Recording Arts, B.A.


Recording Arts students explore the theoretical and practical elements of sound recording, reproduction, and design-the fundamentals crucial to successful work in all media that tap into the creative power of sound.

Given the enormous influence of these media, it is vital that these studies are given perspective by courses in LMU's Liberal Arts core curriculum. Recording Arts students are also required to take one music class that deals with the fundamentals of music theory. In upper division courses, students study the science of sound behavior, reproduction, and modification. They learn audio techniques that apply to both film/television sound and music recording.

The SFTV sound stages, studios, and audio workstations are the laboratories where students put their knowledge and creativity to work and build a portfolio. Each Recording Arts student gains experience with film and television sound production and produces an advanced recording arts senior project. Creative collaboration is key to success in this field.

There are two tracks to a Bachelor of Arts degree in Recording Arts. One is the conventional degree program; the other allows students to pursue an emphasis in Sound Design for screen media. Students must choose to pursue this emphasis or not upon entry into the major as the degree requirements are somewhat different. Upon review and approval by the Recording Arts Department, students may petition to change their emphasis later on. This would typically take place in the second year.

Aside from this formal choice of emphasis, students are also expected to choose an informal concentration to focus their creative work portfolios as they head into their capstone courses.


Recording Arts majors must elect a track upon application to the program:

  • Recording Arts
  • Sound Design for Screen Arts