Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies), B.A.

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Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) major is designed for students who anticipate teaching in grades K-5 or a self-contained classroom in grades 6-8. Due to the rigorous standards set forth by the State of California for teacher credentialing, the Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) major at LMU is very specific in terms of the coursework students will be taking. Students in this program complete an Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) major, the University’s Core Curriculum requirements, and the School of Education credential coursework requirements in four years.


The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program enables the student to meet Elementary Education Multiple Subject teacher preparation standards. The curriculum likewise serves the Loyola Marymount University mission.

Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) Learning Outcomes

The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program student will master the content required of professional educators in the State of California including:  key concepts in academic fields such as social sciences and history, the arts and humanities, language studies, mathematics and science, health, physical education, human development, and in an approved academic concentration of the candidate’s choice. 

The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program student will master the skills required of professional educators in the State of California:

  • To synthesize subject content in the liberal arts, professional content related to classroom teaching, and educational policies
  • To apply reading, writing, and research skills appropriate to the work of the academic disciplines being studied
  • To apply academic concepts to practical teaching contexts
  • To analyze, reflect on, and evaluate the relationships among academic theories, the practical and applied contexts of teaching, and the multiple and complex needs of students comprising a rich and diverse globe

The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program student will value:

  • Intellectual inquiry across a range of subjects
  • A world view comprising faith, social justice, and a respect for diversity
  • The individual’s role as a future educator who will shape the lives of children, local communities, and larger national and global societies;

Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) students will develop in their roles as:

  • Critical thinkers and creative problem solvers
  • Responsible local and global citizens
  • Culturally responsive and reflective learners and practitioners
  • Collaborators in a community of learners characterized by the Ignatian imagination
  • Effective, caring educators who are advocates for equity
  • Curricular leaders who value multiple ways of knowing.

Five key components to the Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) major

Code Title Semester Hours
University Core Curriculum
Subject-matter requirements for Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) majors are specific. The core course requirements are spread across 13 courses and three areas-Foundations, Explorations, and Integrations.
FFYS 1000First Year Seminar3,4
RHET 1000Rhetorical Arts3-4
Quantitative Reasoning:
MATH 106Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I 13
Theological Inquiry4
Philosophical Inquiry4
Studies in American Diversity: Choose from advisor-approved list of ethnic studies related content4
Creative Experience:
ART 2250Visual Arts for the Elementary Educator3
Historical Analysis and Perspectives: Select from advisor-approved list4
Nature of Science, Technology, and Mathematics:
SCEM 270Experimenting in Science I4
Understanding Human Behavior:
PSYC 1000General Psychology4
Faith and Reason4
Ethics and Justice 23-4
Interdisciplinary Connections:
LBST 4900Education and Global Issues4
Engaged Learning (1 flag)
Major Requirements
ART 2250Visual Arts for the Elementary Educator4
DANC 363Multiples Ways of Knowing and Showing: Music and Dance3
DANC 385Movement Arts for Children3
ENGL 4600Electives: Topics in Lit4
GEOG 2000World Geography4
HIST 1010Premodern World History4
HIST 1050Modern World History4
or HIST 1060 Modern Global Environmental History
HIST 1300Becoming America 34
LBST 4900Education and Global Issues4
HIST 4412History of California (or advisor-approved course in history of California)4
MATH 106Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I3
MATH 207Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II3
PSYC 1000General Psychology4
SCEM 270Experimenting in Science I4
SCEM 271Experimenting in Science II4
Education Program Requirements 4
EDTL 500Language Theory and Pedagogy for Teaching English Learners3
EDTL 501Policies and Practices for Inclusive Classrooms3
EDTL 502Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Education3
EDTL 503Effective Learning Environments3
EDTL 510Multiple Subjects Methods for Diverse Populations3
EDTL 511Literacy for Diverse Populations3
EDTL 520Clinical Supervision 1 - Elementary Student Teacher1
EDTL 8000Health Education (fee-based)1
EDTL 8001Foundations of Online Teaching (fee-based)1
Select 5-8 semester hours of electives 55-8
Select one of the following concentrations: 612-20
Bilingualism and Biliteracy
Early Childhood Education
Special Education
Studio Arts
Bilingual Authorization 7
Total Semester Hours141-155

Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) majors must take a placement test and either test out of or take MATH 101 Algebra as a prerequisite to MATH 106 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I


Choose from advisor-approved list of Interdisciplinary Connections as well as for Ethics and Justice.


or other advisor-approved course, such as HIST 1301 American and the Atlantic World 1450-1850 or HIST 1401 The United States and the Pacific World


Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) students will engage with the Education Program through rigorous curriculum rooted in theory, as well as enriching dialogue that will both challenge constructs and push students to grow. The Education requirements are also deeply rooted in fieldwork and clinical experiences that provide opportunities to implement the theories and content being learned. Through the Education Program Requirements, students in the Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) major can earn a Preliminary Multiple Subjects Credential. Students interested in teaching in bilingual settings may also add a Bilingual Authorization to their Preliminary Credential. The Bilingual Authorization is offered in Spanish, Mandarin, or Cantonese.

Per Federal Regulation 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v), all LMU School of Education credential/licensure programs meet the California state requirements as specified by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and for the CA Board of Behavioral Sciences, as appropriate. The institution (LMU) has not made a determination as to whether these credential, licensure, and professional preparation programs meet the requirements of states outside of California. If you are interested in practicing outside the state of California, it is recommended that you contact the respective licensing entity of that state to seek information or guidance regarding their licensure and credential requirements in advance to allowing appropriate planning.


Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) students fulfill the Multiple Subjects student teaching requirement for the teaching credential by completing EDTL 526 Elementary Teaching Seminar - Student Teachers and EDTL 524 Clinical Supervision 2 - Undergraduate Elementary Student Teachers, which are applied toward both the semester hour requirement for the baccalaureate degree in Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) and the requirements for the credential within the state of California. Whereas the B.A. degree in Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) and California teaching credential are separate, many requirements for the credential are earned through fulfilling the B.A. requirements, including student teaching, where this is met through elective units taken as EDTL 526 Elementary Teaching Seminar - Student Teachers and EDTL 524 Clinical Supervision 2 - Undergraduate Elementary Student Teachers.


In addition to the above requirements, all Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) students complete a minimum of 12 semester hours of coursework in a chosen area of concentration, which represents a subject area generally taught in elementary schools or a related area of study. With careful planning, the concentration can constitute most, if not all, of an LMU minor. Students must declare a concentration by the fall semester of their sophomore year. See the Bulletin for qualifying concentrations and their specific requirements.


Credential candidates with the demonstrated requisite language proficiency can earn a Bilingual Authorization to teach in either Spanish, Mandarin, or Cantonese in an elementary classroom. The authorization requires students to complete part of their coursework and student teaching in a bilingual classroom. The Bilingual Authorization may contribute to meeting other requirements as well, such as those for particular concentrations, including the concentration in Bilingualism and Biliteracy. See the Director of Bilingual Program if interested in earning a Bilingual Authorization.


* Starred courses to be taken after formal acceptance into the LMU School of Education. Acceptance into these programs requires a cumulative GPA of 3.0.


Bilingualism and Biliteracy

12-13 semester hours

The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) concentration in Bilingualism and Biliteracy is designed to allow credential candidates with the requisite language proficiency to also earn the Bilingual Authorization to teach bilingually, which at LMU currently is offered in Spanish, Mandarin, or Cantonese. Required coursework includes the study of methodology, culture, and the processes of bilingualism and biliteracy. Students earning the authorization are required to do half of their student teaching in a bilingual setting as well. The required authorization courses follow either the Spanish or Mandarin or Cantonese track for a total of 9 semester hours. For students earning the concentration in bilingualism and biliteracy, an additional upper division course, approved by the Director of the Bilingual Program at LMU will be required, for a total of 12-13 semester hours.

