CBA Graduate Program Policies

Attendance and Residence

Students are expected to be continuously enrolled in all graduate programs. A Leave of Absence (LOA) may be granted for up to one year at the discretion of the Senior Director of Graduate Business Programs and the Office of the Registrar. If a student needs to request a Leave of Absence, the student must contact the Graduate Business Programs office to initiate the process. Individuals who remain on leave for more than two years must formally reapply for admission. Readmission is based on the admission criteria and the curriculum that are in effect at the time of the resumption of classes.

Attendance in graduate classes is limited to individuals who have been admitted to the program and who are registered for the class. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Senior Director of Graduate Business Programs.

Student Registration

Registration must be completed each semester during the dates specified in the LMU Academic Calendar provided by the Office of the Registrar.

Newly-admitted students are required to meet with the Graduate Business Programs academic advisor prior to registering for their first semester of classes. In subsequent semesters, students are not required to obtain course approval for registration, unless on academic probation. Each student takes responsibility for following the curriculum plan outlined by their graduate degree.

Students are encouraged to meet informally with faculty in their areas of interest for general and career guidance.

Degree Works

The Office of the Registrar uses Degree Works to certify students for graduation, and all areas in Degree Works must show met before the student may graduate. A student should review their Degree Works regularly to make sure that courses are listed in the correct areas. Degree Works may be adjusted to allow for course substitutions, waived requirements, or any other variance in the program of study. These adjustments are made through the Graduate Business Programs office.

Responsibility and Academic Standing

A student is responsible for knowing academic and administrative policies and regulations affecting their program of study and for abiding by all such policies and regulations during their period of enrollment at the University. Continued enrollment is subject to compliance with the academic and administrative policies and regulations. Failure to understand the policies and regulations does not relieve a student of her or his responsibility for adhering to the policies and regulations.

A student must maintain in each semester the stated minimum cumulative grade point average for each of the requirements in the degree program. The calculation of standing is based on all courses taken at LMU. MBA students must maintain a B average (3.0) in term, major, program, and cumulative GPA, with a C or higher in every core course. The calculation is based upon courses taken in Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.

Academic Probation and Disqualification

Academic probation constitutes a serious warning to students that their academic performance is unsatisfactory and continued failure to improve this record may result in being disqualified from the University. Additionally, a student who does not make satisfactory progress in the course of study is subject to probation. Further, the Dean or Director may impose restrictions on students on probation regarding the program of study and their participation in scholarship or extracurricular activities at LMU.

Conditions for Academic Probation

Any graduate student who, in any semester, fails to earn a “B” (3.0) average or whose cumulative grade point average in the falls below a “B” (3.0) will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation will be ineligible for scholarships and tuition remission.

Conditions for Disqualification

Disqualification is based upon two consecutive semesters (Fall, Spring, or Summer) in which work of less than grade of B (3.0) average is earned or in which the student fails to meet conditions imposed by the Dean or other academic entity. Summer sessions are used to calculate if a graduate student is subject to disqualification.

Disqualification terminates a student’s relationship with the University. A disqualified student may not register in any division or session of the University, and is denied all privileges of the University, including all organizations or activities in any way connected to the University.

Academic Honesty

All business graduate degrees abide by the LMU Academic Honesty Policies and Procedures. Please refer to the Academic Degree Requirements and Policies section of the University Bulletin for more information.

Change of Program or Emphasis

A student who wishes to transfer from one emphasis to another before completing a degree must request an approval from the Graduate Business Programs office.

Cross-Listed Courses

A cross-listed course is one that carries credit in more than one department or program. Students may not enroll in more than one section of a cross-listed course and may receive credit in one department only.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat a course previously taken at LMU in a subsequent term one time only, including any withdrawals; the prior occurrence is excluded from the cumulative grade point average but remains on the transcript. Please note that although the GPA for that term will change accordingly, the academic status of the previous term will not change.

A student who earns below a C in a core course will be required to repeat that course.

Students must complete all required coursework and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 every semester and cumulatively. A grade of C or better must be earned in all courses. A student who earns below a grade of C in a course must repeat that course.

Grade Appeals

Please refer to the Academic Degree Requirements and Policies section of the University Bulletin for more information.

Incomplete Grades

“I” (Incomplete) indicates that the student has not completed the work for a given course. The student must remove the “I” in order to qualify for graduation. Students who wish to retake the course must pay regular tuition for the repeated course.

When a professor has granted an “I,” it is the student’s responsibility to arrange a deferred grade. The professor submits a “Deferred Grade Form” with the final grade to the Office of the Registrar.

Any graduate student who in a given term receives a grade of I (Incomplete) for a course and who subsequently completes the course will receive a grade that is retroactive to the term when the student first registered for the course with all the impact it entails on the student’s academic standing.

Independent Study

Independent Studies classes must be sponsored by a full-time faculty member and approved by the Associate Dean. Independent Studies can only be invoked once during a student’s graduate program.

There are time constraints associated with an Independent Studies course. The approval process for Independent Studies must be completed during the semester prior to the semester during which the student expects to enroll in the Independent Studies course.

All questions about Independent Studies should be directed to the Faculty Advisor. The Faculty Advisor is the arbiter of the process facilitating Independent Studies.

Academic Advising

An Academic Advisor is available for all graduate students to assist in navigating through their program curriculum.

Advising is optional after their first semester unless a student is on academic probation, in which case the student must be advised prior to registration. Advisor Holds will be placed on the student’s record and not removed until the student has been advised.

Jesuit MBA Transfer Network (MBA Program Only)

Students from schools that are parties to the Multilateral Agreement may complete their degree requirements at another Agreement School, subject to the admission standards of the receiving school. Other conditions may apply as well.

LMU MBA students who have completed more than half of their degree requirements may take courses that apply towards their LMU degree requirements at another Jesuit-affiliated school and still receive their degree from LMU, assuming that they take the courses approved by the LMU MBA Program and earn at least a B in each course.

Those students who have completed less than half of their degree requirements at LMU may transfer to another Jesuit-affiliated school, assuming they meet the receiving school’s admission standards, and receive credit for some or all LMU coursework to apply towards the degree requirements at the receiving school. The receiving school determines the transfer credits they will accept.

LMU will only accept courses towards the degree with grades of B or better.

A student who transfers to LMU from another Jesuit MBA program is required to maintain the standards of graduate students at LMU and is governed by the guidelines established within the University Bulletin. For more information about the Jesuit Transfer Network, visit

Students who transfer in from other Jesuit MBA Programs but will be receiving their degree from their original school are considered Visiting Students (non-degree).

All participating institutions have the right to deny individual applicants. Each institution will employ the right to enforce its own university standards.

LMU prefers Jesuit MBA Network transfers for the Fall term but will consider other semesters.