Asian and Asian American Studies


Edward J.W. Park


  • Professor: Edward J.W. Park
  • Associate Professor: Yanjie Wang
  • Assistant Professor: Heangjin Park, Curtiss Takada Rooks
  • Clinical Faculty: Lang Ngo


Asian and Asian American Studies (AAAS) is an interdisciplinary department that was created in Fall 2016 through the merger of two programs, Asian and Pacific Studies (ASPA) and Asian Pacific American Studies (APAM). Seeking to promote Loyola Marymount University’s Mission amidst changing local, national, and international realities, its faculty uses the exploration of cultural, political, socioeconomic, and religious issues in Asia and the United States to educate the whole person and to contribute to the encouragement of learning. In an increasingly transnational world where global citizenship, multicultural awareness, interfaith dialogue, and social justice are emphasized and valued, AAAS offers transformative education by bringing together teacher-scholars and students from different disciplines and fields in the social sciences, the humanities, and the arts to study and to critically analyze the past and the present on both sides of the Pacific.

The department offers a major and a minor in ASPA and a minor in APAM.
