Theater (THEA)

THEA 110  Beginning Acting  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the interpretation of drama through the art of the actor. Non-majors and Theatre Arts minors only. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience. Lab fee required.
THEA 111  Introduction to Theatre Performance  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the study of acting with a foundation in realism and physical actions. Emphasis is placed on a variety of critical and creative theories, and techniques to cultivate imagination, focus, and embodied creativity, self-awareness, vocal and physical range, and script analysis. Suitable for beginners and students with some performance experience. Theatre Arts majors only. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience. Lab fee required.
THEA 113  Voice and Speech  (3 semester hours)  
This is an experiential, introductory course in voice and speech for the actor. Principles of Fitzmaurice Voicework® and Knight-Thompson Speech Work are used to introduce the actor to their instrument and build skills and strategies for effective communication without excess effort. Prerequisite: THEA 111. Theatre Arts majors only.
THEA 114  Movement for Actors  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to free the actor's physical instrument and explore, develop, and practice techniques for expressing through the body. Prerequisites: THEA 110 or THEA 111. Theatre Arts majors only. Lab fee required.
THEA 120  Stagecraft  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to basic organization, vocabulary, materials, and techniques of the construction of scenery, the reading/executing of basic graphic documents, operation of equipment, and the creative process for performance. This class includes a basic overview of how theatres function, the relationship of designers to the process, and the connections between scenery and other craft areas like costumes, lighting, and sound. Corequisite: THEA 121. Theatre Arts majors only. Lab fee required.
THEA 121  Stagecraft Lab  (0 semester hours)  
An application of basic modern theatrical practices in a lab format through hands-on experience in a scene shop. Course work correlates with instruction in THEA 120. Corequisite: THEA 120. Credit/No Credit only.
THEA 124  Costume Craft  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the basic organization, vocabulary, materials, and techniques of the construction, the operation of equipment, and creative process of costumes for performance. This course includes a basic overview of how theatres function, the relationship of designers to the process, and the connections between costumes and other craft areas like scenery, lighting, sound, and makeup. A lab fee provides practical application of techniques and methods. Corequisite: THEA 125. Theatre Arts majors only. Lab fee required.
THEA 125  Costume Craft Lab  (0 semester hours)  
An application of basic modern theatrical practices in a lab format through hands-on experience in a costume shop. Course work correlates with instruction in THEA 124. Corequisite: THEA 124.
THEA 126  Lighting and Sound Craft  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the basic organization, vocabulary, materials, and techniques of lighting/sound, including the reading/execution of basic graphic documents, operation of equipment relating to light/sound craft, and the creative process for performance. This course includes a basic overview of how theatres function, the relationship of designers to the process, and the connections between lighting/sound and other craft areas like costumes and scenery. Corequisite: THEA 127. Theatre Arts majors only. Lab fee required.
THEA 127  Lighting and Sound Craft Lab  (0 semester hours)  
An application of basic modern theatrical practices in a lab format through hands-on experience in lighting/sound. Course work correlates with instruction in THEA 126. Corequisite: THEA 126.
THEA 175  Script Analysis  (3 semester hours)  
Exploring methods of investigating the script for the actor, designer, director, and others in order to inform artistic choices. Theatre Arts majors and minors only.
THEA 198  Special Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
THEA 199  Independent Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
THEA 210  Scene Study and Presentation  (3 semester hours)  
A concentrated approach to Stanislavski-based scene analysis and presentation. Emphasis on further development and integration of acting skills in voice, movement, interpretation, and character development for performance. Prerequisite: THEA 110, THEA 111, or equivalent experience. Theatre Arts majors only.
THEA 223  Lighting Design I  (3 semester hours)  
An introductory course which explores stage lighting design as a medium and art form focusing on its aesthetic contribution to productions of different genres, styles, and/or periods of theatre and dance. Combining the development of practical skills and imagination, this course emphasizes the application of lighting design elements and principles, research, process, and script analysis in developing lighting designs. An initial exposure to lighting technology, equipment, and safety is included. Projects require mastery of basic techniques necessary to convert visual and conceptual ideas into various presentable graphic forms. Students are assessed on their development and integration of concepts and principles into their critical and creative work, share their work with peers, and critically review productions. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience. Lab fee required.
