LMU School of Education


  • Dean: Estela Zarate
  • Associate Dean for Faculty, DEI, Continuous Improvement & Assessment (Accreditation): Franca Dell’Olio
  • Associate Dean, Student Services: Antonio Felix
  • Associate Dean, Enrollment and Business Services: TBD
  • Associate Dean, Strategic Engagement and Initiatives: Sashary Zaroyan

Contact Information


The LMU School of Education offers graduate programs and certifications in the following areas of study: School Leadership and Administration, Catholic School Leadership and Administration, Higher Education Administration, Counseling, School Psychology, Transformative Education, Educational Studies, Bilingual Elementary, Secondary, Special Mild/Moderate Support Needs, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The School of Education also offers a doctorate in Educational Leadership for Social Justice and an undergraduate Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program.

The high quality of the education program is confirmed through its accreditation by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), and Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

All LMU School of Education credential programs meet the California state requirements as specified by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The institution has not made a determination as to whether the credential programs meet the requirements of states outside of California.

Mission of the School of Education

In alignment with our Jesuit and Marymount heritage and the Mission of Loyola Marymount University, the SOE promotes the leadership, lifelong learning, and wellness of students, families and communities across a broad array of settings, experiences, and backgrounds. Together we advance equity-minded, anti-racist, ethical, and research-informed preparation and practices for education and mental health professionals; we promote rigorous, relevant, and community-engaged interdisciplinary research; and we foster authentic, collaborative partnerships linking research, preparation, and practice.

Goals of the School of Education

The faculty, staff, and students of the School of Education strive to work collaboratively in a student-centered environment to be professionals who act to:

  • Value and respect all individuals
    We believe in the worth of each individual. We affirm the inherent dignity and value of each person as a child of God. Therefore, we believe that all individuals have the potential to be successful learners with unique characteristics and experiences that bring positive value and meaning to the learning experience.
  • Promote social justice
    We recognize the existence of social inequity, marginalization, and the different faces of oppression, and we commit ourselves to work actively for the establishment of a just and equitable society. While it is important to understand critically the structures, practices, and discourses that cause and perpetuate injustice, we also aim to nurture transformative structures, practices, and discourses that actively promote greater equity. This commitment challenges us to think with a global perspective, to embrace the notion of a preferential option for the poor, and to act with a conviction of equity.
  • Promote cultural responsiveness
    We recognize diversity as a strength, and we commit ourselves personally and professionally to serve culturally and linguistically diverse populations. These populations include those who represent cultural diversity broadly defined, including race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ability, and age. Among other valuable theories and approaches, we utilize sociocultural and constructivist perspectives in teaching and learning. We value these and other perspectives that promote active participation in learning as well as meaningful and authentic instruction and assessment and emphasize students’ cultural and linguistic background experiences.
  • Integrate theory and practice
    We strive to unite theory and practice in a reciprocal relationship that mutually informs each other. We are a community of reflective practitioners, guided by critical inquiry and social responsibility. We actively engage in educational research, including faculty/ student collaboration. We affirm the use of technology in education as authentic, meaningful, and accessible to all learners.
  • Develop moral, intellectual, responsible, and caring leaders
    We are committed to the preparation of educators who will be leaders in the field and who reflect high standards of ethics and values. We seek to be, and to encourage others to be, women and men who have the intellectual skills to critically evaluate educational issues, have the moral conviction to respond as agents of change, and exhibit an ethic of care in the service of others.
  • Collaborate and share leadership across communities
    We believe in the value of working collaboratively with the districts, schools, parents, and students of the communities we serve to successfully educate all learners. We recognize, support, and promote the gifts and talents of community members and encourage their participation in decision-making processes.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Justice Framework of the School of Education

The School of Education is grounded in the Jesuit and Marymount tradition of social justice. Social justice is our collective responsibility for each other in our global society, recognizing the people and communities that have historically been oppressed and marginalized along with recognizing those who have historically been privileged and provided power. Social justice requires us to co-create equitable systems of access and support by critically examining the distribution of opportunities, resources, and social capital (distributive justice; Tyler, 2000). Further, social justice must be co-constructed/co-created with those who experience inequity, centering their voices, ideas, and perspectives on their material realities, for equitable outcomes, and in decision-making (procedural justice; Tyler, 2000).

