THST 1000 Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: Theology, History, Interpretation (4 semester hours)
THST 1010 New Testament Contexts (4 semester hours)
THST 1011 The Meaning of God: Biblical Reflections in Modern Perspective (4 semester hours)
THST 1012 Moses, Marx, Messiah (4 semester hours)
THST 1020 American Catholicism (4 semester hours)
THST 1030 Exploring the Catholic Theological Tradition (4 semester hours)
THST 1031 Eastern Orthodox Theology (4 semester hours)
THST 1032 Augustine's Confessions (4 semester hours)
THST 1040 Christian Liturgy, Prayer, Sacrament (4 semester hours)
THST 1050 In Search of a Way: Spirituality, Faith, and Culture (4 semester hours)
THST 1060 God and the Good: An Introduction to Christian Ethics (4 semester hours)
THST 1080 Comparative Theology (4 semester hours)
THST 1081 Introduction to the Qur'an (4 semester hours)
THST 1500 World Religions in Los Angeles (4 semester hours)
THST 1501 Queering Race, Religion, and Ethnicity (4 semester hours)
THST 1502 Christianity and Native America (4 semester hours)
THST 1998 Special Studies (1-4 semester hours)
THST 1999 Independent Studies (1-4 semester hours)
THST 2998 Special Studies (1-4 semester hours)
THST 2999 Independent Studies (1-4 semester hours)
THST 3009 Gender, Sex, and Bible (4 semester hours)
THST 3020 Late Antique and Medieval Western Christianity (4 semester hours)
THST 3021 The History of Christianity from the Middle Ages to the Present (4 semester hours)
THST 3022 Women in Christian History (4 semester hours)
THST 3023 Medieval Religious Thought and Practice (4 semester hours)
THST 3100 Judaism: Religion, History, Culture (4 semester hours)
THST 3200 Prophecy and Bible in New Zealand (4 semester hours)
THST 3210 Apostle Paul: Then and Now (4 semester hours)
THST 3211 Jesus in Gospel and Film (4 semester hours)
THST 3212 Theology after Crisis (4 semester hours)
THST 3220 Eastern Christian Traditions (4 semester hours)
THST 3221 Greek Orthodox Tradition (4 semester hours)
THST 3222 European Christianity: Schism, Reform, and Ecumenical Dialogue (4 semester hours)
THST 3223 Mystics and Heretics (4 semester hours)
THST 3224 Heretics, Monsters, and Poets (4 semester hours)
THST 3225 The Truth Is Out There: Tales from the Margins of Religion (4 semester hours)
THST 3226 Migration and the Border: Social Context and Theory (4 semester hours)
THST 3230 Jesus, Kingdom, Church (4 semester hours)
THST 3231 Catholicism after Vatican II (4 semester hours)
THST 3232 U.S. Latinx Theology (4 semester hours)
THST 3233 Merton and Day (4 semester hours)
THST 3234 The Last Things (4 semester hours)
THST 3235 Atheism (4 semester hours)
THST 3236 God and the Human Experience (4 semester hours)
THST 3237 Sex and the City of God (4 semester hours)
THST 3238 Theology and Science (4 semester hours)
THST 3239 Christian Holiness: Being Human, Becoming God (4 semester hours)
THST 3240 Water, Word, and Wine (4 semester hours)
THST 3241 Meeting Christ in Faith and Art (4 semester hours)
THST 3242 Faith and the Management Profession (4 semester hours)
THST 3244 The Cross and the Lynching Tree (4 semester hours)
THST 3245 Interreligious Dialogue and Engagement: Pluralism, Peacemaking and Practice (4 semester hours)
THST 3250 Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation (4 semester hours)
THST 3251 Practice of Everyday Life (4 semester hours)
THST 3252 Orthodox Christian Spirituality (4 semester hours)
THST 3260 Thinking Well, Doing Right (4 semester hours)
THST 3261 Voluntary and Involuntary Poverty (4 semester hours)
THST 3262 Visioning the Troubles: Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland (4 semester hours)
THST 3263 Technologizing Humanity, Humanizing Technology (4 semester hours)
THST 3270 Local Faith Communities in U.S. Society (4 semester hours)
THST 3271 Ministry and Pastoral Leadership (4 semester hours)
THST 3280 Pop Hinduism (4 semester hours)
THST 3281 Islam in America (4 semester hours)
THST 3282 Buddhism (4 semester hours)
THST 3283 Hinduism, Jainism, Yoga (4 semester hours)
THST 3284 Sikhism (4 semester hours)
THST 3285 Women and Religion (4 semester hours)
THST 3286 Religion and (Non) Violence (4 semester hours)
THST 3287 Sacred, Sinister, Strange (4 semester hours)
THST 3288 Traditions of Yoga (4 semester hours)
THST 3289 Islam (4 semester hours)
THST 3560 Punishment and Mercy (4 semester hours)
THST 3561 Christian Marriage and Sexuality (4 semester hours)
THST 3562 God and the Political Order (4 semester hours)
THST 3563 Love and Justice (4 semester hours)
THST 3564 Ethics and Justice in Dante's Inferno (4 semester hours)
THST 3565 (Bio)Degrading and (Non)Depletable: Theological, Ethical, and Legal Perspectives (4 semester hours)
THST 3740 The Lord's Supper: Historical, Theological, and Ethical Perspectives on the Eucharist (4 semester hours)
THST 3741 Religion and Film (4 semester hours)
THST 3742 On the Eighth Day, God Laughed: The Bible and Comedy (4 semester hours)
THST 3750 Into the Desert (4 semester hours)
THST 3751 Sacred Place (4 semester hours)
THST 3752 Contemplatives in Action: Psychology, Spirituality, and Liberation (4 semester hours)
THST 3780 World Religions and Ecology (4 semester hours)
THST 3781 Death and Dying in the World's Religions (4 semester hours)
THST 3782 The Architecture of Politics and Religion: Theories of Civic and Sacred Space (4 semester hours)
