Director: Nicholas R. Brown


The Bioethics minor supports Loyola Marymount University’s mission: the commitment to intellectual rigor, the education of the whole person, and the openness to ultimate questions of justice, human dignity, and the meaning of life experiences. As a recently emerged field of study, bioethics surveys in a systematic fashion ethical issues in the life sciences and medicine. In the Bioethics minor, students engage in philosophical reflection with an interdisciplinary focus. They will address ethical challenges at the beginning and at the end of life, together with those in the areas of genetics, brain research, transplantation, and regenerative medicine, to name but a few. More broadly, the Bioethics minor offers students the opportunity to think and write critically about the goals of medicine, the responsibility of science, and the relevance of public debate in a democratic society. Because of its professional relevance, the minor is especially recommended for students who envisage a career in health care or the law. Furthermore, with its emphasis on ethical reflection, it complements the curricular offerings of other majors in the humanities, such as Philosophy, Theological Studies, Psychology, and English.