LMU College of Business Administration


  • Dean: Dayle M. Smith
  • Associate Deans: Joshua Spizman, Patricia Martinez
  • Directors: Yongsun Paik (Center for Asian Business and Center for International Business Education); David Choi (Fred Kiesner Center for Entrepreneurship); Dustin Cornwell, (Senior Director - Graduate Programs), Jeff Thies (Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainability), Nola Wanta (Senior Director, Business Development and Strategy)


The College is organized into five Departments, each led by a chairperson.

  • Department of Accounting
  • Department of Finance
  • Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics
  • Department of Management
  • Department of Marketing and Business Law

The College also operates four centers, each led by a director.

  • Center for Asian Business
  • Center for International Business Education
  • Fred Kiesner Center for Entrepreneurship (related courses offered through the Departments)
  • Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainability

Graduate Degree Programs

The College offers the Master of Business Administration in different formats. The part-time MBA addresses the educational demands of a person who recognizes the need to continue to build his or her career. The College also offers a dual J.D./MBA degree with Loyola Law School and dual degrees with the Seaver College of Science and Engineering: M.S. in Civil Engineering/MBA, M.S. in Computer Science/MBA, M.S. in Electrical Engineering/MBA.

The Executive MBA (EMBA) is for the experienced business leader who aspires to executive-level responsibility.

The College also offers a Master of Science in Accounting, a Master of Science in Business Analytics, a Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Innovation, a Master in Global Entrepreneurial Management, a Master of Science in Management, and a Master of Science in Taxation.

All graduate program policies are listed at the end of this section.

Baccalaureate Degree Programs

The College offers three Baccalaureate Degrees:

A Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) with majors in Entrepreneurship, Finance, Information Systems and Business Analytics, Management and Leadership, and Marketing; a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with a major in Information Systems and Business Analytics; and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting (B.S.A.).

Mission of the College of Business Administration

We advance knowledge and develop business leaders with moral courage and creative confidence to be a force for good in the global community.

Core Values of the College of Business Administration

Our values define us and enhance an understanding of our mission and vision and the integration of human flourishing in the development of our personal and professional growth. The following five values reflect our core identity and serve as a guide and touchstone for our programs and relationships.

Business as a Force for Good

We dedicate ourselves to developing ethical leaders who visibly demonstrate moral courage in their personal and professional endeavors. Ethical citizenship encompasses principled behavior and the tenets of corporate social responsibility, including attention to economic, social, and environmental performance. We are committed to business as a force for good, where business has a voice at the table and a key role in collaborating on sustainable development goals for the betterment of the global community.

Interconnected Global Community

We embrace multiple disciplines and community connectedness to inform problems and address challenges in a global context. We value experiential opportunities, collaboration, and partnerships. As a signatory to the United Nation’s PRME initiative, we are committed to understanding the role of business as a partner in the global community through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A Community of Lifelong Learners

We perceive ourselves-students, faculty, staff, administrators, and stakeholders-as a community of interdependent teachers and learners in the Jesuit and Marymount traditions. As co-creators of knowledge, we envision business as a force for good, best addressed with empathy and an entrepreneurial mindset, skill set, and experiences. As a global community, we will develop a playground for the mind and a place to inspire the imagination that will promote human flourishing and innovative solutions to business and societal challenges.

We are also committed to our alumni as lifetime learners and lifetime members of the CBA Community.

Educating the Whole Person and Moral Courage

Consistent with the education of the whole person, we view each individual as important and worthy of our time and resources. As an institution of higher education, we strive to advance the intellectual growth of our students and related community members. As an institution rooted in the Jesuit and Marymount traditions, we aspire to develop all dimensions of the person-emotional, spiritual, physical, and social-through our educational framework as a way to promote human flourishing at the personal and professional levels.

Agility, Creative Confidence, and Entrepreneurial Spirit

We are committed to educating our students to use their imagination and intellectual curiosity in how they understand business challenges, solve problems in transdisciplinary ways, and adapt to change in a constantly changing world. Using knowledge, skills, abilities, and meaningful experiences, our students will develop and enhance their technical skills, critical thinking, and communication and interpersonal skills to positively transform organizations and societies.

