Art and Art History


  • Chairpersons: Melody Rod-ari (Art History Chair), TBA (Studio Arts)
  • Professors: Jane Brucker, Han Dai-Yu, Saeri Cho Dobson, Dmitry Kemell, Garland P. Kirkpatrick, Teresa I. Lenihan, Diane M. Meyer, Kirstin J. Noreen, Rev. Michael R. Tang, Damon Willick
  • Associate Professor: Amanda Herring, Melody Rod-ari
  • Assistant Professor: Paloma Barhaugh-Bordas, Luciano Pimienta
  • Clinical Assistant Professors: Masaru (Macha) Suzuki, Selwa Sweidan
  • Artist-in-Residence Clinical Assistant Professor: William Pupa
  • Visiting Lecturer: Nicole Woods (Fall 2024)


Within the framework of the University’s mission, the Department of Art and Art History is committed to giving students educational opportunities combining creativity, professional, and scholarly study in the visual arts.


The philosophy of the Department rests on the premise that its students should receive a broad education that combines creativity and scholarly study.

Three majors are offered, Art and Design, Studio Arts, and Art History. The foremost objective is to prepare students intellectually and professionally for a career in Studio Arts and Art History and/or graduate studies. Courses offered to undergraduate majors and non-majors stress the cultural value of the visual arts.


Three majors are offered, Art and Design, Studio Arts and Art History.

Students may complete a minor in Art History and/or Studio Arts.

Semester Hours

For studio classes, a semester hour of credit, one unit, represents three hours of work each week. In lecture and seminar courses, an hour of credit represents one hour each week in class and two hours of work outside of class.