Dr. Marta Sanchez, Marta.Sanchez@lmu.eduDepartment of Teaching and Learning 

Bilingualism and Biliteracy: Spanish Track
Code Title Semester Hours
EDTL 540Critical Inquiry on Bilingualism and Biliteracy3
EDTL 541Critical Pedagogy and Methodology in Spanish Bilingual Language Instruction3
EDTL 542Chicana/o and Latina/o Cultural Diversity: A Transnational Perspective3
One additional concentration-related course as approved by the Bilingual Programs Director3-4
Total Semester Hours12-13
Bilingualism and Biliteracy: Mandarin or Cantonese Track
Code Title Semester Hours
EDTL 540Critical Inquiry on Bilingualism and Biliteracy3
EDTL 543Critical Pedagogy and Methodology in Chinese Bilingual Language Instruction3
EDTL 544Chinese / Chinese American Cultural Diversity: A Transnational Perspective3
One additional concentration-related course as approved by the Bilingual Programs Director3-4
Total Semester Hours12-13
Code Title Semester Hours
EDTL 540Critical Inquiry on Bilingualism and Biliteracy3
EDTL 545Critical Pedagogy and Methodology in Korean Bilingual Language Instruction3
EDTL 546Korean / Korean American Cultural Diversity: A Transnational Perspective3

18 semester hours

The Dance curriculum builds upon the foundation of dance as a humanistic experience. The study of dance as an art form serves as the heart of the course of study. Studio and theory coursework are designed to integrate practical dance experience with more formal academic study so that the student is educated as a dancer who can perform, write, and speak about the art of dance and dancing.

Dr. Rosalynde LeBlanc Loo, rosalynde.loo@lmu.edu310-338-1635, Burns Fine Arts Center 249

Code Title Semester Hours
DANC 160Fundamentals of Dance Composition I: The Chroeographic Process3
Select nine semester hours of DANC Theory upper division courses 19
Select six semester hours of DANC Technique upper division courses 26
Total Semester Hours18

exclusive of DANC 385 Movement Arts for Children (cf. Bulletin for courses designated as Theory)


cf. Bulletin for courses designated as Technique

The Dance concentration constitutes a minor in DANC. Students should be aware that DANC 363 Multiples Ways of Knowing and Showing: Music and Dance and DANC 385 Movement Arts for Children cannot be applied towards the concentration requirement, although the Bulletin lists them among the options for the Theory requirement for the minor.

Early Childhood Education

12 semester hours

The concentration in Early Childhood Education is designed for Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) students with an interest in the development of children, from prenatal development to age eight. Students will comprehensively examine the whole child, prenatal development through age 8. In addition to an in-depth understanding of all developmental domains (cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical), students will gain knowledge of theory, research, and developmentally appropriate best practices. Coursework includes an emphasis on significant issues found in early childhood education, such as environmental influences from the family and community, children with special needs, diversity, second language learners, and social justice.

Dr. Ani Shabazian, ani.shabazian@lmu.edu310-258-8900, Department of Teaching and Learning

Code Title Semester Hours
EDES 405Infancy3
EDES 406Early Childhood3
EDES 407Child, Family, and Community3
EDES 408Early Childhood Education Programs and Curriculum3
Total Semester Hours12

16 semester hours

Believing that literature is a profound expression of human experience, the English Department uses a range of critical methods to introduce students to literatures in English from a variety of cultural traditions. The course work reveals the art form’s creative beauty, strategies for representing the human experience, and its power to shape the reader. The English Department encourages an understanding of the critical and creative union of reading and writing as fundamental to the processes of developing the human self. Through their imaginations, students who concentrate or minor in English interact with language and literature, thereby encountering another equally open and attentive mind: that of the writer whose work they are reading.

Dr. Aimee Kilroy-Ross,, 310.338.3718

Code Title Semester Hours
ENGL 2203Histories: British Literature I4
ENGL 33714
ENGL 2105Creative Writing for Non-Majors4
ENGL upper division course 14
Total Semester Hours16

exclusive of ENGL 3346 Children's Literature


12 semester hours

The study of history is integral to Loyola Marymount University’s mission as a university in the Jesuit/Marymount, Catholic, and liberal arts traditions. It contributes to “the encouragement of learning” through intellectually demanding courses that cultivate an understanding of both familiar and unfamiliar pasts and cultures. It educates “the whole person” by focusing on a multiplicity of perspectives and experiences, and by attempting to understand the lived, bodily experience of the “whole person” in the past. History courses ground discussions of “the service of faith and the promotion of justice” by putting these ideas in context, showing change over time, and emphasizing how today’s world evolved out of the contingent actions of and interactions between individuals and groups of people. The study of history enables the student to examine cultures, religions, and the interconnections among peoples and societies as complex historical phenomena, human structures open to historical interpretation and analysis. Historical perspective thus provides insight into the sequence of events, into the relationship of events at diverse times and places, and into the dynamism of structures and beliefs that can otherwise appear fixed or predetermined. The study of history therefore also leads to greater sensitivity to and awareness of cultural differences and similarities, as well as conflicting interpretations of events.