College of Business Administration Undergraduate Curriculum

The courses within the three undergraduate degree programs (Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Science in Accounting) are categorized in five groups:


Code Title Semester Hours
University Core Curriculum31
Pre-Business Requirements14
Business Core44
Major Requirements20
Total Semester Hours131

B.S. (ISBA Major)

(see Department)

B.S. in Accounting

Code Title Semester Hours
University Core Curriculum31
Pre-Business Requirements11
Accounting Major Specific Core36
Major Requirements40
Total Semester Hours128

Special Note:

The purpose of the above listing is simply to indicate the overall structure of the three programs in business. The order in which the courses must be taken is governed in all cases by the contribution of each course to the overall system. The suggested sequence of courses is shown in the following curriculum sections of this Bulletin.

All Business students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in the following courses:

Code Title Semester Hours
BCOR 1910Business for Good2
BCOR 2110Financial Accounting4
BCOR 2120Accounting Information for Decision Making4
BCOR 2710Business Information Technology4
BCOR 2720Business Information Technology in Accounting4
ECON 1050Introductory Economics4
ECON 2300Introductory Statistics4
or MATH 104 Elementary Statistics
MATH 112Calculus for Business3
or MATH 131 Calculus I

as these are prerequisites for other required business classes. Failure to earn a C in one of courses will prevent the student from taking those other required courses until the course has been repeated and an acceptable grade earned. If not done immediately, this can delay progress toward graduation.

Courses may be repeated once without penalty. If a student still has not passed the course, permission must be given by the Associate Dean to take a course for the third time. If a student has not received a passing grade in a required course after taking it three times, the student will be asked to transfer into a different School or College. A student may drop a course within the add/drop period without penalty, but a grade of “W” will count toward the total number of times that a student may take the course.

Total Program

All degree programs require a minimum of 128 semester hours for graduation. A minimum of 45 semester hours must be from upper division course offerings. Please note that completion of a program may require more than 128 semester hours, depending upon the specific curriculum followed by the individual student. A student who has completed 128 semester hours, but who has not met all of the specific requirements of the program(s) in which s/he is enrolled, is not eligible for graduation.

Please be aware that some LMU courses may ONLY be taken at LMU. That includes certain University Core courses (including flags), some Business Core courses, and courses in majors.

In addition, please note that the University’s Residency requirement states that 30 of the final 36 credits must be taken at LMU. Generally, this means that a student may not take more than one or two more courses at an outside institution during the summer preceding or after the final year of that student’s program at LMU toward the degree. Exceptions are made for those whose Study Abroad programs overlap those final 36 credits.

Transfer Credit

The College can accept only those business and pre-business courses which are reasonably equivalent and at the same level of instruction as courses offered by Loyola Marymount University. Lower division courses in business and economics that may be accepted in transfer include the equivalents of the following Loyola Marymount University courses:

Code Title Semester Hours
BCOR 2110Financial Accounting4
BCOR 2120Accounting Information for Decision Making4
BCOR 2210Legal Environment of Business2
BCOR 2710Business Information Technology4
ECON 1050Introductory Economics4
ECON 2300Introductory Statistics4

The following policies apply to all work transferred to the College of Business Administration at Loyola Marymount University, whether from a two-year or a four-year school:

  • Students must obtain Transfer Course Approval prior to registration at other institutions.
  • Students may not enroll in classes, whether in person or online, offered at other institutions while enrolled at LMU.
  • A course that Loyola Marymount University offers at the junior or senior level (courses numbered 3000 or above), but was taken by a transfer student at the sophomore level at another school, cannot be accepted for credit. Such courses can be recognized only if a challenge exam is available and the student takes such an exam after admission to the College.
  • All transfer courses must be taken for a letter grade, and the student must receive a grade of C (2.0) or higher.
  • Upper division business core courses may only be transferred from a four-year, AACSB-accredited institution and must be approved by the relevant department chair.
  • Upper division business major classes (Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Information Systems and Business Analytics, Management and Leadership, and Marketing) cannot be transferred to LMU to fulfill requirements in the CBA. They can be transferred to LMU as elective credit.
  • Courses taken without approval may not be counted toward the degree.

