites: PROD 390 or PROD 392; PROD 366; RECA 367. Seniors only. Majors only.
PROD 464  Visual Effects  (3 semester hours)  
This course addresses the process of communication through typographic animation and visual effects. Emphasis is placed on creating emotional expression and identity through composites of video, text, and special effects. Prerequisites: PROD 390 or PROD 392; PROD 366; RECA 367. Seniors only. Majors only. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 466  Advanced Editing: Practicum for Editors  (3 semester hours)  
Further studies in aesthetics and the techniques of editing for film and/or TV. Prerequisites: PROD 390 or PROD 392; PROD 366; RECA 367. Seniors only. Majors only. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 467  Post-Production Sound  (3 semester hours)  
Advanced sound theory with actual experience in sound re-recording for both film and television. Prerequisite: RECA 367.
PROD 480  Advanced Production Seminar  (1-3 semester hours)  
Seminar/workshop course in special advanced techniques in production and post-production topics. Prerequisites: PROD 390 or PROD 392; PROD 366; RECA 367. Seniors only. School of Film and Television students only. May be repeated for degree credit up to four times.
PROD 484  Visual Design  (3 semester hours)  
Through lectures and practical assignments, students learn how to clearly and effectively communicate content through the design principles at work in still and moving images. Prerequisite: PROD 200.
PROD 487  Actor Workshop  (3 semester hours)  
Seminar/workshop course in special advanced techniques in production and post-production topics. Prerequisite: PROD 390 or PROD 392. School of Film and Television students only. May be repeated for degree credit up to four times.
PROD 488  Directing the Camera  (3 semester hours)  
Beginning with an introduction to the fundamental differences between montage and mise-en-scene, the course will teach students the art and craft of designing, blocking, and executing sophisticated scenes with moving characters, in order to visualize the dramatic content of a scene. Prerequisite: PROD 390 or PROD 392.
PROD 489  Advanced Directing Seminar  (3 semester hours)  
This course provides a supportive and open workshop environment in which advanced level Film and TV students explore two of the film's director's most essential tasks--script analysis and directing actors. Prerequisites: PROD 390 or PROD 392; RECA 367. Seniors only. Majors only.
PROD 490  Advanced Production: Producing and Directing the Fiction Short  (3 semester hours)  
Preparation of the shooting script, casting, scheduling, budgeting, art design, pre-visualization, and other preparation prior to principal photography. Practical experience in motion picture production on a paraprofessional level including writing, directing, and editing a film. Sync sound project, maximum length: 15 minutes. Note: Insurance required for off-campus use of equipment. The student must provide a professional copy of all senior thesis-level projects to the School of Film and Television in partial fulfillment of degree requirements. Prerequisites: PROD 390 or PROD 392 (B+ or higher); PROD 366; RECA 367. Seniors only. Majors only. Lab fee required.
PROD 492  Advanced Production: Producing and Directing the Documentary Short  (3 semester hours)  
Writing the thesis (documentary) project and preparing the script for production. Practical experience in motion picture production on a paraprofessional level including writing, directing, and editing a documentary or experimental piece. Project maximum length 15 minutes. Note: Insurance required for off-campus use of equipment. The student must provide a professional copy of all senior thesis-level projects to the School of Film and Television in partial fulfillment of degree requirements. Prerequisites: PROD 390 or PROD 392; PROD 366; RECA 367. Seniors only. Majors only. Lab fee required. Offered Spring semester.
PROD 495  Editing & Finishing Short Film  (3 semester hours)  
This seminar focuses on advanced techniques in post-production from dailies to finishing. Over the semester, students will edit a short film of their choosing, edit a trailer for that short film, color correct the film, develop the sound design, design artwork, and finish the project for festival standard distribution. Prerequisite: PROD 366 or PROD 566.