In the School of Education, we recognize that social justice has its basis in anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion: dismantling and transforming racist beliefs and practices; valuing human diversity in all its forms; promoting equitable access to resources and capital; and creating inclusive environments where those who have been systematically oppressed and marginalized are included in decision-making. Social justice work can be uncomfortable, takes strength and courage, and requires taking risks, including risking privilege and capital. This ongoing work requires us to:

  • Critically engage in developing culturally responsive curriculum in all our programs
  • Examine policies, practices, systems, and structures in the School of Education that perpetuate racist views, oppression, and marginalization
  • Develop a transparent, shared decision-making model
  • Develop specific metrics to ensure accountability at the individual and organizational levels

Candidate Outcomes and Proficiencies

The following four broad learning goals are intended to express the expectations for how all candidates will achieve the mission of the School of Education. Under each goal are corresponding candidate learning outcomes that express specific ways in which candidates should be able to demonstrate fulfillment of each goal.

Unit Goal 1: Candidates will respect and value all individuals and communities.
Candidate Learning Outcomes

  • Diversity: Candidates will know, value, and integrate the diversity of students and their communities
  • Culture of high expectations: Candidates will promote a culture of high expectations for all
  • Inclusion: Candidates will be able to use inclusive strategies and practices
  • Community: Candidates will be able to gather and use multiple resources to better understand and serve their community

Unit Goal 2: Candidates will integrate theory and practice.
Candidate Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge: Candidates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of historical, philosophical, socio-political, economic, and legal influences on education
  • Critical Lens: Candidates will be able to use a critical lens to analyze and share content knowledge
  • Reflection: Candidates will be able to reflect on personal experience of self and others to inform practice
  • Disposition: Candidates will understand and model exemplary professional practices
  • Research: Candidates will be able to use multiple research methodologies
  • Pedagogical Technology: Candidates will be able to integrate content and pedagogical knowledge, academic skills, and technology in professional practice

Unit Goal 3: Candidates will advocate for access to a socially just education.
Candidate Learning Outcomes

  • Communication and Collaboration: Candidates will be able to effectively communicate and collaborate
  • Academic Excellence: Candidates will promote academic excellence in the field
  • Equity: Candidates will be able to use pedagogical skills to implement principles of equity and empowerment
  • Social Justice: Candidates will be able to understand and respond to issues related to the preferential option for the poor and marginalized groups
  • Technology: Candidates will be able to advocate for and critically use technology
  • Lifelong Learning: Candidates will demonstrate a commitment to ongoing professional development and involvement in professional organizations

Unit Goal 4: Candidates will lead in order to facilitate transformation.
Candidate Learning Outcomes

  • Ethics: Candidates will be able to practice effective, ethical, and moral leadership
  • Shared Vision: Candidates will be able to share and collaboratively construct an inclusive vision within professional learning communities
  • Performance Evaluation: Candidates will be able to seek, reflect upon, and respond to constructive feedback
  • Systemic Change: Candidates will understand and use the elements, processes, and technological advances that lead to systemic change
  • Assessment: Candidates will understand and promote equitable and effective assessment and evaluation systems

School of Education Academic Regulations

Per Federal Regulation 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v), all LMU School of Education credential/licensure programs meet the California state requirements as specified by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and for the CA Board of Behavioral Sciences as appropriate. The institution has not made a determination as to whether these credential, licensure, and professional preparation programs meet the requirements of states outside of California. If you are interested in practicing outside the state of California, it is recommended that you contact the respective licensing entity of that state to seek information or guidance regarding their licensure and credential requirements in advance to allow appropriate planning.

  • Pupil Personnel Services: Credential School Counseling
  • Pupil Personnel Services: Credential School Psychology
  • Pupil Personnel Services: Child Welfare and Attendance Added Authorization
  • Bilingual Authorization
  • Reading and Literacy Added Authorization
  • Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
  • Preliminary Multiple Subjects Credential
  • Preliminary Single Subject Credential

Graduate Admissions Policies and Procedures

Applicants for graduate programs are encouraged to review the SOE website (soe.lmu.edu) and contact SOE Admission for advice and assistance completing their application requirements (soeinfo@lmu.edu). In order to continue in any SOE program, admitted candidates must remain in good academic standing and successfully meet requirements.

LMU processes all application submissions through the use of a cloud-based software service. When a prospective applicant applies to the SOE, the applicant will be prompted to create a user ID. Once the user ID is created, an applicant can review his or her application file and status at any time from a computer or mobile device.

Non-Degree Status: Applicants seeking admission to the School of Education under non-degree status are not guaranteed admission.

Exceptions Admissions Process

Applicants who do not meet minimum admission requirements based on GPA (below 3.0 and above 2.7) or TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo English test scores will be asked to submit a Request for Exception to the GPA Requirement form and statement for admission consideration through the exceptions process. Candidates accepted through the exceptions process will be admitted with additional program requirements are encouraged to seek academic assistance through the LMU Academic Resource Center.

Admission Decision Appeal

Applicants who wish to appeal a denial of admission, will be required to contact the following individuals, in order, to present their appeal.

