Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)

WGST 1000  Gender and Social Movements  (4 semester hours)  
An interdisciplinary study of women in society through overview of the major issues, innovations, and debates that have characterized the field of Women's and Gender Studies. Course introduces history of feminist activism and discourse in the U.S. University Core fulfilled: Foundations: Studies in American Diversity.
WGST 1100  Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Contemporary Society  (4 semester hours)  
An introduction to critical thinking skills about concepts such as gender, race, class, and sexuality, how these intersect in lives of women of color together with women's strategies of surviving, resisting, and overcoming barriers. University Core fulfilled: Foundations: Studies in American Diversity.
WGST 1998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
WGST 1999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
WGST 2000  Women in Global Communities  (4 semester hours)  
.This course explores feminism, gender, and sexuality within transnational frameworks. Transnational feminism is, at its broadest, the practice of feminism across borders. Thus, this course engages feminist critique that is attentive to issues of power and knowledge as they emerge, meet, or conflict across local, national, and international relations. University Core fulfilled: Foundations: Studies in American Diversity.
WGST 2200  Women's Bodies, Health, and Sexuality  (4 semester hours)  
This course explores the history and politics of women's health, bodies, and sexualities. Using an intersectional framework, students understand how bodies become a site for the social construction of race and sexuality. Course topics include: phenomenology, reproductive health, health and sexuality, health care access, the politics of disease, disability justice, and transgender health. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Understanding Human Behavior.
WGST 2300  Mathematics: Contributions by Women  (4 semester hours)  
(See MATH 261.)
WGST 2500  Introduction to LGBT Studies  (4 semester hours)  
An introduction to the interdisciplinary and intersectional field of LGBT studies. This course introduces students to the histories of modern ideas and norms about sexuality, especially where such norms intersect with the workings of white supremacy, heteropatriarchy, and settler colonialism. Course content provides sustained attention to both modalities of oppression and how LGBT communities have built and sustained resistance movements.
WGST 2998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
WGST 2999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
WGST 3000  Feminist Theories  (4 semester hours)  
Focuses on the historical roots of feminist political thought in relation to other social movements. Examines the intellectual traditions within feminist theory today such as postmodernism, psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, queer theory, and the intersectional analyses produced by women of color. Juniors and seniors only. University Core fulfilled: Flags: Information Literacy, Writing.
WGST 3100  Feminist & Queer Research Methods  (4 semester hours)  
Required course for all WGST Majors and open to all minors. In preparing for their capstone project, students will examine feminist methodologies through hands-on research and considers the complex relationships between researchers and their subjects, the impact of social location on our field of vision, ethical issues in the research process, as well as research that facilitates social and gender justice. Juniors and seniors only. University Core fulfilled: Flags: Engaged Learning. Offered Fall semester.
WGST 3200  Gender, Race, and Environmental Justice  (4 semester hours)  
This course explores the relationships between peoples and environments, focusing on the roles and resources, identity, power relations, and geography. The course explores the theoretical and material implications of the different ways in which environmental injustice leads to the degradation of gendered environments and bodies. The course will provide multiple interdisciplinary perspectives on the state of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and the environment. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
WGST 3300  Gender, Race, and the Graphic Novel  (4 semester hours)  
This course explores how the space of the graphic novel can serve as a cultural space for critical engagement with ideologies of race, gender, nation, class, and sexuality. Critically examining visual language that is presented in the graphic novel, students will examine the ways it challenges iconographic images of ethnic and gendered representation. University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Creative Experience.
WGST 3301  Literature by Women of Color  (4 semester hours)  
The course explores contemporary literature by women of color in the United States and their immigrant experiences. It attends to the ways that authors imaginatively use genres to represent and challenge gender and race construction.
WGST 3302  The Image of Woman in Nineteenth-Century England  (4 semester hours)  
(See ENGL 3342.)
WGST 3303  Twentieth-Century Women's Writing  (4 semester hours)  
(See ENGL 3343.)
WGST 3304  Italian Women Writers  (4 semester hours)  
(See ITAL 3580.)
WGST 3305  Angels and Demons: Women and Literary Stereotypes  (4 semester hours)  
(See MDGK 3343.)
WGST 3306  Out of Control: Women, Madness, and the Cultural Imagination  (4 semester hours)  
(See MDGK 3346.)
WGST 3307  Gender Communication  (4 semester hours)  
(See CMST 3110.)
WGST 3308  Chicanas and Latinas in the U.S.  (4 semester hours)  
(See CLST 3302.)
WGST 3400  Women in the Middle East  (4 semester hours)  
This course explores the themes and variations in women's lives in the Middle East. Particular attention will be paid to family structures, rural-urban, social class and ethnic differences, social and political movements, religion, work, and education.
WGST 3401  Black Identities, Families, and Cultures  (4 semester hours)  
(See AFAM 4342.)
WGST 3403  Hip Hop Culture  (4 semester hours)  
(See AFAM 4422.)