THEA 224  Scene Design I  (3 semester hours)  
An introductory course in designing scenery for the stage. Combining the development of practical skills and imagination in the development of scenic designs, this course explores the basics such as ground plan formation, research, script analysis, color, basic rendering and/or drafting, and model making techniques. Projects require mastery of basic techniques necessary to convert visual and conceptual ideas into various presentable graphic and three dimensional forms. Craftsmanship is stressed in the execution of projects. Students will be assessed on their development and integration of concepts and principles into their critical and creative work, share their work with peers, and critically review productions. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience. Lab fee required.
THEA 225  Basic Stage Make-up  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the art and application of stage make-up, hair, and wigs required in performance with a brief historical overview. Recommended for those interested in practical application and production. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience. Lab fee required.
THEA 226  Sound Design I  (3 semester hours)  
An introductory course which explores stage sound design as a medium and art form focusing on its aesthetic contribution to productions of different genres, styles, and/or periods of theatre and dance. Combining the development of practical skills and imagination, this course emphasizes the application of sound design elements and principles, research, process, and script analysis in developing sound designs/soundscapes. An initial exposure to sound technology, equipment, and safety is included. Projects require mastery of basic techniques necessary to convert visual and conceptual ideas into various presentable forms. Students are assessed on their development and integration of concepts and principles into their critical and creative work, share their work with peers, and critically review productions. Lab fee required.
THEA 227  Costume Design I  (3 semester hours)  
An introductory course in designing costumes for the stage which explores the aesthetic and practical contributions of costume design to productions of different genres, styles, and/or periods in theatre. Combining the development of practical skills and imagination, this course emphasizes the application of design elements and principles, research, process, silhouette, fabric choice, and script analysis in developing costume designs for both individual characters and overall ensemble. Projects require mastery of basic techniques necessary to convert visual and conceptual ideas into various presentable graphic forms. Craftsmanship is stressed in the execution of projects. Students will be assessed on their development and integration of concepts and principles into their critical and creative work, share their work with peers, and be required to critically review productions. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience. Lab fee required.
THEA 234  Introduction to Meisner Technique  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to basic Meisner technique. Prerequisite: THEA 110 or THEA 111. Theatre Arts majors/minors only.
THEA 240  Theatre History and Literature I  (3 semester hours)  
The history of world theatre from its origins to the seventeenth century A.D. The theatre is viewed as a prism of social concerns, anxieties, and aspirations, in particular historical settings: Antiquity: Ancient Greece, Rome, and India; the Middle Ages in Europe and Asia; and Renaissance Europe and seventeenth-century Asia. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Historical Analysis and Perspectives. Offered in the Fall semester.
THEA 242  Playwrights Center Stage  (0-3 semester hours)  
THEA 245  Theatre History and Literature II  (3 semester hours)  
The history of world theatre from the eighteenth century to the present. The theatre and other performing arts traditions are viewed as a prism of social concerns, anxieties, and aspirations, in particular, historical settings. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Historical Analysis and Perspectives. Offered in the Spring semester.
THEA 247  Diversity in American Drama  (3 semester hours)  
A study of American diversity through American drama. Students engage plays created by a variety of communities and identities. The course is grounded in foundational work of ethnic, gender, and women's studies disciplines in celebrating BIPOC creativity around us. University Core fulfilled: Foundations: Studies in American Diversity. Lab fee required.
THEA 249  Theatre and/as Theology  (3 semester hours)  
This course explores theatre and drama as forms of theology, specifically Catholic theology, by considering the presence of theological meanings in plays from the medieval period to the present, as well as examining theologies that use drama and theatre as a metaphor for understanding the divine, creation, and the relationship between humanity and God. University Core fulfilled: Foundations: Theological Inquiry.
THEA 266  Introduction to Camera Acting  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the basics of acting for the camera. Exercises and scenes will be taped. Students will also learn basic camcorder, microphone, and lighting usage. Consent of instructor or Co-Chairperson required. Lab fee required.
THEA 298  Special Studies  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration, study, and practice of any aspect of Theatre. May be repeated up to 3 times with different topics for credit. Instructor permission may apply. Lab fee required.
THEA 299  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
THEA 300  Theatre in Los Angeles  (3 semester hours)  
Theatre-going and appreciation designed for the potential audience member through first-hand meetings with theatre artists and attendance at Los Angeles productions. May be repeated up to 6 semester hours. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience. Lab fee required.
