School of Education Centers

School of Education Centers

In addition to the academic departments that house the programs identified below, the School of Education has developed several centers to further our commitment to, and work in, teaching, research, and community advocacy/support: Center for Catholic Education, Center for Equity for English Learners, and Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation.

Center for Catholic Education

Contact Information

Executive Director: Rosemarie Nassif, SSND, Ph.D.
Phone: (310) 568-6614
Location: University Hall 1760


Catholic schools are an integral part of the educational systems of urban centers across the United States, serving as pillars for many communities, particularly in economically disadvantaged areas. In Los Angeles, more than 80,000 children and their families rely on these schools to provide the moral, spiritual and intellectual underpinnings that have enabled so many Catholic school graduates to become productive, socially conscious adults.

But these schools are facing significant challenges. Enrollment in Catholic schools has declined 12 percent nationally in the last decade. Many schools are struggling financially. Catholic school systems are in need of professional development for teachers and administrators, along with research into the most effective approaches to running the schools and educating increasingly diverse student bodies.

With the Center for Catholic Education, the LMU School of Education is positioned to assist the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the Dioceses of Orange and San Bernardino, as well as Catholic school systems across the country, in ensuring that the rich tradition of Catholic education endures and grows. The CCE brings together a broad range of successful programs at SOE to advance PK-12 Catholic education by training school leaders and teachers, increasing awareness of Catholic schools’ impact on communities, and developing innovative ways to support Catholic schools. The Center for Catholic Education will serve as an anchor for Catholic schools in Los Angeles and nationally so that the rich tradition of Catholic education continues to shape morally and socially conscious men and women.

The Center for Catholic Education is committed to leadership development, teacher preparation, research, and outreach.

Center for Equity for English Learners

Contact Information

Executive Director: Magaly Lavadenz
Phone: (310) 338-2924
Director: Elvira G. Armas
Location: University Hall 1300


The Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL) was established in 2006, with support from Bank of America, for the purpose of improving educational outcomes of English Learners (ELs). The Center’s research and professional development agendas will inform leadership and instructional practices for the state’s 1.5 million English Learners and the nation’s 3.5 million English Learners. CEEL’s mission is to pursue equity and excellence in the education of English Learners by transforming schools and educational systems through the Center’s research and professional development agendas. An integral component of this work is the development of advocacy-oriented leadership. Educators who utilize students’ cultural and language resources while developing students’ academic competencies have the potential to significantly transform schools and educational systems.

Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation

Contact Information 

Senior Director: Annette Pijuan Hernandez 

Program Coordinator: Erik Hernandez

Center Location: University Hall 2600


The Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation (CUTP) is a vibrant community that draws together all who are interested in education in ways that encourage them to be engaged learners, critical thinkers, and socially responsible citizens. The Center provides matriculation-to-graduation advising and other academic and professional support to undergraduate students preparing for careers in K-12 teaching. The Center also serves as a resource for faculty and staff who provide instruction and other services in LMU’s undergraduate subject matter preparation programs (SMPPs). Undergraduate students completing a program supported by the Center will achieve both a major in their chosen discipline, as well as fulfill the requirements set forth by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for a preliminary teaching credential within their time at LMU.

The Center supports a number of undergraduate programs that integrate the major with teacher preparation requirements. These teacher preparation programs can lead to attaining a preliminary multiple subjects (elementary), single subject (secondary), or special education credential. A bilingual authorization is also available with the multiple or single subject credentials. These programs are directed by faculty and located in several departments throughout the university and include:

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

  • English
  • Social Science (History)
  • Spanish

College of Communication and Fine Arts

  • Art

Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering

  • Biology
  • Math

School of Education

  • Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  • Elementary Education (Preliminary Multiple Subjects Credential)
  • Secondary Education (Preliminary Single Subject Credential)
  • Bilingual Authorization (Added to a Preliminary  Credential)
  • Special Education (Preliminary Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Support Needs Credential)
  • Education Minor*

* The Education Minor is available to undergraduate students who seek to learn more about the field of but do not anticipate becoming K-12 classroom teachers. The Education minor is not applicable to Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) majors (Multiple Subjects credential students).