Dr. Elizabeth A. Drummond,, 310.338.2370, UH 3423

Code Title Semester Hours
Select one of the following HIST courses - required for the Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) major.4
Becoming America
American and the Atlantic World 1450-1850
The United States and the World
The United States and the Pacific World
Modern World History
Premodern World History
Modern Global Environmental History
History of California
One lower-division HIST course in World Regions (Africa, Asia, Latin America, or Middle East); 15xx, 16xx, 17xx, or 18xx.4
One upper-division HIST course (3xxx or 4xxx) 14
Total Semester Hours12

may not include HIST 4412 History of California

History Minor

28 semester hours

The History minor for Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) includes:

Code Title Semester Hours
HIST 1010Premodern World History4
HIST 1050Modern World History4
or HIST 1060 Modern Global Environmental History
HIST 1300Becoming America4
HIST 1301American and the Atlantic World 1450-18504
or HIST 1401 The United States and the Pacific World
One lower-division World Religions course (HIST 15xx, 16xx, 17xx, 18xx, 25xx, 26xx, 27xx, or 28xx)4
HIST 4412History of California4
Two upper-division HIST electives8
Total Semester Hours32

12 semester hours

Through the concentration in Mathematics, future teachers develop an increased understanding of mathematical ideas and learn how creativity and imagination play an integral part of mathematics in general.

  • At least 4 Mathematics courses numbered 104 or higher (12 semester hours) (exclusive of MATH 106 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I, MATH 112 Calculus for Business, and MATH 207 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II)

Note: Students completing a MATH concentration should talk to the Liberal Studies Mathematics Concentration Advisor about offerings designed for future teachers.

Supplementary Authorization in (Introductory) Mathematics: A Supplementary Authorization in (Introductory) Mathematics allows one to teach mathematics through ninth grade (for more details on the Supplementary Authorization, visit the website of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing). A Supplementary Authorization requires 20 semester hours of courses in mathematics (or 10 upper-division semester hours), including three semesters of calculus. If the courses for the concentration are chosen appropriately, one additional course (together with MATH 106 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I and MATH 207 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II will allow students to apply for a Supplementary Authorization in (Introductory) Mathematics).

Dr. Blake Mellor, blake.mellor@lmu.edu310-338-5775, University Hall 2712


12 semester hours

Students of psychology examine in depth and from a scientific perspective many aspects of human and animal behavior, emphasizing the biological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of behavior and mental activity. The Department of Psychology provides students with the opportunity to apply these perspectives to a variety of individual, family, and community contexts.

  • PSYC 3000-level courses (12 semester hours)

Note that PSYC 1000 General Psychology is a prerequisite for 3000-level psychology courses (it also will fulfill the Explorations: Understanding Human Behavior requirement in the University Core). A minor in PSYC requires the completion of three lower division courses and three upper division courses; a minor in PSYC will be accepted in place of the concentration above for students who pursue the minor.

Dr. David Hardy,, 310.338.5294, UH 4745


18 semester hours

The concentration in Science was designed to enable Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) majors with an interest in science to create an individualized program of study around a central theme. Each student will work with the Liberal Studies Science Advisor to identify an area of interest and formulate a curricular plan that provides each student with a strong foundation and enables him/her to develop a more in-depth understanding of the topic of interest by taking at least one and in many cases two upper division courses.

Satisfactory completion of the concentration in science will require that each student complete a minimum of 18-19 semester hours in one or more of the science disciplines. At least 3 of these semester hours must be upper division.