THEA 310  Intermediate Scene Study  (3 semester hours)  
A continuation of THEA 210, this course continues toward the development of the integration of acting skills in scene and text analysis, accessing emotional life, voice, movement, interpretation, and character development for performance. This course is a deeper and more rigorous exploration of the acting process. Prerequisite: THEA 111. Theatre Arts majors only or permission of instructor.
THEA 311  Intermediate Voice  (3 semester hours)  
This is an experiential course in Fitzmaurice Voicework® fundamentals. A series of physical dynamic efforts are offered to facilitate the release of embodied, spontaneous sound, followed by the support, and focus of sound to communicate with grounded presence and clear intention. Prerequisite: THEA 113 or 312. Theatre Arts majors only.
THEA 312  Voice Development  (3 semester hours)  
A course of foundations and applications designed to introduce vocal function, expand vocal range, communication, and expressivity, with application to embodied rhetoric. Prerequisite: THEA 111, 113, or 114. Theatre Arts majors only.
THEA 316  Improv for the Actor  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to basic improvisational techniques for use on stage or to develop character. Students learn a variety of games, techniques, and skills.
THEA 317  Dialects and Accents  (3 semester hours)  
This course teaches the tools, skills, and strategies for theatrical accent acquisition. Foundational instruction of speech anatomy and phonetics will be applied to a sampling of commonly performed dialects and accents. Prerequisite: THEA 111, 113, or 114. Theatre Arts majors only.
THEA 318  Stage Combat  (3 semester hours)  
Students study the methods and techniques of safe fight choreography for the stage. Topics include unarmed combat, sword fighting, and, when possible, safe firearms for the stage. Prerequisite: THEA 114 or permission of instructor. Lab fee required.
THEA 328  Technical Theatre Workshop Lab  (0 semester hours)  
Lab for Technical Theatre Workshop. Corequisite: THEA 329.
THEA 329  Theatre Crafts Workshop: Stagecraft  (3 semester hours)  
The study of specific techniques related to design for performance, such as but not limited to: Figure Drawing, Hand/CAD Drafting, Costume Construction, Millinery and Costume Crafts, Technical Direction, Scenic Painting Vectorworks, and Computers in Theatre. Prerequisites: THEA 120 or THEA 124 or THEA 126 Corequisite: THEA 328. May be repeated only when a different technique is offered.
THEA 330  Costume History and Fashion  (3 semester hours)  
A survey of the evolution of clothing styles through history comparing Western dress with global and traditional dress aesthetics. The study of historical costume as it reflects sociological, psychological, economic, political, artistic, technological, and other factors. Topics discussed include: social rank, ethnicity, gender manifestation, evolution of style, designers, social constructs, and human society, in particular historic eras. Objects of dress are studies as primary artifacts of culture. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience. Lab fee required.
THEA 331  Classical Spirit in Drama  (3 semester hours)  
The course examines the influence and impact of Classicism in historical and social discourse through changing interpretations in multiple language cultures and eras. This is achieved by analysis of texts, examination of the social and historical conditions reflected in the texts, as well as the study of performances and interpretations in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. University Core fulfilled- Integrations Interdisciplinary Connections.
THEA 335  Renaissance Drama in Action  (3 semester hours)  
A study of the plays of the English Renaissance, how combat and violence were dramatized, and contemporary stage combat practices. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
THEA 336  Romantic Spirit in Drama  (3 semester hours)  
The course examines the influence and impact of Romanticism in historical and social discourse through changing interpretations in multiple language cultures and eras. This is achieved through analysis of texts, examination of the social and historical conditions reflected in the texts, as well as a study of performances and interpretations in the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
THEA 337  Japanese Theatre into Cinema  (3 semester hours)  
This course explores the relationship between traditional theatre in Japan and its cinema.
THEA 338  Traditions of Indian Performance  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of performance in India. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
THEA 341  Realistic Spirit in Drama  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of the realistic drama throughout major periods.
THEA 343  Shakespeare: Stage and Screen  (3 semester hours)  
The course examines the influence of Shakespeare in historical and social discourse in multiple language cultures and eras. This is achieved by analysis of texts, examination of the social and historical conditions reflected in the text, as well as a study of performances and interpretations for the last three-and-a-half centuries. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
THEA 344  Catholic Spirit in Drama  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and drama throughout major periods, including contemporary explorations of faith through theatre. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
THEA 345  Jewish Spirit in Drama  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of the representations of Judaism and Jews in theatre and drama, as well as the dramatization of the Jewish experience. Particular attention is paid to Yiddish Theatre, Holocaust drama, and Jewish American drama, including American adaptation of Yiddish classics. University Core fulfilled: EXP Historical Analysis & Perspectives.