WGST 3500  Genders and Sexualities  (4 semester hours)  
This course explores the relationship between sexuality and gender as well as a diversity of sexual identities. It focuses on issues of the body, sex, nature, and power within the context of history, culture, and public policy.
WGST 3501  Gender and Society  (4 semester hours)  
(See SOCL 3210.)
WGST 3502  Sociology of Marriage and Families  (4 semester hours)  
(See SOCL 3160.)
WGST 3503  Men and Masculinities  (4 semester hours)  
(See SOCL 3211.)
WGST 3601  Women in Christian History  (4 semester hours)  
(See THST 3022.) University Core fulfilled: Explorations: Historical Analysis and Perspectives.
WGST 3602  Gender in European History  (4 semester hours)  
(See HIST 4225.)
WGST 3603  Women in American History  (4 semester hours)  
(See HIST 4430.)
WGST 3605  History of Childhood and the Family  (4 semester hours)  
(See HIST 4431.)
WGST 3700  Images of Women in Philosophy  (4 semester hours)  
(See PHIL 4175.)
WGST 3701  Guadalupe, Queen of the Americas  (4 semester hours)  
(See CHST 3310.) University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Faith and Reason
WGST 3702  Women and Religion  (4 semester hours)  
(See THST 3285.) University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Faith and Reason
WGST 3704  Sex and the City of God  (4 semester hours)  
(See THST 3237.) University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Faith and Reason; Flag: Writing.
WGST 3800  Gender and Urban Geographies  (4 semester hours)  
This course uses the discipline of critical urban geography and feminist theory to explore the following questions: 1) What is a city? 2) Why do humans live in cities? 3) How does living in a city shape who humans are? We explore the phenomena of racial and gender segregation in cities, investigate the spatialization of race, the construction of vice and crime in the city, and discuss the gender of the division between the public and the private in urban geographies. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
WGST 3900  Gender, Race, and Disability  (4 semester hours)  
Gender, Race, and Disability is a critical feminist study of disability justice, hetero-ableism, and normality. This course examines: the ways in which disability and gender are socially constructed and co-constructed via rhetorics of dependence and autonomy; the centrality of "interdependence" to both feminist and disability justice movements; the entanglement of disability and gender in over-diagnosis, underdiagnosis, and over- and under-representation of disability in cultural texts; disability and sex, including consent, competence, and access; and legal and cultural issues of disability justice in the current political moment. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
WGST 3998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
WGST 3999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
WGST 4000  Feminist Theories  (4 semester hours)  
Focuses on the historical roots of feminist political thought in relation to other social movements. Examines the intellectual traditions within feminist theory today such as postmodernism, psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, and the intersectional analyses produced by women of color. Juniors and seniors only.
WGST 4001  Queer Theories  (4 semester hours)  
This course explores the emergence, conceptual frameworks, themes, and critical tools of queer theory with a specific attention to the genealogies of queer theory known as Queer of Color critique. At its root, queer theory attempts to interrogate the structuring logics, or norms, that produce queer subjects. Queer of Color critique situates such analysis in an attention to the logics of racial formation, capitalism, labor, migration, imperialism, and the police state. Juniors and seniors only.
WGST 4100  Sex, Trade, Trafficking  (4 semester hours)  
The course will address issues of racism, sexism, classism, and violence against women who are trafficked and those who also work as sex workers. We will discuss the relationship between ethics and human trafficking as well as who benefits from such approaches. University Core fulfilled: Integrations: Interdisciplinary Connections.
WGST 4101  Queer Migration and Diaspora  (4 semester hours)  
Examines how gender and sexuality are experienced in global contexts through neoliberal globalization, the feminization of labor and migration, environmental degradation, diaspora, sexuality, cultural displacement, and militarization. Explores the ways queer people have confronted these conditions as well as the possibilities and challenges of cross-border coalitions.
WGST 4200  Sex, Race, and Violence  (4 semester hours)  
(See AFAM 4642.)
WGST 4300  Women in Film  (3 semester hours)  
(See FTVS 3300.)
WGST 4400  Women and Politics  (4 semester hours)  
(See POLS 4330.)
WGST 4404  Latina Feminist Theory  (4 semester hours)  
(See CLST 4404.)
WGST 4500  Feminisms in Action  (4 semester hours)  
In this course, students will be matched with local partners to explore feminist social justice work in a community setting. Students will plan and conduct an independent community-based learning project. Simultaneously, students will explore career options in the non-profit/public service sector. As such, students will gain valuable experience and mentorship as they explore future career options. University Core Fulfilled: Flags: Engaged Learning.
WGST 4900  Senior Seminar in Women's and Gender Studies  (4 semester hours)  
Designed as a last course for students obtaining the Women's and Gender Studies major or minor. Stress is on the organization and integration of knowledge gained regarding women in society. Prerequisites: WGST 3100 Feminist Research Methods. Juniors and seniors only. Majors or minors only. Offered Spring semester.
WGST 4998  Special Studies  (1-4 semester hours)  
WGST 4999  Independent Studies  (1-4 semester hours)