Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Innovation, M.S.

Program Overview

The College of Business Administration (CBA) offers the M.S. in Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Innovation (MSESI) designed for individuals seeking to launch a start-up or innovate practices within their organization.

The MSESI is offered in a hybrid program structure, which offers the best of traditional and non-traditional student learning experience: the in-person combined with the flexibility of doing coursework online. This approach provides flexibility for graduate students who usually balance a full-time job, family obligations, and generally busy schedules. Entrepreneurs are also subject to balancing several aspects of launching a company in addition to family and other obligations. Further, the hybrid model for the MSESI provides non-traditional learners, professionals and perhaps stay at-home individuals, the opportunity to experience discipline and focus; learn with peers and professors; experience freedom and flexibility with their schedule; and develop personal support and connections with faculty, classmates, and mentors.

Students may enter the program in Fall semester only.

Graduate Program Policies

For a complete listing of the College of Business Administration’s Graduate Program Policies, please click here.