THEA 346  Avant-Garde Spirit in Drama  (3 semester hours)  
The course examines the influence and impact of the Avant-garde in historical and social discourse through changing interpretations in multiple language cultures and eras. This is achieved by analysis of texts, examination of the social and historical conditions reflected in the texts, as well as a study of performances and interpretations in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
THEA 347  African Spirit in Drama  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of African theatre and theatre of the African diaspora in the United States, the Caribbean and elsewhere. University Core fulfilled- Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
THEA 348  Asian Spirit in Drama  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of the Asian drama throughout major periods. University Core fulfilled- Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
THEA 349  Latine Spirit in Drama  (3 semester hours)  
This course will study contemporary performance works and plays by Latin American and U.S. Latinx playwrights. Student will read plays from the emerging Latinx canon while integrating supplementary texts including reviews, critical analyses, essays, and theoretical studies examining Latinx theatre since its conception. Representative works by Latinx playwrights will be discussed in light of issues such as labor and immigration, gender and sexuality, generation gaps in Latinx culture, hybridized identities, interculturalism, and the United States' relationship with Latin American nations.
THEA 351  Theatre Practicum: Performance  (0-3 semester hours)  
The application of actor training methods and techniques to departmental productions or the Senior Industry Showcase. Students will rehearse multiple evenings each week; performance rehearsals, technical rehearsals culminating in a series of performances for the LMU and general public. May be repeated up to 12 units of credit. Audition required. Permission of instructor required. Lab fee required.
THEA 355  New Works Festival  (3 semester hours)  
The New Works Festival course works with the various different creative areas to produce and present the festival: playwriting directing, and design. Actors take THEA 351 and student crew members take THEA 450. May be repeated for up to 6 units. Permission of instructor required. Lab fee required.
THEA 366  Acting for the Camera  (3 semester hours)  
This course builds on basic camera acting knowledge and experience through various filmed exercises and scenes. Prerequisite: THEA 266. Theatre Arts majors only. Permission of Co-Chairperson and instructor required. Lab fee required.
THEA 369  Stage Management  (3 semester hours)  
This course studies and practices the job duties and skills required of Production Stage Managers where all phases of production are examined from both theoretical and real-world models including those with educational, community, regional, and Broadway theatres. Prerequisites: THEA 120 or THEA 124 or THEA 126. Lab fee required.
THEA 370  Directing for the Theatre I  (3 semester hours)  
This course examines and practices basic elements of stage direction. Students will explore script analysis from a director's point of view, develop and practice effective communication with actors and designers, and learn to identify elements of direction that communicate story, theme, and concept. Prerequisites: THEA 111 and one of the following: THEA 120, THEA 124, THEA 126, THEA 175. Theatre Arts majors/minors only.
THEA 381  Voices of Justice  (3 semester hours)  
An oral histories writing and performance course which includes meeting and interviewing members of advocacy agencies associated with various social justice issues. Students will select from such topics as: homelessness, human trafficking, immigration, restorative justice, among others, in various semesters. Working in project teams, students will interview agency staff/clients, transcribe, and dramatize the original research, culminating in a presentation of the stories as dramatized narratives. May be repeated for credit up to 6 semester hours. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections; Flag: Engaged Learning.
THEA 382  Theatre and Social Change  (3 semester hours)  
Students will explore how performance can be used in the community as a tool for social change. They will compare how playwrights, artists, practitioners, and educators use theatre to address social and political conflict across diversity of contexts, issues, and locations within both traditional and non-traditional settings. Through readings of plays, performance texts, historical documents, and theory, students will discuss and challenge the role of theatre in society as a means for change.
THEA 383  Comedy and Social Change  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of the use of humor for social justice purposes.
THEA 385  Voiceover Technique  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the techniques involved in voiceover for film, radio, television, and other. Prerequisite: THEA 111.
THEA 398  Special Studies  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration, study, and practice of any aspect of Theatre. May be repeated up to 2 times with different topics for credit. Instructor permission may apply. Lab fee required.
THEA 399  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
THEA 400  Playwriting  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the techniques of writing one-act plays for the theatre. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience.