  1. Academic Program Director
  2. Department Chair
  3. Associate Dean, Student Services, School of Education

Graduate Transfer Credit

School of Education graduate students must submit transfer credit requests at the time of admission to their advisor or Academic Program Director in order to receive credit toward a degree for graduate-level work taken at other regionally accredited colleges and universities. The request must be in writing with a course syllabus, University Bulletin/Catalog description, and official transcript for each course they wish to transfer. All transferred course credit requested must have received a grade of at least 3.0 (B). Courses used to satisfy a degree requirement at another college or university cannot be used for transfer credit with the exception of core or prerequisite requirements. Students may request a transfer for up to 6 semester (9 quarter) hours of graduate units. Transfer coursework may not be more than five years old. Transfer credit requests received after admission will not be considered. The Office of the Registrar grants final approval of transfer credit.

Adding a Second LMU Master of Arts Degree

A student who has earned a Master of Arts degree from the School of Education may apply up to three applicable core courses from that degree toward a second Master of Arts degree with the approval of the program director. The student must successfully complete all other requirements for the second degree.



New students are strongly encouraged to attend Student Orientation.

Academic Advising

Upon admission to the School of Education, students are assigned an academic advisor. The advisor will assist students with course sequencing, enrollment, and monitoring their progress toward program completion and CTC credential requirements. Students are advised to schedule a meeting with their academic advisor as soon as possible after admission and consult with their academic advisor regularly on program requirements and registration.

Professional Advising

Faculty are available to meet with students to discuss professional, career, academic, and educational issues. Students are encouraged to see their program director for professional advisement.


The School of Education emphasizes and supports the use of technology throughout its programs. Students are required to:

  1. have access to a computer,
  2. follow all University policies related to information technology and
  3. use the University’s Learning Management System, Brightspace. SOE students are required to purchase and use LiveText (see below). The cost is included in the first semester of enrollment.

Email Accounts

The School of Education will utilize students’ LMU email accounts to contact students. Students are responsible for all University communication sent to their LMU email accounts. Students must check this account regularly or forward it to a preferred account. Students should contact the Student Help Desk for information on email and network access accounts.


LiveText is web-based software used by students to complete fieldwork and course assignments. All undergraduate, Masters, credential, and certificate students enrolled in the School of Education are required to purchase and utilize LiveText. An ePortfolio fee is assessed to each student at the beginning of their first semester of enrollment. The fee covers a seven-year subscription for LiveText.


Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)

A number of courses in the School of Education are offered on a Credit/No Credit basis. Credit indicates a graduate student has earned at least a “B” or an undergraduate student has earned at least a “C” in the course. Certain State-mandated credential courses must be taken for a grade. Instructors should be consulted for clarification.

Incomplete (I)

A grade of Incomplete “I” may be requested by the student to the instructor in extraordinary circumstances and when a candidate has completed a minimum of 80% of the course work. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary forms are completed and submitted appropriately for any Incomplete grade request. The instructor may not approve the request. Graduate students with more than two Incompletes will be blocked from registration.

In Progress (IP)

In Progress grades are given in fieldwork classes when the academic calendars of the PK-12 school and the University do not align. The In Progress grade indicates that the fieldwork is in progress at the time grades were submitted. An IP grade will be replaced by a grade of CR or NC.

Support for Candidates’ Development of Academic and Professional Standards

The School of Education is committed to the development of qualified educators to work in public, private, and Catholic schools. This commitment is made to the candidates, to the students with whom they will work, and to the general public we serve. The faculty strives to enhance each candidate’s ability to work effectively with students and families, and to be highly sought by schools and school districts. During the candidate’s course of study in the School of Education, the faculty will provide feedback and support to candidates in both their academic and professional development.

Academic Development

When a candidate is not able to meet the minimum academic expectations in a course, the instructor will conduct one-on-one meeting(s) with the candidate to develop a remediation plan. This plan may include, but is not limited to: referral to the program director; tutorials provided by the faculty; support from peers; or a referral to the University’s Academic Resource Center. If the candidate is not able to attain the minimum course grade needed for graduation, he/she may retake the course to attain a higher grade with approval from the program director.

All candidates are required to maintain a minimum semester and cumulative GPA of 3.0 during their course of study. Candidates will be placed on academic probation if they fail to meet the minimum GPA. The candidate will be required to meet with the Academic Program Director and Academic Advisor who will monitor the candidate’s progress. Students on academic probation must receive a “B” (3.0) or higher in the following semester or be subject to disqualification from the University.

