Minor Requirements

LMU students who wish to declare a Psychology minor must have completed PSYC 1000 General Psychology (with a minimum grade of C) and must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0.

A minimum grade of C (2.0) is required in all courses for the minor. Students must repeat any minor course in which a grade below C (2.0) is earned.

Students may not register for any Psychology course for a third time without the written permission of the Department Chairperson and the Dean of the Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts.

Code Title Semester Hours
Lower Division Requirements
PSYC 1000General Psychology4
PSYC 2001Statistical Methods for Psychology4
PSYC 2002Research Methods4
Upper Division Electives
PSYC 3xxx or 4xxx Upper Division Elective4
PSYC 3xxx or 4xxx Upper Division Elective4
PSYC 3xxx or 4xxx Upper Division Elective4
Total Semester Hours24

Note:Electives are selected in consultation with the Department Advisor for the Minors (the Associate Chair). PSYC 4000-level electives require completion of all lower division major requirements with a minimum grade of C (2.0) in each: PSYC 1000 General Psychology, PSYC 2001 Statistical Methods for Psychology, PSYC 2002 Research Methods, and PSYC 2003 Brain and Behavior.