Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 1998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
SPAN 1999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
SPAN 2101  Spanish 1  (4 semester hours)  
The course emphasizes reading, writing, aural, and oral proficiency in basic Spanish, and reflects the diversity within Hispanic cultures. Instruction includes talking about oneself and others; using correct gender and number agreement; describing daily routines; expressing actions in progress; expressing likes and dislikes; avoiding redundancies; and talking, narrating, and describing in the present and past. Coursework includes oral and written exercises, cultural activities, and brief compositions. Prerequisite: LMU Placement Exam.
SPAN 2102  Spanish 2  (4 semester hours)  
After a review of SPAN 1101 material, topics include describing and narrating in the present and the past; expressing past intentions and knowledge; discussing the past with present relevance; giving direct commands and advice; and suggesting, persuading, and expressing feeling and opinions about future, present, and past actions. Coursework includes the discussion of short texts, oral exercises, and medium-length compositions. Prerequisite: SPAN 1101 or by LMU Placement Exam.
SPAN 2103  Spanish 3  (4 semester hours)  
The objective of the class is to strengthen the student's communicative skills in Spanish while developing an awareness and appreciation of Hispanic cultures. By means of an integrated skills approach, this course develops receptive and productive skills simultaneously. This entails communicating in both spoken and written form, and being able to understand the content of a Spanish text, written or spoken, or a non-technical nature. Prerequisite: SPAN 2102 or by LMU Placement Exam.
SPAN 2113  Spanish 3 for Latino Students  (4 semester hours)  
This course, specially designed for students with a cultural Latino/Hispanic background, is the equivalent of SPAN 2103. It strengthens the students' communicative skills in Spanish while developing an appreciation and deeper knowledge of their cultural background. Students are trained to present oral and written reports in formal Spanish and to narrate and describe in paragraphs of connected discourse. Prerequisite: SPAN 2102, or by LMU Placement Exam, or by consent of instructor.
SPAN 2603  Conversational Spanish  (1-4 semester hours)  
A course designed for intermediate students of Spanish to learn and practice communicative strategies, increase their vocabulary, and become acquainted with Spanish, Latin American, and U.S. Latino cultures. Prerequisite: SPAN 1101 or permission of instructor. Oral presentations are required. Credit/No Credit only.
SPAN 2804  Stylistics and Composition  (4 semester hours)  
This course is an introduction to writing and editing in Spanish. It highlights writing as a process by guiding students through the different stages required to produce college-level compositions incorporating the development of listening, reading, and speaking skills. It also promotes editing of a student's paper through a collaborative and informational learning environment, which includes peer editing of written drafts in addition to the instructor's feedback. Specific grammatical exercises are designed to focus on and improve clarity and effectiveness in written Spanish. The course also includes the development of the spoken formal register through oral presentation. Prerequisite: SPAN 2103 or SPAN 2113, or by LMU Placement Exam.
SPAN 2998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
SPAN 2999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
SPAN 3410  Spanish Linguistics 1: Sounds and Words  (4 semester hours)  
A study of the Spanish sound system, word formation, and vocabulary. The course provides theoretical tools to analyze Spanish at the phonological and morphological levels. It also includes an exploration of sounds and words used in different varieties of Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 2804 or permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Understanding Human Behavior.
SPAN 3431  Spanish Linguistics 2: Structure and Variation  (4 semester hours)  
A study of Spanish language structure, variation, historical change, and the linguistic effects of language contact. Course reading and activities include discussions of research in syntax, sociolinguistics, and historical linguistics. Prerequisite: SPAN 3410 (333) or permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
SPAN 3510  Introduction to Hispanic Literatures  (4 semester hours)  
A study of theoretical terminology and concepts essential for structural and conceptual analysis of literary works written in Spanish through oral and written exercises. Students are also introduced to literary periods and genres from Spanish and Spanish American authors. Prerequisite: SPAN 2804.
SPAN 3521  Survey of Latin American Literature  (4 semester hours)  
General survey of texts written by a representative body of Latin American authors from the pre-Columbian period to the present. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 (322) or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3541  Survey of Peninsular Spanish Literature  (4 semester hours)  
Interdisciplinary analysis of representative Peninsular Spanish literary texts from the Middle Ages to the present in their historical and cultural contexts. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
SPAN 3998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
SPAN 3999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
SPAN 4252  Hispanic Cultural Studies  (4 semester hours)  
General survey that may include Iberian, U.S. Latino, and/or pre-Columbian civilizations and the literature of Meso- and South America; the impact of the Encounter with Europe; the Conquest; the Colonial Period; the Independence Era; and modern literary, socio-historical, economic, and political events that have shaped present-day Spanish American cultures. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections; Flag: Engaged Learning.