THST 3998 Special Studies (1-4 semester hours)
THST 3999 Independent Studies (1-4 semester hours)
THST 4010 Gospel of Mark (4 semester hours)
THST 4011 New Testament Theology (4 semester hours)
THST 4020 Early Christian Theology (4 semester hours)
THST 4021 Medieval Religious Thought and Practice (4 semester hours)
THST 4022 Heresy and Mysticism (4 semester hours)
THST 4023 Medieval Theology (4 semester hours)
THST 4030 Theology and History of Vatican II (4 semester hours)
THST 4031 Christology (4 semester hours)
THST 4032 Rahner (4 semester hours)
THST 4033 Theotokos (4 semester hours)
THST 4034 Theology of Liberation (4 semester hours)
THST 4035 Dante's Divine Comedy (4 semester hours)
THST 4040 Eucharistic Theology (4 semester hours)
THST 4041 The Art and Theology of the Icon (4 semester hours)
THST 4050 Topics in Christian Spirituality (4 semester hours)
THST 4051 Ignatian Spirituality (4 semester hours)
THST 4060 Christian Ethics and Social Responsibility (4 semester hours)
THST 4061 Christian Ethics and HIV/AIDS (4 semester hours)
THST 4062 Topics in Theological Ethics (4 semester hours)
THST 4070 Ministry to Youth and Young Adults (4 semester hours)
THST 4080 Topics in Comparative Theology (4 semester hours)
THST 4081 Islam in the Modern World (4 semester hours)
THST 4082 Hindu and Jaina Theology (4 semester hours)
THST 4090 Major Theological and Religious Thinker (4 semester hours)
THST 4091 Major Theological and Religious Theme (4 semester hours)
THST 4998 Special Studies (1-4 semester hours)
THST 4999 Independent Studies (1-4 semester hours)
THST 6000 Foundations of Old Testament Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6001 Scripture and the Maori in New Zealand (3 semester hours)
THST 6010 Foundations of New Testament Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6011 Gospel of Matthew (3 semester hours)
THST 6012 Gospel of Mark (3 semester hours)
THST 6013 Luke-Acts (3 semester hours)
THST 6014 Gospel of John (3 semester hours)
THST 6015 Topics in the Gospels (3 semester hours)
THST 6016 Paul the Apostle (3 semester hours)
THST 6020 Foundations of Historical Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6021 Early Christian Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6022 History of Christian Spirituality (3 semester hours)
THST 6023 Medieval Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6030 Introduction to Systematic Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6031 Christology (3 semester hours)
THST 6032 Issues in the Contemporary Church (3 semester hours)
THST 6033 Feminist Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6034 U.S. Latino/a Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6035 Care for the Common Home: Theology and Ecology (3 semester hours)
THST 6040 Liturgical Theology: History and Interpretation (3 semester hours)
THST 6041 The Rites (3 semester hours)
THST 6042 Sacraments and Sacramentality (3 semester hours)
THST 6043 Faith and Culture (3 semester hours)
THST 6050 Issues in Christian Spirituality (3 semester hours)
THST 6051 The Theory and Practice of Spriritual Direction (3 semester hours)
THST 6052 Ignatian Spirituality and Discernment (3 semester hours)
THST 6053 Psychological Foundations of Spiritual Directions (3 semester hours)
THST 6054 Practicum and Supervision in Spiritual Direction (3 semester hours)
THST 6060 Foundations of Theological Ethics (3 semester hours)
THST 6061 Catholic Social Teachings (3 semester hours)
THST 6062 Issues in Moral Theology Today (3 semester hours)
THST 6063 Issues in Bioethics (3 semester hours)
THST 6064 Introduction to Bioethics (3 semester hours)
THST 6065 Foundations of Philosophical Ethics (3 semester hours)
THST 6066 Bioethics at the Beginning of Life (3 semester hours)
THST 6067 Bioethics at the End of Life (3 semester hours)
THST 6070 Foundations of Pastoral Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6071 Pastoral Approaches to Religious Education (3 semester hours)
THST 6072 Skills for Pastoral Ministry (3 semester hours)
THST 6073 Theory and Practice of Pastoral Leadership (3 semester hours)
THST 6074 Spiritual Formation for Pastoral Ministry (3 semester hours)
THST 6075 Pastoral Liturgy (3 semester hours)
THST 6076 The Theology of the Parish (3 semester hours)
THST 6077 Special Topics in Pastoral Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6078 Supervised Pastoral Field Education (3 semester hours)
THST 6079 Migration and the Border: Context, Theology, and Pastoral Approaches (3 semester hours)
THST 6080 Comparative Theology (3 semester hours)
THST 6081 Comparative Religious Ethics (3 semester hours)
THST 6082 Comparative Mysticism (3 semester hours)
THST 6083 Hinduism, Vedanta, and Yoga (3 semester hours)
THST 6084 Buddhism (3 semester hours)
THST 6085 Classics of Chinese Philosophy (3 semester hours)
THST 6086 Readings in Religious Literature (3 semester hours)
THST 6087 Jainism (3 semester hours)
THST 6088 Judaism (3 semester hours)
THST 6090 Graduate Pro-Seminar (3 semester hours)
THST 6091 Pastoral Synthesis Seminar (3 semester hours)
THST 6092 Comprehensive Exam Seminar (3 semester hours)
THST 6093 Research and Writing Seminar (3 semester hours)
THST 6332 Liberation Theologies (3 semester hours)
THST 6998 Special Studies (1-3 semester hours)
THST 6999 Independent Studies (1-3 semester hours)