Healthcare Systems Engineering, M.S.

The Healthcare Systems Engineering (HSE) Master’s Program offers the two following options:

  1. 4+1 HSE program for LMU undergraduate science students who earn their BS degree at LMU and wish to earn the MS degree one year later
  2. A regular HSE MS program

Objectives and Outcomes of Healthcare Systems Engineering Master’s Program

  1. To serve the healthcare industry with innovative comprehensive education in systems-based healthcare operations management, preparing graduates for successful careers in healthcare. Potential applications include: clinical and operational management within hospitals, clinics, radiology and clinical laboratories, pharmacies, emergency departments, operating rooms, healthcare enterprise IT systems; as well as industry initiatives such as lifecycle patient wellness and population health, telemedicine, health delivery systems, and medical device systems. Educational Outcome: All students will appreciate and understand these applications.
  2. To integrate academic training with industry application, through effective partnerships with national recognized faculty from LMU, Kaiser Permanente, UCLA Health, and other healthcare organizations, who deliver exciting and relevant curriculum, as well as student projects, internships, and industry connections. Educational Outcome: All students will perform a Capstone Project with relevant and practical industrial application.
  3. To equip graduates with industry-leading knowledge in health systems engineering, systems-enhanced lean management, and project management, providing management skills that enables graduates to effectively lead systems-based change initiatives within the healthcare setting. Educational Outcome: All students will perform a Capstone Project demonstrating systems engineering and project management process and skills. Two advanced Lean courses will test students’ ability to apply Lean methods.
  4. To assure continued program excellence and industry relevance with nationally recognized experts serving on the HSE Board of Advisors. Educational Outcome: All students will have an opportunity to interact with national experts in their classes, in guest lectures and seminars and in industrial visits.
  5. To serve our students, graduates, and the industry with an emphasis on medical ethics. Educational Outcome: Medical ethics principles will be incorporated in coursework and projects, and the students’ capstone projects will include an analysis of the project in light of medical ethical principles. 

Online and Face-to-Face Courses

Courses for the Master's in Healthcare Systems Engineering are a combination of synchronous on-line and in-person sessions and field trips.

Capstone projects may require in-person activities and observations.