All LMU undergraduates interested in a career in K-12 teaching or learning more about the field of Education, are encouraged to contact the Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation for support throughout their time at LMU.

Elementary Teacher Preparation Program

Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program is designed for students who anticipate teaching in grades K-5 or a self-contained classroom in grades 6-8. Due to the rigorous standards set forth by the State of California for teacher credentialing, the Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) Program at LMU is very specific in terms of the coursework you will be taking. Students in this program complete an Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) major, the University's Core Curriculum requirements, and the CTC's credential requirements in four years.

Secondary Teacher Preparation Programs (CTC's Subject Matter Preparation Program- Led by faculty in each representative department/subject program)

Secondary Teacher Preparation Program for English

The Secondary Teacher Preparation Program for English is designed for students who anticipate teaching English in grades 6-8 or 9-12. Because of the rigorous standards set by the State of California for teacher credentialing, the Program at LMU is very specific in terms of the coursework you will be taking. With careful planning, however, it is possible to complete an English major, the University's Core Curriculum requirements, the Secondary Teacher Preparation Program for English, and the School of Education credential requirements in four years. The LMU Secondary Teacher Preparation Program in English is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) as a Subject Matter Preparation Program (SMPP).

Secondary Teacher Preparation Program in Social Science (History)

The Art Education Emphasis is designed to create reflective, informed, caring, and capable artists who are skilled in using interpersonal and creative tools for teaching careers in California schools at the secondary level (grades 6-12). Students interested in earning a State of California Single Subject Teaching Credential in Art must fulfill all the requirements for the major in Studio Arts (STAR) with an Emphasis in Art Education (ARTE), the requirements for a minor in Secondary Education, and the requirements for a Single Subject Preliminary Credential in Art. With the help of their advisor, students can carefully design a schedule to complete the program during their four years at LMU. Students who seek graduation with an Art Education Emphasis and a teaching credential should ideally declare the Art Education Emphasis as a first-year student.

Secondary Teacher Preparation Program in Art

The Art Education Emphasis is designed to create reflective, informed, caring, and capable artists who are skilled in using interpersonal and creative tools for teaching careers in California schools at the secondary level (grades 6-12). Students interested in earning a State of California Single Subject Teaching Credential in Art must fulfill all the requirements for the major in Studio Arts (STAR) with an Emphasis in Art Education (ARTE), the requirements for a minor in Secondary Education (SEED), and the requirements for a single subject credential in Art (SECR). With the help of their advisor, students can carefully design a schedule to complete the program during their four years at LMU. Students who seek graduation with an Art Education Emphasis and a teaching credential should ideally declare the Art Education Emphasis as a first-year student.

The LMU Secondary Teacher Preparation Program in Art is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) as a Subject Matter Preparation Program (SMPP). The Department of Art and Art History is a fully accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design.

Secondary Teacher Preparation Programs in Biology and Mathematics

The Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering offers subject matter preparation programs in mathematics and in science, specifically designed to meet State of California subject matter requirements for a secondary teaching credential. Both the Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics (see Mathematics, B.A.), and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology (see Biology, B.A.) are designed to allow completion of the Preliminary Single Subject (Secondary) credential in four years, although this may require some summer coursework. These programs are offered in conjunction with the Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation and the School of Education. The College also offers courses in mathematics and science to support the Multiple Subjects Preliminary Credential program for teaching elementary school. The LMU Secondary Teacher Preparation Program in Biology and Mathematics are each approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) as Subject Matter Preparation Programs (SMPP).

All students interested in teaching mathematics or science at the secondary level should inform their departmental advisors as soon as possible and should also contact the Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation and the School of Education to arrange a time to attend an Undergraduate Information Session.

Secondary Teacher Preparation Program for Spanish

Students interested in obtaining a Spanish Secondary Preliminary Credential for the State of California must fulfill the requirements for the Spanish major and take two additional Spanish courses: SPAN 4252 Hispanic Cultural Studies and SPAN 4474 Spanish of the Americas or their equivalents. They will also have to take courses and do their teaching practice under the School of Education. To complete all requirements in four years, Spanish majors are encouraged to start this process early by contacting the Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation to learn about the School of Education requirements. The LMU Secondary Teacher Preparation Program in Spanish is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) as a Subject Matter Preparation Program (SMPP).