All concentrations in science will include 4 science core semester hours from SCEM 270 Experimenting in Science I and 3 science education internship hours. The remaining 11-12 semester hours will form the core of the concentration in science and will reflect the central theme. The following examples are by no means exhaustive and are only provided to demonstrate the flexibility of the concentration; there is even room for flexibility within the samples below. Any student considering a concentration in science should make an appointment to discuss his/her options with the Liberal Studies Science Advisor as soon as possible to ensure adequate time to fulfill the requirements.

Dr. Carolyn Viviano,, 310.338.7828, North Hall 207

Nutrition (Sample)
Code Title Semester Hours
HHSC 1503
HHSC 2303
HHSC 3983
Global Nutrition
HHSC 3983
Nutrition Service Learning Lab
HHSC 3423
Total Semester Hours15
Humans and the Environment (Sample)
Code Title Semester Hours
ENVS 101Introduction to Environmental Science3
ENVS 250Earth System Science3
BIOL 521Urban Ecology3
Total Semester Hours9
Health (Sample)
Code Title Semester Hours
BIOL 101General Biology I3
HHSC 1700Personal Health3
HHSC 3220Public Health3
HHSC 3998Special Studies (Obesity Behavior and Chronic Disease)3
Total Semester Hours12
Genetics (Sample)
Code Title Semester Hours
BIOL 101General Biology I3
BIOL 111General Biology I Lab2
BIOL 201Cell Function3
BIOL 202Genetics3
BIOL 375Advanced Genetics3
Total Semester Hours14

16 semester hours

Teachers play a key role in the intellectual and social development of children, and the lessons they teach are important in determining the individual character, social responsibility, and future career paths of students. Sociology courses expose teachers to the distinctive perspectives, problems, and concerns of different persons and groups in society and suggest ways to resolve conflicts and produce more equitable and just relationships and communities. Sociology classes help teachers develop skills of creative problem solving, critical thinking, and collaborative interaction useful in the classroom and impart techniques of data collection and analysis which facilitate observation and evaluation of student performance.

Dr. Rachel Washburn,, 310.338.1794, UH 4327

Code Title Semester Hours
SOCL 1000Principles of Sociology4
SOCL 3000Sociological Theory4
SOCL upper division courses8
Total Semester Hours16

A minor in SOCL requires one more course: SOCL 2000 Qualitative Research Methods or SOCL 2100 Statistics


16 semester hours

The Spanish concentration equips students with language proficiency as it introduces them to the multicultural nature and historical evolution of literacy and cultural expressions in the target language. Our courses provide students with opportunities to comprehend, interpret, and practice advanced linguistic skills in Spanish. Our courses include linguistics, literature, history, and the arts, through which students acquire an increasing commitment to the mission of the University. The Department strives to provide tools to foster transcultural understanding as the basis for mutual respect, global harmony, and social justice.

Note: Students required to complete prerequisite language coursework or LMU Placement Exam, prior to taking advanced language courses.

  • 4th semester language
  • SPAN 2804 Stylistics and Composition
  • 3 upper division courses (12 semester hours); refer to the LMU Bulletin for specific upper division requirement sequences for each language

A minor in SPAN requires only one additional upper division course.

Dr. Rebeca Acevedo, rebeca.acevedo@lmu.edu310-338-2983, University Hall 3957

Special Education

12 semester hours

The Special Education (SPED) program in LMU’s School of Education is designed to prepare undergraduate students to teach and work with children and youth with a variety of special needs. The Special Education concentration prepares students to work with students with Mild/Moderate disabilities in the General Education classroom. Through the SPED concentration, students learn, for example, about major issues in Special Education, how to develop an IEP, and are able to observe and participate in K-12 classrooms with experienced teachers working with students with a variety of special needs. Students also benefit from a capstone course in SPED.

​Dr. Diana Limon, Diana.Limon@lmu.eduUniversity Hall 2600

The SPED concentration requires the following:

Code Title Semester Hours
EDSP 427Creating Effective Classrooms in Diverse Settings3
EDSP 444Observation and Participation in General and Special Education Programs3
EDSP 453Introduction to the Study of Disability and Special Education3
EDSP 454Major Issues and Foundations of Special Education2
EDSP 455Development of IEPs for Students with Exceptional Needs1
Total Semester Hours12

A minor in SPED requires two additional courses:

  • EDSP 436 Creating Collaborative Partnerships and
  • EDSP 499 Independent Studies taken as the Undergraduate Special Education Capstone Project (for a total of 18 semester hours).

