Writing for the Screen, M.F.A.

M.F.A. Writing for the Screen

The goal of the MFA program in Writing for the Screen is to train students for a career in screenwriting–to develop mastery in writing for screens of all sizes. Using long-form storytelling as a basis for teaching screenwriting, students will progress from the elements class to the creation of a portfolio of work, which will include three feature length screenplays, one episodic teleplay, and at least one original pilot for television. Students can also take writing electives such as transmedia, video-game writing, or playwriting. Proper sequencing of major requirements is indicated by prerequisites of individual courses and as noted in the outline below. Please consult an academic advisor.

Students must maintain a “B” (3.0) average to remain in good academic standing. Students who fall below a “B” average will be placed on academic probation and will have one semester to bring their grade average up to a “B.”

At the end of the first and third semesters, students are required to attend an MFA Performance Review with the department faculty to discuss his/her overall cumulative progress in the program. Letters will be sent to each student following this meeting to say he/she is either performing in an exceptional way, a satisfactory way, or an unsatisfactory way. In the last case, the student will be placed on academic probation. Academic probation will require another meeting at the end of the following semester. If the student does not meet the required standards, he/she will be dismissed from the program.