PROD 498  Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
PROD 499  Independent Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
PROD 500  Directing the Short Film I: Vision and Exploration  (3 semester hours)  
Introduction to the aesthetic and practical problems of communicating visually through motion pictures. Involves group projects. Corequisites: PROD 541, PROD 566; SCWR 501. A grade of B- or higher is required.
PROD 530  Intermediate Documentary Pre-Production  (3 semester hours)  
Research and development of a documentary idea to be produced in the advanced documentary course. Prerequisites: PROD 500, PROD 541, PROD 566, SCWR 501, all with a minimum grade of B-.
PROD 541  Introduction to Cinematography  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to 16mm motion picture cameras, digital cameras, film stocks, lighting, and grip equipment. Location and studio procedures for both sync and non-sync situations. Corequisites: PROD 500, PROD 566; SCWR 501. Majors only. Lecture and Laboratory, 5 hours. A grade of B- or higher is required. Lab fee required. Insurance fee required.
PROD 550  Directing the Short Film II: Visual Storytelling  (3 semester hours)  
Practicum in production of fictional student projects from initial concept through post-production. Advanced production and post-production theory and practice as applied to film and television. Involves individual and/or group projects. Prerequisites: PROD 500, PROD 541, PROD 566, SCWR 501, all with a minimum grade of B-. Corequisites: PROD 530 or SCWR 530, PROD 668, RECA 500. A grade of B- or higher is required.
PROD 566  Introduction to Post-Production  (3 semester hours)  
Post-production theory and practice as applied to film and television. Corequisites: PROD 500, PROD 541; SCWR 501. Majors only. A grade of B- or higher is required.
PROD 567  Practicum in Color Correction  (3 semester hours)  
This course presents an introduction to color theory and the craft of color correction. We will be going over techniques to create a better understanding of how we interact with color, how we can affect color, and developing abilities as a colorist. Prerequisite: PROD 566.
PROD 570  Production Planning  (3 semester hours)  
In-depth study of production planning with an emphasis on budgeting and scheduling for the intermediate and advanced projects. Prerequisites: PROD 500, PROD 541, PROD 566, SCWR 501, all with a minimum grade of B-. Corequisites: PROD 530 or SCWR 530, PROD 550, RECA 500.
PROD 580  Music Video Production  (3 semester hours)  
This course investigates the relationship between the contemporary music video, non-narrative visual representation, and current social issues. With both theoretical and production components, students develop and produce a music video that addresses the needs of an outside client/artist. Prerequisite: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B- (2.70).
PROD 581  Production Design  (3 semester hours)  
This course requires students to serve as production designer on an intermediate or advanced SFTV student film produced during the same semester, with the course's instructor guiding the production designer and director of the project to establish an effective and unique look and vision for the film. Prerequisite: PROD 550 with a minimum grade of B- (2.70).
PROD 598  Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
PROD 599  Independent Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
PROD 600  Directing the Short Film III: Directing Actors  (6 semester hours)  
Further practical experience in fiction and non-fiction production and post-production, including the producing, directing, and editing of a film or documentary project. Prerequisites: PROD 530 or SCWR 530; PROD 550 with a minimum grade of B-. A grade of B- or higher is required. Note: Insurance is required for equipment.
PROD 626  Pre-Production for Documentary Thesis  (3 semester hours)  
Research and development of a non-fiction idea for the thesis film. Prerequisite: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B-. Majors only.
PROD 631  Web Series Development  (3 semester hours)  
Students will learn how to develop a digital series, culminating in pitching an original project to a branded web agency. Students will discover how digital content can be a gateway into traditional TV or film and how it has created a new frontier for storytelling through new media. Prerequisite: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B- (2.70).
PROD 633  Developing, Selling, and Monetizing Digital Content  (3 semester hours)  
This course teaches students how to develop, sell, and monetize digital content. The course explores the various types of digital content and deconstruct their audience, and structure, as well as the changing world of television through the development of digital distribution, branded entertainment, and web series. Prerequisite: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B- (2.70).