Current LMU Students Interested in Transferring to the College of Business Administration or Adding a Business Major

A change of major into any of the majors in the College of Business Administration requires an application process and acceptance into the major. Students who are undeclared or who are currently enrolled in another undergraduate major at LMU, but are interested in changing to one of the majors offered by the College of Business Administration are encouraged to apply during their first year at LMU. Students may apply to the College as sophomores, but should realize that this could delay the completion of their degrees beyond the normal four years. Students are asked to demonstrate their interest and aptitude in Business Administration by completing MATH 112 Calculus for Business or an equivalent course in Calculus with a minimum grade of B (3.0) and ECON 1050 Introductory Economics, or equivalent courses in both Macroeconomics and Microeconomics, with a minimum grade of B (3.0). In addition, applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 to be considered. Attainment of minimum requirements may not always be sufficient to secure approval of transfer request; if there are a large number of requests, the application process may be competitive.

The student will be asked to complete a Change of Program form and given permission to register for the following semester in the new major.

Prospective students should check https://cba.lmu.edu/studentsuccess/advising/internaltransferstudents/ for current procedures for application for internal transfer.

When students are admitted to the College of Business Administration, the student will be asked to complete a Change of Program form and given permission to register for the following semester in the new major.

External Transfer Student Policy

Students interested in transferring to the LMU College of Business Administration from another college or university must complete a course in calculus with a minimum grade of B (3.0) and have a cumulative GPA of B (3.0).

Majors within the College of Business Administration

The College offers six functional majors at the Undergraduate level:

  • Accounting
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Information Systems and Business Analytics
  • Management and Leadership
  • Marketing

Of particular interest to those Accounting students attempting to complete the 150 hours of coursework required for the CPA, it is possible to earn a B.S. in Accounting and take a second major in the College of Business Administration or in another LMU School or College to complete the additional required units. Students should note that meeting the requirements of a second major may not require a total of 150 units in conjunction with the B.S. in Accounting.

The CBA also offers an Undeclared Business major to first- and second-year students at LMU. The Undeclared major is not a full major, and no degree is offered in Undeclared Business. Therefore, all students must switch from Undeclared Business into one of the functional majors prior to completing 64 credits of college-level work.

Double Business Majors: Students have the option of declaring double majors within the CBA. University policy states that in order to earn a degree with a double major, students must complete all of the requirements of each major, and that “double-counting” of courses is not permitted except where the same specific course is required by both majors (e.g., for a student wishing to major in ENTR and MRKT, both majors require that the student take BCOR 3610 Managing People and Organizations, and the student will not need to take it twice; however, there are electives which are cross-listed between ENTR and MRKT, and those courses may only count toward one, not both, of the majors). In general, completing a double major will involve the completion of about five additional courses, or 20 credits, beyond the first major; however, there are a few majors for which there is less overlap or more specific requirements (the BSA in Accounting and BS in AIMS, for example), which will require more coursework.

Students planning to complete a second major should declare it and begin coursework on the second major when they have at least three full semesters remaining before their planned graduation date. Each major has a sequenced curriculum which assumes a minimum of three semesters of enrollment, and a “major” assumes that you spent a good portion of your college education, and not just a single semester, studying that subject matter. A student declaring a second major within CBA will be assigned a secondary faculty advisor for the second major once the student completes the number of credits at which faculty advisors are assigned.

It should be noted that students completing a double major will see the following wording on their diplomas:  “A major in (first major), with a second major in (second major).” Students earn a degree in the primary major but do not earn a degree in the second major.

CBA Advantage

CBA Advantage is a non-credit requirement for graduation for all CBA majors that students will fulfill by attending events, workshops, and taking part in experiential learning activities outside of the classroom. The goal of CBA Advantage is to better prepare students for careers in a competitive job market and ensure engagement in activities representing the key components in the CBA’s new mission. The CBA Advantage program is administered by the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Student Success.

