
Irish Studies is an interdisciplinary minor designed to complement a wide variety of majors by providing students with an understanding of the cultural development of the Irish people and the significance of their intellectual, artistic, spiritual, and economic contribution to world civilization, including their experiences as both a post-colonial nation, an emigrant diaspora, and as the gateway to Europe. Taken together, Ireland’s historical evolution; its long experience of colonization and cultural oppression; its rich contribution to world literature, art, and music; the creative tension in contemporary Ireland between its ancient Celtic heritage and its modern Anglo-Irish/Hiberno-English identity; and its remarkable though often unacknowledged influence upon the countries–chiefly the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa–that make up the far-flung Irish diaspora constitute a fertile field for intellectual inquiry.

Focused simultaneously serving the Southern California Irish community and serving students who aspire to a greater understanding of Ireland’s cultural, artistic, political, economic, and diplomatic contributions, the minor in Irish Studies is designed to be not merely interdisciplinary but intercultural. Students minoring in Irish Studies will have the flexibility to explore the richness of the Irish experience from a broad range of perspectives and the opportunity to assess Ireland’s influence not only in Europe and America but on struggles against cultural and political oppression around the globe.

Study Abroad

Students can earn up to eight semester hours toward the minor in Irish Studies through Study Abroad.  Students can also arrange to spend a semester or year abroad at an Irish university.