SPAN 4362  Latin American Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
Introduction to elements of film language and aesthetics, field of Latin American Film Studies, and film as Latin American cultural artifact. Course examines how films have responded to issues inherent in or challenged by institutional, political, economic, and socio-cultural pressures in Latin America during the Colonial Period, 19th, and 20th centuries. Critical focus is on discourses of gender, class, politics, and race in representative visual works by and about Latin Americans and U.S. Latinos. Selected screenings, readings, and lecture/discussions. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4388  Spanish Cinema  (4 semester hours)  
This course analyzes trends and issues in Spanish film after Franco such as gender, sexuality, and social values within particular social, cultural, and historical contexts. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4472  Spanish Language Acquisition  (4 semester hours)  
A study of the acquisition of Spanish as first and second language from a linguistic and psycholinguistic perspective. This course provides hands-on experience on the design of a research project on child and/or adult language acquisition of Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 3410 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4473  The Sounds of Spanish: Theory and Practice  (4 semester hours)  
Study and practice of the sound system of Spanish. This course provides opportunities to explore the organization of the basic sounds in Spanish and discuss the differences between English and Spanish. Students will further develop their pronunciation abilities in Spanish through a lab component, where they will practice phonetic transcription and pronunciation. Prerequisite: SPAN 3410 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4474  Spanish of the Americas  (4 semester hours)  
The course will begin with a review of changes in modern Spanish in America. It will provide a general introduction to the history and structure of the varieties of Spanish spoken in the New World. Topics to be treated will include the Peninsular origins of New World Spanish, the influence of American languages on Spanish, the features which characterize the different varieties of "New World" Spanish (including U.S. Spanish), and the grammatical and lexical features which distinguish European and American Spanish. Students will also learn about the relative contribution of historical events and linguistic policies in language development. Prerequisite: SPAN 3410 or permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Historical Analysis and Perspectives.
SPAN 4475  Spanish of the United States  (4 semester hours)  
This course aims to raise awareness of linguistic contact phenomena, as well as socio-political and ideological research issues underlying the complexity of Spanish in the U.S. Students will be working with a variety of linguistic topics related to the analysis of the Spanish language and its role as a minority language in the U.S. Topics covered are linguistic variation, diglossia, historical perspectives, attitudes towards language, and language planning. Prerequisite: SPAN 3410 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4489  Selected Topics in Spanish Linguistics  (4 semester hours)  
Topics in the different subfields of Spanish linguistics and/or social studies. May be repeated for degree credit when content varies. Prerequisite: SPAN 3410 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4567  Latin American Women Writers  (4 semester hours)  
Survey and comparative study of representative works by Latin American and/or Latina women writers from a variety of historical periods, national origins, and cultural and literary movements. Specific course content depends on the instructor. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4568  Selected Topics in Latin American Studies  (4 semester hours)  
SPAN 4568 Selected Topics in Latin American Studies Topics in Latin American literature and culture. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for degree credit when content varies.
SPAN 4582  Early Modern Spanish Drama and Poetry  (4 semester hours)  
The course analyzes poetic and dramatic works of the early modern period in Spain studied within their historical and cultural contexts. It will pay particular attention to their relevance for modern and contemporary literature. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4583  Early Modern Spanish Narrative  (4 semester hours)  
The course analyzes narrative texts of the early modern period in Spain studied within their historical and cultural contexts. It will pay particular attention to their relevance for modern and contemporary literature. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4584  Miguel de Cervantes and Don Quixote  (4 semester hours)  
This course analyzes different texts by Miguel de Cervantes from an interdisciplinary perspective, though it will focus on his masterpiece, Don Quixote. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4585  Spanish Literature of the 19th Century  (4 semester hours)  
Interdisciplinary analysis of representative literary works and authors of the Spanish 19th century in their historical and cultural contexts through a particular theme and from different perspectives. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
SPAN 4586  Spanish Literature of the 20th-21st Centuries  (4 semester hours)  
Interdisciplinary analysis of representative literary works and authors from the Spanish 20th-21st centuries in their historical and cultural contexts through a particular theme and from different perspectives. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or permission of instructor. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
SPAN 4587  Federico Garcia Lorca and His World  (4 semester hours)  
The course is an in-depth interdisciplinary study of the works and person of Spanish author Federico Garcia Lorca in its socio-historical, artistic, and cultural contexts. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4589  Selected Topics in Spanish Studies  (4 semester hours)  
Topics in Peninsular Spanish literature and culture. May be repeated for degree credit when content varies. Prerequisite: SPAN 3510 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4990  Senior Capstone Project  (1 semester hour)  
Exit portfolio (for majors only). Credit/No Credit only.
SPAN 4998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
SPAN 4999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)