All student are required to earn a minimum of 2000 points to fulfill this requirement. For a student who does not enter the CBA as a First-Year student, their required points may be prorated based on the number of units earned upon admission. Students who have earned 31-59 units prior to their admission will receive 500 points prorated towards the 2000 point minimum, students  who have earned 60-89 units prior to their admission will receive 1000 points prorated towards the 2000 point minimum, and students who have earned 90 units or more prior to their admission will receive 1500 points prorated towards the 2000 point minimum. There are 5 Competency Areas in which we encourage students to explore through this program: Business Knowledge, Creative Confidence, Global Citizenship, Leadership Skills, and Moral Courage. Students must complete their CBA Advantage points requirement no later than the Registrar’s stated course withdrawal date for the semester in which they plan to graduate.
CBA Advantage will be administered using an app provided by the CBA’s technology partner. Information about how to download this app is available at http://cba.lmu.edu/advantage. Students are responsible for downloading the app, creating a free account, and then monitoring the app so they are aware when opportunities are available to earn points.

This requirement will be tracked as a component of each CBA major on the student’s Degree Works. Once students have reached their minimum 2000 points in the app, their Degree Works will update automatically within 24-hours to indicate that the requirement has been met.  

Minors within the College of Business Administration

Business Administration Minor

Eligibility: The Business Administration Minor is designed for and offered to students with non-business majors only. The requirements for the Minor in Business Administration are the following:

The student must complete a minimum of 18 semester hours in Business courses, including:

Code Title Semester Hours
BCOR 1910Business for Good2
BCOR 2110Financial Accounting4
Three additional 4-unit Business Courses, at least two of which must be at the 3000-level 112
Total Semester Hours18

Students must take the prerequisites for additional 4-unit business courses.

Courses counting toward the Business Minor may not be taken outside of LMU, with the exception of one course from Study Abroad.

Due to high demand, students must apply to, and be accepted into, the Business Administration Minor. Applications will be available online during the first six weeks of each semester, for admission to the Minor during the following semester.

Prerequisites for admission to the minor are the completion of MATH 112 Calculus for Business, MATH 120 Precalculus Mathematics, MATH 122 Calculus for the Life Sciences I, or MATH 131 Calculus I with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or a Dean’s exception. Students must complete BCOR 1910 Business for Good and BCOR 2110 Financial Accounting with a grade of C (2.0) or higher before they will be allowed to enroll in any elective classes for the minor. Students must have a cumulative GPA for all minor courses of a 2.5 or higher. Once the minor requirements have been met, students will not be permitted to take any more classes in the CBA without the approval of the Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Business Programs.

Structure: A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required in the minor for graduation.

Students are advised to apply to the minor during the sophomore or junior year in order to complete all coursework (some of which is sequential) by graduation. Students planning to study abroad may be deferred for a semester, but will need to plan accordingly.

Accounting Minor

Eligibility: The Accounting Minor is open only to Business Administration majors. The requirements for the Accounting Minor are the following:

Code Title Semester Hours
BCOR 2110Financial Accounting4
BCOR 2120Accounting Information for Decision Making4
Select three of the following:12
Intermediate Accounting I
Intermediate Accounting II
Strategic and Managerial Analysis
Accounting Information Systems
Federal Income Taxation
Total Semester Hours20

All upper division Accounting courses must be taken in residence at LMU. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 must be earned in the Minor area.

Business Law Minor

Eligibility: The Business Law Minor is open only to College of Business Administration majors. The requirements for the Business Law Minor are BCOR 2210 Legal Environment of Business, required in the Business Core, and an additional four business law elective courses. CBA majors may fulfill some of their major requirements with courses that also count towards the Business Law Minor. To fulfill requirements of the Business Law Minor, students must take a minimum of two distinct courses that do not fulfill their major degree requirements. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 must be earned in the minor. All Business Law Minor courses must be taken in residence at LMU, with the exception of the equivalent of BCOR 2210 Legal Environment of Business taken prior to enrollment at LMU.