PROD 635  Film and Television Development  (3 semester hours)  
This course is designed to enhance students' understanding of the feature film and TV development process while exploring critical concepts and common business practices. This course will educate and inform the student about how best to analyze and then create concepts for TV and film. Prerequisite: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B- (2.70).
PROD 639  Producing Master Class  (3 semester hours)  
This course explores the art of creative producing, familiarizing students with the various aspects of the producing process from idea to getting a project sold. Prerequisite: PROD 600.
PROD 642  Cinematography II  (3 semester hours)  
Focused on developing an intermediate level knowledge of a cinematographer's skill sets and knowledge base, Cinematography II will include a greater emphasis on the development of a visual Goal or Look, lighting, gripology, and the practice of various technical aspects of Cinematography. Prerequisite: PROD 541 with a minimum grade of B-. Graduate majors only.
PROD 649  Cinematography Master Class  (3 semester hours)  
Further studies in the techniques of camera and lighting for film and video. Prerequisites: PROD 541 and PROD 550, both with a minimum grade of B-. Graduate majors only.
PROD 650  Thesis Project I: Pre-Production and Production  (3 semester hours)  
Pre-production and production of a major fiction or documentary project. Prerequisites: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B-; PROD 626 or SCWR 620. Permission of Graduate Committee required.
PROD 664  Visual Effects  (3 semester hours)  
This course addresses the process of communication through typographic animation and visual effects. Emphasis is placed on creating emotional expression and identity through composites of video, text, and special effects. Prerequisite: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B- (2.70). Graduate majors only. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 666  Advanced Editing  (3 semester hours)  
Further studies in the theory, aesthetics, and techniques of editing for film and/or television. Prerequisite: PROD 566 with a minimum grade of B- (2.70). Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 670  Thesis Project II: Post-Production  (3 semester hours)  
Editing and completion of the thesis project. Prerequisite: PROD 650 with a minimum grade of B-. Permission of Graduate Committee required.
PROD 671  Thesis Project: Post-Finishing the Film  (1-3 semester hours)  
Registration is required until Thesis Project is completed. Prerequisite: PROD 670.
PROD 675  Thesis Portfolio  (3 semester hours)  
Completion of the thesis portfolio. Prerequisite: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B-. Permission of Chair required.
PROD 680  Advanced Directing Seminar  (3 semester hours)  
Directorial analysis of and practical experience in the special problems of directing actors for the camera. Can emphasize film, TV, or the different problems involved in each medium. Prerequisite: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B- (2.70). Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 684  Visual Design  (3 semester hours)  
Through lectures and practical assignments, students learn how to clearly and effectively communicate content through the design principles at work in still and moving images. Prerequisite: PROD 550.
PROD 685  Advanced Production Seminar  (1-3 semester hours)  
Seminar/workshop course in special advanced techniques in production and post-production topics. Prerequisite: PROD 550 with a minimum grade of B-. Majors only. May be repeated for degree credit up to three times. Insurance fee required. Lab fee required.
PROD 687  Actor Workshop  (3 semester hours)  
Seminar/workshop course in special advanced techniques in production and post-production topics. Prerequisite: PROD 600. School of Film and Television students only. May be repeated for degree credit up to four times.
PROD 688  Directing the Camera  (3 semester hours)  
Beginning with an introduction to the fundamental differences between montage and mise-en-scene, the course will teach students the art and craft of designing, blocking, and executing sophisticated scenes with moving characters, in order to visualize the dramatic content of a scene. Prerequisite: PROD 600 with a minimum grade of B- (2.70).
PROD 695  Editing & Finishing Short Film  (3 semester hours)  
This seminar focuses on advanced techniques in post-production from dailies to finishing. Over the semester, students will edit a short film of their choosing, edit a trailer for that short film, color correct the film, develop the sound design, design artwork, and finish the project for festival standard distribution. Prerequisite: PROD 366 or PROD 566.
PROD 698  Special Studies  (0-4 semester hours)  
PROD 699  Independent Studies  (0-3 semester hours)