Minor Requirements

20 semester hours

Students may minor in both International Relations and Political Science. Students who do so may only double-count one of the lower division courses and none of the upper division courses towards the minor.

Code Title Semester Hours
Lower Division Requirements
Select two of the following:8
U.S. Politics
Comparative Politics
International Relations
Foundations of Political Theory
Empirical Approaches
Upper Division Requirements
Select two courses8
Select one upper division course4
Total Semester Hours20

An average grade of C (2.0) must be obtained in the courses included in the minor with a minimum grade of C- in every course.

One course from Study Abroad may count towards the minor, in consultation with the chair.

AP Scores

Students will receive credit for POLS 1200 or POLS 1400 if they receive a 5 on the related AP exam as follows:

Comparative Government and Politics -> POLS 1400
United States Government and Politics -> POLS 1200

Please note that if a student has a 5 for both exams, the department will only apply a maximum of one of those AP credits to replace one of our required lower-division major / minor requirements.