International Business Minor

Eligibility: The International Business Minor (IB Minor) is open only to Business Administration majors. The requirements for the International Business Minor are the following: BCOR 3860 International Business, and four international business electives, for a total of 20 semester hours. All of these International Business courses must be taken in residence at LMU or an LMU Study Abroad Program. BCOR 3860 International Business and a maximum of two elective courses may be double-counted as credit that is also applied to the student’s major within the CBA. Thus, a minimum of two elective courses (8 semester hours) must only be applied to the International Business Minor and cannot be double-counted.  Courses offered by other LMU colleges or schools that are relevant to international business may be accepted upon approval by the program. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 must be earned in the International Business Minor area.

Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society

Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor society for students enrolled in business and management programs accredited by AACSB International-the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Election to lifetime membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest honor a business student can achieve. Juniors and seniors in the top 10% and MBA students in the top 20% of their class by GPA may be invited to membership, and membership is by invitation only. Beta Gamma Sigma membership provides recognition for a lifetime. With alumni chapters in major metropolitan areas across the United States, the BGS Career Central job board and the BetaLink online membership community, those recognized for their academic achievements at Loyola Marymount University can continue an active relationship with Beta Gamma Sigma long after graduation. This lifelong commitment to its members’ academic and professional success is defined in the Society’s mission: to encourage and honor academic achievement in the study of business and personal and professional excellence in the practice of business.

Graduate Program Policies

Attendance and Residence

Students are expected to be continuously enrolled in all graduate programs. A Leave of Absence (LOA) may be granted for up to one year at the discretion of the Senior Director of Graduate Business Programs and the Office of the Registrar. If a student needs to request a Leave of Absence, the student must contact the Graduate Business Programs office to initiate the process. Individuals who remain on leave for more than two years must formally reapply for admission. Readmission is based on the admission criteria and the curriculum that are in effect at the time of the resumption of classes.

Attendance in graduate classes is limited to individuals who have been admitted to the program and who are registered for the class. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Senior Director of Graduate Business Programs.

Student Registration

Registration must be completed each semester during the dates specified in the LMU Academic Calendar provided by the Office of the Registrar.

Newly-admitted students are required to meet with the Graduate Business Programs academic advisor prior to registering for their first semester of classes. In subsequent semesters, students are not required to obtain course approval for registration, unless on academic probation. Each student takes responsibility for following the curriculum plan outlined by their graduate degree.

Students are encouraged to meet informally with faculty in their areas of interest for general and career guidance.

Degree Works

The Office of the Registrar uses Degree Works to certify students for graduation, and all areas in Degree Works must show met before the student may graduate. A student should review their Degree Works regularly to make sure that courses are listed in the correct areas. Degree Works may be adjusted to allow for course substitutions, waived requirements, or any other variance in the program of study. These adjustments are made through the Graduate Business Programs office.

Responsibility and Academic Standing

A student is responsible for knowing academic and administrative policies and regulations affecting their program of study and for abiding by all such policies and regulations during their period of enrollment at the University. Continued enrollment is subject to compliance with the academic and administrative policies and regulations. Failure to understand the policies and regulations does not relieve a student of her or his responsibility for adhering to the policies and regulations.

A student must maintain in each semester the stated minimum cumulative grade point average for each of the requirements in the degree program. The calculation of standing is based on all courses taken at LMU. All students must maintain a B average (3.0) in term, major, program, and cumulative GPA, with a C or higher in every core course. The calculation is based upon courses taken in Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.

All unit bearing courses must be taken for a letter grade.  Credit/no credit grading not an option.

Academic Probation and Disqualification

Academic probation constitutes a serious warning to students that their academic performance is unsatisfactory and continued failure to improve this record may result in being disqualified from the University. Additionally, a student who does not make satisfactory progress in the course of study is subject to probation. Further, the Dean or Director may impose restrictions on students on probation regarding the program of study and their participation in scholarship or extracurricular activities at LMU.

Conditions for Academic Probation

Any graduate student who, in any semester, fails to earn a “B” (3.0) average or whose cumulative grade point average in the falls below a “B” (3.0) will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation will be ineligible for scholarships and tuition remission.