Professional (Non-Academic) Development

The School of Education, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) have determined that non-academic qualities are necessary for educators to be successful. Non-academic factors include behaviors, dispositions, and attitudes that educators must positively develop and demonstrate. If a candidate fails to meet appropriate professional expectations in class field placements, or any other educational setting, the School of Education will assist with the student’s professional development.

Assistance with professional development will take the following steps:

  • The instructor will consult with the student and complete the necessary documentation.
  • The instructor and program director will work with the student to develop a remediation plan. Assistance may include: specific tutorials provided by any member of the faculty; a referral to LMU Student Psychological Services; or other referrals.
  • The instructor, program director, and student will meet with the associate dean if necessary.
  • The program director will monitor the student’s progress in accordance with the developed remediation plan.

Students who cannot uphold academic or non-academic standards may be disqualified from their program. Students who are disqualified from one program in the School of Education are not eligible for any other program in the School.

Statement of Professional Dispositions

The School of Education holds four Unit Dispositions that shape the professional expectations for all candidates: “We strive to be, and to educate professionals to be, educators who: Respect and value all individuals and communities; Educate by integrating theory and practice; Advocate for access to a socially just education; and Lead in order to facilitate transformation.”

Comprehensive Assessment

All students completing a Master of Arts degree must successfully pass a Comprehensive Examination, complete a Culminating/Capstone Experience, or successfully complete a thesis in their subject area.

Comprehensive Examination

Select programs within the School of Education offer a Comprehensive Examination to meet the Comprehensive Assessment requirement. Students are required to enroll in and receive credit for course 6995, Comprehensive Examination, to complete the Master of Arts degree. There is a fee charged to zero-semester-hour courses.

The comprehensive examination is not just a quantitative or cumulative extension of the examination content of all required courses. Rather, it examines a candidate’s ability to apply acquired knowledge and experiences to a set of practical problems within the candidate’s field of specialization. The comprehensive examination can be written and/or oral. The various Master of Arts degrees have specific requirements as to what type of comprehensive examination or Capstone is required. Students should consult their Academic Program Director as to the type of comprehensive examination or Capstone required.


Select programs within the School of Education offer a Thesis option to meet the Comprehensive Assessment requirement. The course requirement section of each program will indicate whether this option is available. Students in those programs who are interested in this option must meet the thesis guidelines as specified by their Academic Program Director. In addition to meeting the thesis criteria and guidelines, students in the thesis option  may need other course enrollment to meet the requirement.


A commencement ceremony is held at the end of the Spring term for those degree candidates who are eligible and wish to participate. Please consult the Office of the Registrar’s website for more detailed information.

Application for Degree

Degrees are awarded at the end of the spring, summer II, and fall terms. Candidates must submit a formal application for degree to the Office of the Registrar. The deadlines to apply for degree are listed in the University calendar. The degree will not be posted to the candidate’s transcript if an application for degree is not submitted. See the Office of the Registrar’s website for more detailed information.

Requirements for Graduation

  1. All requirements for the degree must be met prior to the degree date.
  2. The date of the degree posted on the student’s transcript and diploma is the one by which all graduation requirements, including the application for degree, have been completed.
  3. A 3.0 cumulative GPA must be met prior to the degree date.
  4. All incomplete work required for the degree must be completed prior to the degree date.

Failure to comply with these regulations will preclude the granting of a degree. Those who have applied for a degree and do not complete the requirements before the projected date of completion for which they applied are required to reapply in a later semester.

For combined credential and M.A. degree programs, graduation and degree-awarding does not result in automatic credential recommendation. Completion of credential requirements, including a 3.0 GPA in the credential coursework and fulfillment of non-course requirements, are required before a recommendation is made to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).

School of Education Academic Awards

The School of Education will name an Outstanding Student for graduate degree and undergraduate, Catholic, and bilingual teacher programs. The recipient must be a student graduating in the current academic year. The candidates for these awards are nominated and voted upon by faculty in recognition of the graduate’s academic, personal, and professional qualities that best exemplify the mission and goals of the School of Education.

Credential Application Process

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) issues credentials upon the recommendation of the School of Education.

A credential application must be submitted to the School of Education Credential Office at the completion of the candidate’s credential program and once all CTC requirements have been met. See the School of Education credential section of the website at soe.lmu.edu for detailed information on the credential application process. A 3.0 GPA in credential program coursework and fulfillment of non-course requirements is required for a credential recommendation.

Student Records and Materials

All materials submitted to the School of Education are property of the School of Education and will not be returned to the student. Students are advised to make copies of all materials submitted for their records.

School of Education Centers

In addition to the academic departments that house the programs identified below, the School of Education has developed several centers to further our commitment to, and work in, teaching, research, and community advocacy/support: Center for Catholic Education, Center for Equity for English Learners, and Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation.
