Students interested in pursuing a computer science minor must take and pass CMSI 1010 Computer Programming and LaboratoryENGR 160 Algorithms and Applications or ENGR 1200 Computational Engineering with a minimum grade of C (2.0) before being considered. 

A minor in computer science is also available, with the following requirements: 

Code Title Semester Hours
Select one of the following:2-4
Computer Programming and Laboratory
Algorithms and Applications
Computational Engineering
CMSI 2120Data Structures and Applications4
or CMSI 3630 Data Structures and Algorithms in Engineering
Select one of the following:4
Algorithms and Analysis
Computer Systems Organization
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Enough upper division CMSI electives to reach 18 total units8-6
Total Semester Hours18

An average grade of C (2.0) must be accumulated over all courses included in the minor. AP or transfer credits may only be applied to courses in item 1. All other course requirements must be fulfilled with courses taken at LMU.