THEA 410  Advanced Scene Study  (3 semester hours)  
A concentrated approach to advanced scene analysis, with emphasis on working with styles of performance such as classical/rhetoric-based texts, texts from the theatre genres/performance styles. Prerequisite: THEA 111. Theatre Arts majors only.
THEA 412  Advanced Movement for Actors  (3 semester hours)  
The exploration of the acting process through the use of the body, and how an unblocked natural physical connection can expand range, versatility, and full range of expression. Prerequisite: THEA 114. Theatre Arts majors/minors only. Permission of instructor required. Lab fee required.
THEA 413  Devised Ensemble Theatre  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction and exploration of various contemporary ensemble devising methods towards the creation of new works for the stage. Through research, writing, physical theatre, and workshop techniques, students will develop the tools to collectively conceive, develop, and present original theatrical work. Prerequisite: THEA 111. Theatre Arts majors only. May be repeated once for degree credit. Permission of instructor required.
THEA 418  Advanced Stage Combat  (3 semester hours)  
Students study more complex methods and techniques of safe fight choreography for the stage. Topics include sword fighting, safe firearms for the stage, and choreography. Prerequisites: THEA 110 or THEA 111 and THEA 114. Permission of instructor required. Lab fee required.
THEA 420  Advanced Theatre Design Seminar  (3 semester hours)  
Some area of advanced design is emphasized and studied in depth. Topics may include Set, Costume, Lighting, Sound, Make-up, Digital and/or Projection, and other relevant design fields. Prerequisite: THEA 223 or THEA 224 or THEA 227 or permission of instructor. May be repeated twice for credit only when a different design topic is studied. Lab fee required.
THEA 421  Design III: Mainstage Design  (3 semester hours)  
This course is an advanced study of all the design areas. Students will research, create, communicate, present, and implement the design of a production within the department season. Drawing, drafting, model building, storyboards, and painting will be employed. All students in design roles within the department must register for this class. Prerequisite: THEA 223 or THEA 224 or THEA 227 or permission of instructor. May be repeated only when a different topic is offered.
THEA 430  Special Author/Genre Seminar  (3 semester hours)  
Reading and writing intensive seminars drawing upon the areas of expertise of faculty members. Most recent offerings have included: Traditions of Indian Performance, Dramaturgy, and Interfaith Spirit in Drama. Individual courses can meet university core requirements. Please check the schedule of classes for specific courses offered during a semester and their attributes. May be repeated only when different genre is studied
THEA 435  Special Period Seminar  (3 semester hours)  
Study of 20th Century American Drama, American Drama through the 19th Century, Modern British Playwrights, 17th and 18th Century Comedy, or other topics in theatre history. Recent offerings include: Renaissance Drama In Action. Individual courses can meet university core requirements. Please check the schedule of classes for specific courses offered during a semester and their attributes. May be repeated only when a different topic and/or period is studied.
THEA 450  Theatre Practicum: Crew  (1-3 semester hours)  
Students are instructed and mentored as they assume positions of managerial or creative responsibility and/or leadership in mounting departmental productions or publicity. Prerequisites: THEA 120 or THEA 124 or THEA 126. Theatre Arts majors/minors only. 1 unit for running crew, 2 units for assistant design or assistant stage managing, 3 units for stage managing or assistant directing. University Core fulfilled: Flag: Engaged Learning.
THEA 461  Acting: Special Genre  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of advanced acting techniques and particular genres such as comedy of errors, Shakespeare, Chekhov, and Meisner. Theatre Arts majors only. May be repeated for degree credit up to 6 semester hours as long as course content is different. Permission of instructor required.
THEA 463  Acting: Auditions and Cold Reading  (3 semester hours)  
A course in the development and practice of cold-reading, audition, and interview techniques/skills necessary to obtain professional work in the performing arts. Students will develop an effective and organized business approach toward their careers by learning how to market their talent, develop a professional portfolio, necessary for the audition and interview process. Theatre Arts majors only. Permission of instructor required. Lab fee required.
THEA 467  Career Development  (3 semester hours)  
An overview of current trends in casting toward professional work in theatre, television, and film with visits from professional artists such as agents, managers, actors, casting directors, and the possibility of participation in a professional showcase. Theatre Arts majors only. Consent of Co-chairperson and instructor required. Lab fee required.