For additional information on any of LMUs undergraduate teacher preparation programs, please contact the Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation at

Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies)

The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program is designed for students who anticipate teaching in grades K-5 or a self-contained classroom in grades 6-8. Due to the rigorous standards set forth by the State of California for teacher credentialing, the Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) Program at LMU is very specific in terms of the coursework you will be taking. Students in this program complete an Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) major, the University’s Core Curriculum requirements, and the School of Education credential requirements in four years.


The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program enables the student to meet elementary education Multiple Subject teacher preparation standards. The program curriculum likewise serves the Loyola Marymount University mission.

Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) Student Learning Outcomes

The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program student will master the content required of professional educators in the State of California including:  key concepts in academic fields such as social sciences and history, the arts and humanities, language studies, mathematics and science, health, physical education, human development, and in an approved academic concentration of the candidate’s choice. 

The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) Program student will acquire the skills required of professional educators in the State of California
  • To synthesize subject content in the liberal arts, professional content related to classroom teaching, and educational policies
  • To apply reading, writing, and research skills appropriate to the work of the academic disciplines being studied
  • To apply academic concepts to practical teaching contexts
  • To analyze, reflect on, and evaluate the relationships among academic theories, the practical and applied contexts of teaching, and the multiple and complex needs of students comprising a rich and diverse globe
The Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) program student will value
  • Intellectual inquiry across a range of subjects
  • A world view comprising faith, social justice, and a respect for diversity
  • The individual’s role as a future educator who will shape the lives of children, local communities, and larger national and global societies
Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) students will develop in their roles as
  • Critical thinkers and creative problem solvers
  • Responsible local and global citizens
  • Culturally responsive and reflective learners and practitioners
  • Collaborators in a community of learners characterized by the Ignatian imagination
  • Effective, caring educators who are advocates for equity
  • Curricular leaders who value multiple ways of knowing
There are five key components to the Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) Liberal Studies major
  1. University Core Curriculum
    48 semester hours
    • Subject-matter requirements for Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) majors must take a placement test and either test out of or take MATH 101 Algebra as a prerequisite to MATH 106 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I.
    • Theological Inquiry (4 semester hours)
    • Philosophical Inquiry (4 semester hours)
    • Studies in American Diversity: Choose from advisor-approved list of ethnic studies related content (4 semester hours)
    • Creative Experience: ART 250
    • Historical Analysis and Perspectives: Select from advisor-approved list 4 semester hours
    • Nature of Science, Technology, and Mathematics: SCEM 270 Experimenting in Science I
    • Understanding Human Behavior: PSYC 1000 General Psychology
      Choose from advisor-approved list for Interdisciplinary Connections as well as for Ethics and Justice.
    • Faith and Reason  4 semester hours
    • Ethics and Justice  3-4 semester hours
    • Interdisciplinary Connections: LBST 4900 Education and Global Issues
      Additionally, students fulfill the “flag” requirement as follows:
    • Engaged Learning (1 flag)
  2. Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) Major Requirements
    56 semester hours
    Code Title Semester Hours
    ART 2250Visual Arts for the Elementary Educator4
    DANC 363Multiples Ways of Knowing and Showing: Music and Dance3
    DANC 385Movement Arts for Children3
    ENGL 3346Children's Literature4
    GEOG 2000World Geography4
    HIST 1010Premodern World History4
    HIST 1050Modern World History4
    HIST 1060Modern Global Environmental History4
    HIST 1300Becoming America 14
    HIST 4412History of California (or advisor-approved course in history of California)4
    LBST 4900Education and Global Issues4
    MATH 106Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I3
    MATH 207Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II3
    PSYC 1000General Psychology4
    SCEM 270Experimenting in Science I4
    SCEM 271Experimenting in Science II4
    Total Semester Hours60

or other advisor-approved course, such as HIST 1301 American and the Atlantic World 1450-1850 OR HIST 1401 The United States and the Pacific World