Students should consult with the SPED concentration or minor advisor regarding sequencing of the coursework.

Studio Arts

16 semester hours

The Studio Arts concentration is designed to develop the Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) student in the visual arts, both personally and professionally. In this concentration you will learn a universal language through which diverse groups of people can communicate ideas, feelings, histories, and cultural traditions across boundaries of race, gender, age, and ethnicity. Decades of practice and a growing body of research have documented the links between arts education and the development of higher level thinking skills. Through this concentration, you will learn how art has the potential to enrich your life, and the lives of your future students.

Terry Lenihan,, 310.338.5130, Burns 155

Code Title Semester Hours
ART 2250Visual Arts for the Elementary Educator4
One additional ART course4
Two additional upper division ART courses8
Total Semester Hours16

The Art concentration constitutes a minor in Art.

2+2 Program with El Camino College

The Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation in the School of Education has partnered with El Camino College (ECC) to develop a teacher preparation pipeline for Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) students where programs are integrated and coursework is streamlined from initial matriculation at ECC, through program completion at LMU. The goal is to create a pipeline where students successfully complete two years at the Community College, transfer to LMU, and complete their major requirements and preliminary credential requirements within an additional two years.

Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) Model Four-Year Plan

The typical course load for an undergraduate student is 15-16 semester hours per semester. The following model represents a student who is completing a 15-semester-hour concentration, does not need to complete any prerequisites for required coursework, and is pursuing the 2042 Multiple Subject teaching credential. Students with larger concentrations, those required to take MATH 101 Algebra (or other prerequisite coursework), and/or those seeking credentials in Bilingual or Special Education may need to “overload” during some semesters and/or complete summer coursework. Please note that the model is provided as a guideline rather than a prescriptive course of study. Students will need to be flexible implementing the model plan, given variability of course availability and other potential scheduling issues in any given semester.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallSemester Hours
HIST 1300 Becoming America 4
FFYS 1000 First Year Seminar 4
MATH 106 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I 3
PHIL 1800 Philosophical Inquiry 4
 Semester Hours15
MATH 207 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II 3
PSYC 1000 General Psychology 4
RHET 1000 Rhetorical Arts 3-4
University Core 3-4
 Semester Hours13-15
Sophomore Year
HIST 1010 Premodern World History 4
EDTL 503 Effective Learning Environments 3
SCEM 270 Experimenting in Science I 4
University Core 3-4
 Semester Hours14-15
HIST 1050 Modern World History 4
EDTL 503 Effective Learning Environments 3
DANC 363 Multiples Ways of Knowing and Showing: Music and Dance 3
SCEM 271 Experimenting in Science II 4
EDTL 8001 Foundations of Online Teaching 1
 Semester Hours15
Junior Year
HIST 4412 History of California 4
GEOG 2000 World Geography 4
EDTL 501 Policies and Practices for Inclusive Classrooms 3
DANC 385 Movement Arts for Children 3
Concentration Course 3-4
University Core 3-4
 Semester Hours20-22
LBST 4900 Education and Global Issues 4
ENGL 4600 Electives: Topics in Lit 4
EDES 505 Perspectives and Policies that Guide Education 2
Concentration Course 3-4
Concentration Course 3-4
 Semester Hours16-18
Senior Year
EDTL 510 Multiple Subjects Methods for Diverse Populations 3
EDTL 511 Literacy for Diverse Populations 3
EDTL 520 Clinical Supervision 1 - Elementary Student Teacher 1
Concentration Course 3-4
University Core 3-4
 Semester Hours13-15
EDES 524 Elementary Clinical Supervision 4 2-5
EDTL 526 Elementary Teaching Seminar - Student Teachers 3
EDTL 502 Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Education 3
EDTL 524 Clinical Supervision 2 - Undergraduate Elementary Student Teachers 6
 Semester Hours14-17
 Minimum Semester Hours120-132

This four-year plan serves only as a general model. Please meet with your advisor at least once a semester to discuss your progress in the program and plans for future semesters.