THEA 475  Conservation Methods  (3 semester hours)  
This special seminar course will focus on the hands-on work of conserving various types of historic mediums (textiles, paper, paintings, etc.). Using the historic vestments of the Mission-era collection and other objects in the Department of Archives and Special Collections of the William H. Hannon Library, this course will interface history, art, costume, chemistry, textile science, and the ethical questions of conservation, restoration, and sustainability that pertain to cultural heritage preservation of these material objects for future generations. Working in both the library and the Chemistry Labs, students will draw from multiple disciplines to examine, propose, and solve conservation issues through applying areas of expertise in textiles, history, and chemistry. Permission of instructor required. May be repeated up to 6 units as types of conservation approaches change. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections. University Core fulfilled: Flag: Engaged Learning. Lab fee required.
THEA 480  Theatre in Culture, Art, & Society  (3 semester hours)  
Theatre in Culture, Art, and Society is an inter-disciplinary course that examines different aspects of Theatre (acting, design, history, etc.) and the influence it exerts on culture, art, and society through a historical or sociological lens. This course is intended for Study Abroad experiences during which lectures, readings, hands-on experiences, and immersive cultural site visits will evaluate the relationships between Theatre as an art form and the larger society using concepts from sociological theories (i.e. habitus, taste, self, identity) to examine identity, identity-making, design, cultural appropriation vs. cultural exchange, traditional artisanship & craft, traditional performance, and making. Students will visit historic sites, create work, read scholarly articles, write in various modes, debate ideas of identity, collaborate, peer-critique, and analyze their experiences in a foreign country. Theatre Arts majors only. Study Abroad only. Permission of instructor required. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections. Flag: Engaged Learning. Lab fee required.
THEA 490  Senior Thesis Project  (3 semester hours)  
The preparation, research, writing, design performance and/or presentation of performance or research thesis. Theatre Arts majors only. Permission of instructor required.
THEA 491  Surviving as an Artist  (1 semester hour)  
This course builds an understanding of the unique requirements and challenges that life as an artist in our society presents. Students will be introduced to many aspects of the artistic life, including but not limited to personal finance, unions, professional conduct, and how to develop and sustain career opportunities. Theatre Arts majors/minors only. Credit/No Credit only.
THEA 498  Special Studies  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration, study, and practice of any aspect of Theatre. Theatre majors only. May be repeated up to 6 units with different topics for credit. Instructor permission may be required. Lab fee required.
THEA 499  Independent Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
Theatre majors only.
THEA 6000  Seminar - Introduction to Theatre Pedagogy  (3 semester hours)  
An introduction to the methodologies, challenges, and issues in teaching in general and in teaching theatre in particular.
THEA 6010  Seminar in Research and Writing Theatre  (3 semester hours)  
An introductory course to the fundamentals of theatre and performance studies research. Areas covered include: theories underlying theatre and performance studies, and putting these theories in conversation with primary texts and contexts. We also practice academic writing in its myriad avatars: job documents, grant applications, research and conference proposals, reviews, and academic essays.
THEA 6200  Issues in Theatre Pedagogy  (3 semester hours)  
A continuation and development of the issues raised in THEA 6000. Students research and discuss issues in theatre pedagogy and practice, particularly at the university level.
THEA 6300  Seminar - Teaching Acting  (3 semester hours)  
A seminar class dedicated to exploring the issues specific to teaching acting, examining different types of acting classes (beginning for the non-major, scene study, voice and movement, etc.) and considering the issues and challenges in teaching acting in different settings. This course also features a practicum element in which the student attends and assists a faculty member in teaching acting at LMU.
THEA 6310  The Teaching Voice  (3 semester hours)  
This course is an exploration of the teacher's voice and how it may guide the development of the student's voice. Areas of focus may include but are not limited to: presence, listening, touch, and communication, as applied to voice-based classes and individual instruction.
THEA 6320  Teaching the Specialized Acting Course  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of teaching acting classes of a specialized nature, including but not limited to acting for camera, movement, acting the language play, advanced scene study, etc. May be repeated for degree credit up to 5 times with different subjects.
THEA 6350  Techniques in Actor Coaching  (3 semester hours)  
Explores how to mentor and advise actors to enable them to improve their acting and dramatic performances, prepare for auditions, and better prepare for roles.
THEA 6355  Advanced Techniques in Actor Coaching  (3 semester hours)  
Continues the work in THEA 6350 Techniques in Actor Coaching, exploring advanced techniques in mentoring actors at all levels.