Conditions for Disqualification

Disqualification is based upon two consecutive semesters (Fall, Spring, or Summer) in which work of less than grade of B (3.0) average is earned or in which the student fails to meet conditions imposed by the Dean or other academic entity. Summer sessions are used to calculate if a graduate student is subject to disqualification.

Disqualification terminates a student’s relationship with the University. A disqualified student may not register in any division or session of the University, and is denied all privileges of the University, including all organizations or activities in any way connected to the University.

Academic Honesty

All business graduate degrees abide by the LMU Academic Honesty Policies and Procedures. Please refer to the Academic Degree Requirements and Policies section of the University Bulletin for more information.

Change of Program or Emphasis

A student who wishes to transfer from one emphasis to another before completing a degree must request an approval from the Graduate Business Programs office.

Cross-Listed Courses

A cross-listed course is one that carries credit in more than one department or program. Students may not enroll in more than one section of a cross-listed course and may receive credit in one department only.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat a course previously taken at LMU in a subsequent term one time only, including any withdrawals; the prior occurrence is excluded from the cumulative grade point average but remains on the transcript. Please note that although the GPA for that term will change accordingly, the academic status of the previous term will not change.

A student who earns below a C in a core course will be required to repeat that course.

Students must complete all required coursework and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 every semester and cumulatively. A grade of C or better must be earned in all courses. A student who earns below a grade of C in a course must repeat that course.

Grade Appeals

Please refer to the Academic Degree Requirements and Policies section of the University Bulletin for more information.

Incomplete Grades

“I” (Incomplete) indicates that the student has not completed the work for a given course. The student must remove the “I” in order to qualify for graduation. Students who wish to retake the course must pay regular tuition for the repeated course.

When a professor has granted an “I,” it is the student’s responsibility to arrange a deferred grade. The professor submits a “Deferred Grade Form” with the final grade to the Office of the Registrar.

Any graduate student who in a given term receives a grade of I (Incomplete) for a course and who subsequently completes the course will receive a grade that is retroactive to the term when the student first registered for the course with all the impact it entails on the student’s academic standing.

Independent Study

Independent Studies classes must be sponsored by a full-time faculty member and approved by the Associate Dean. Independent Studies can only be invoked once during a student’s graduate program.

There are time constraints associated with an Independent Studies course. The approval process for Independent Studies must be completed during the semester prior to the semester during which the student expects to enroll in the Independent Studies course.

All questions about Independent Studies should be directed to the Faculty Advisor. The Faculty Advisor is the arbiter of the process facilitating Independent Studies.

Academic Advising

An Academic Advisor is available for all graduate students to assist in navigating through their program curriculum.

Advising is optional after their first semester unless a student is on academic probation, in which case the student must be advised prior to registration. Advisor Holds will be placed on the student’s record and not removed until the student has been advised.

Jesuit MBA Transfer Network (MBA Program Only)

Students from schools that are parties to the Multilateral Agreement may complete their degree requirements at another Agreement School, subject to the admission standards of the receiving school. Other conditions may apply as well.

LMU MBA students who have completed more than half of their degree requirements may take courses that apply towards their LMU degree requirements at another Jesuit-affiliated school and still receive their degree from LMU, assuming that they take the courses approved by the LMU MBA Program and earn at least a B in each course.

Those students who have completed less than half of their degree requirements at LMU may transfer to another Jesuit-affiliated school, assuming they meet the receiving school’s admission standards, and receive credit for some or all LMU coursework to apply towards the degree requirements at the receiving school. The receiving school determines the transfer credits they will accept.

LMU will only accept courses towards the degree with grades of B or better.

A student who transfers to LMU from another Jesuit MBA program is required to maintain the standards of graduate students at LMU and is governed by the guidelines established within the University Bulletin. For more information about the Jesuit Transfer Network, visit http://jesuitmba.org/.

Students who transfer in from other Jesuit MBA Programs but will be receiving their degree from their original school are considered Visiting Students (non-degree).

All participating institutions have the right to deny individual applicants. Each institution will employ the right to enforce its own university standards.

LMU prefers Jesuit MBA Network transfers for the Fall term but will consider other semesters.

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