Global Economics Minor

Minor Requirements

24 semester hours consisting of 6 courses

Code Title Semester Hours
Lower Division Requirements
Select one of the following:
ECON 1050Introductory Economics4
ECON 1100
and ECON 1200
Introductory Microeconomics and Introductory Macroeconomics8
Select one of the following:4
Premodern World History
Modern Global Environmental History
International Relations
Upper Division Requirements
Select three of the following: 112
World Economic History
International Trade
International Finance Theory
Global Poverty
Economic Development
Select one additional upper-division course from the following: any upper-division course in Economics, an upper-division course from another department with an international or non-US focus (see list below), or with prior approval of the Director of the Global Economics minor or the Department Chair.4
Total Semester Hours32

Note: Student may replace this with one of: a language requirement [2 years of foreign language OR proficiency + one MDLL course], an international internship, or a study abroad, as long as two upper division electives are Economics courses.  ECON 3998 Special Studies, ECON 4998 Special Studies, and transfer courses with significant global perspectives or international economics content may count towards the minor at the discretion of the Economics Department. Approval is required from the Director of the Global Economics Minor and the Department Chair. Upper division courses must be taken at LMU, except by prior permission of the Chairperson.

In other Departments and Programs, the following global/non-US focused courses are pre-approved:

Code Title Semester Hours
In Asian Pacific American Studies
APAM 4335Asian Pacific American Politics and Social Movements4
In History
HIST 3702Women in Colonial Latin America4
HIST 3704Latin American Revolutions in Film4
HIST 3706Justice in Latin America4
HIST 3708Race in Colonial Latin America4
HIST 4010Pirates and Piracy4
HIST 4200Early Modern Europe4
HIST 4205Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century4
HIST 420620th-Century Europe4
HIST 4215European Imperialism4
HIST 4250Modern Britain and the British Empire4
HIST 4255Modern Ireland4
HIST 4271Modern Germany4
HIST 427220th-Century Eastern Europe4
HIST 4281Modern Russia, 1825-19914
HIST 4282Ethnicity and Empire in Russia4
HIST 4520The Ottoman Empire4
HIST 4640Colonial Africa, 1860-19804
HIST 4700Early Mexico4
HIST 4820Modern China4
In Political Science/International Relations
POLS 3410Politics of Africa4
POLS 3420Political Dynamics of East Asia: Greater China, Japan, and the Koreas4
POLS 3425Japanese Society and Politics4
POLS 3430Politics of Latin America4
POLS 3440Politics in the Middle East4
POLS 3445Politics of Modern Israel4
POLS 3482British Public Policy4
POLS 3510Politics of Development4
POLS 3650United States Foreign Policy4
POLS 4650The Politics of the Global Economy4
POLS 4720Global Human Rights4
POLS 4750Foreign Policy Analysis4
POLS 5420Rivalry and Cooperation in East Asia4
POLS 5600Theories of International Relations4
POLS 5710International Affairs and Social Justice4
In Sociology
SOCL 3370Sociology of Globalization4
SOCL 3371Gender and Global Migration4

Any other non‐ECON course must be approved by the Economics Department prior to course enrollment.

Other Requirements

  • Students may not combine a minor in Global Economics with a major or minor in Economics.
  • An average grade of C (2.0) must be obtained in courses included in the minor.
  • International requirement (one of the following):
    • 2 years of foreign language
    • Language proficiency1
    • Internship with international focus (100 hours)2
    • An international internship (100 hours)2,3
    • A Washington Center internship
    • Study Abroad (Semester or Summer)4
    • Other pertinent international experience5

Language proficiency will be assessed via the Modern Languages’ online placement tests. Although Level 3 proficiency is the required minimum, we strongly encourage students to continue to more advanced levels.


Internships need to meet the Economics Department expectations for internships. All internships need to be approved by the Director of the Global Economics Minor and the Department Chair. Internship Course (ECON 3850 Internships in Economics) does not count for the minor requirement.


The required information for international internships needs to be provided also in English.


The Study Abroad experience must be an LMU or LMU‐approved semester or summer program. The summer program must be at least 6 semester hours. Ideally, this requirement should enhance a student’s language skills and cultural awareness that s/he is focused on in courses at LMU. A maximum of one course from study abroad may count towards the minor beyond the study abroad requirement.


International students may explore the possibility of having the foreign language and/or international experience waived, in consultation with the Director of the Global Economics Minor and the Department Chair.