THEA 6360  Techniques for Teaching Acting for Film, Television, and New Media  (3 semester hours)  
A seminar class dedicated to exploring the issues specific to teaching acting for film, television, and new media. This course explores different pedagogical approaches to teaching on-camera acting and explores the practicalities of a media-based class such as editing student performances as a mode of critique and developing strategies for keeping current with the ever-changing digital landscape.
THEA 6420  Approaches to New Work Development  (3 semester hours)  
A theory and performance course in new play development methods. Practice and participation as writer, directors, or actors in staged readings and/or workshops.
THEA 6450  Writing and the Ensemble-Devised Performance  (3 semester hours)  
This course will examine the various techniques in generating material for an ensemble-derived performance in a classroom situation, including the selection of source material, creation of a physical vocabulary, developing a text, and compiling a script. The course will also examine the work of various devising companies, both national and international, and explore the processes by which they engage in collaborative creation.
THEA 6460  Children's Theatre  (3 semester hours)  
This course explores theatre by, for, and about children.
THEA 6470  The Teaching Artist  (3 semester hours)  
This course explores the role of the resident artist and the teaching artist, creating lesson plans and integrating one's artistry with a residency.
THEA 6510  Practicum: Teaching Beginning Acting  (3 semester hours)  
A course in which students teach Beginning Acting for the Non-Major and meet weekly to discuss challenges, issues, and approaches. May be repeated for credit.
THEA 6551  Performance Practicum  (3 semester hours)  
Performing a role as part of LMU Theatre Arts production. May be repeated for credit up to six semester hours.
THEA 6560  Vocal Coaching for the Theatre  (3 semester hours)  
This course will address topics of vocal coaching theatrical performances in educational settings. Topics may include but are not limited to: preparation, developing a vocal warm-up, coaching individual actors at varied levels of training, working with text, and addressing vocal health issues.
THEA 6570  Working with Voices  (3 semester hours)  
This course offers an experiential practice of voice work and its application for both teacher and student. Areas of exploration may include: Presence, Listening, Touch, Vocal Pedagogy, Developing a Vocal Warm-up, Working with Text, and Addressing Vocal Issues. Much of the work will be physical but modifiable for all body types.
THEA 6580  Theatre for Youth in Conjunction with Production  (3 semester hours)  
In this course students will learn the process and components of teaching youth theatre, particularly K-12, within the production process. Students will be able to design a course, write a curriculum, create lesson plans, and practice implementation.
THEA 6600  Survey of Dramatic Literature  (3 semester hours)  
A review of dramatic literature from its origins in ancient Greece and India through the present.
THEA 6650  Theories of Acting and Directing  (3 semester hours)  
An academic seminar on the theories of acting and directing, including but not limited to Aristotle, Diderot, Brecht, Stanislavski, Chekhov, Grotowski, Craig, Suzuki, Strasberg, Spolin, Adler, Meisner, Antoine, Meyerhold, Kazan, Brook, Clurman, Tagore, and many others. The course takes an international and historical overview to the crafts of acting and directing.
THEA 6700  Directing  (3 semester hours)  
A practical course that covers the pedagogy of stage directing. Students learn various techniques and processes, exercises all of which culminates in the direction of scenes for class observation.
THEA 6820  Design as Performance  (3 semester hours)  
This class critically and theoretically evaluates the scenographic effects on the aesthetics, politics, and issues of performance (theatre, dance, opera, etc.), including traditional genres, gendered spaces, devised work, site-specific work, influences on the body, new materials and techniques, and practical challenges facing the practitioner from small- to large-scale productions.
THEA 6850  Equity and Diversity in the Classroom  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of how to ensure an equitable and diverse classroom, and engage issues of equity, diversity, and social justice.
THEA 6900  Thesis  (3 semester hours)  
Offered Fall semester.
THEA 6910  Thesis  (3 semester hours)  
Offered Spring semester.
THEA 6980  Advanced Topics in Theatre Pedagogy  (3 semester hours)  
An exploration of a variety of specialty topics which may include, but is not limited to, the academic job market, career planning and management, best practices for intimacy and violence in the classroom, and new trends in the field. May be repeated for credit when a different topic is offered.
THEA 6998  Special Studies  (1-3 semester hours)  
THEA 6999  Independent Studies  (0-3 semester hours)  
Individual instruction and supervision of a special project. Each learning experience must be designed in consultation with the supervising faculty member and include a contract between student and instructor.